Unit 6 In a Nature Park. 同步训练 Part A 一、小书法家:模仿所给范例书写单词或词组。 ☆river ☆flower ☆grass ☆lake ☆forest ☆path ☆picture sky cloud △farm mountain nature park holiday 二、词汇清单:根据汉语提示默写单词或词组(四会)。 1. 河流 2. 公园 3. 湖泊 4. 照片 5. 森林 6. 花 7. 小道 8. 草 三、词性转换:按要求写出下列词的适当形式。 (A)写出下列词的完整形式。 1. there’s 2. what’s 3. isn’t 4. aren’t (B)写出下列词的复数形式。 1. cloud 5. mountain 9. rainbow 13. giraffe 2. house 6. picture 10.holiday 14. woman 3. baby 4. key 7. knife 8. sky 11. peach 12. boy 15. family 16. goose 四、小翻译家: 将下列句子译成英语。 1.在公园里有一个森林。 2. 这个城市里有一个自然公园吗? 3. 在公园里有一些艳丽的花吗. 4. 你喜欢天空的白云吗? 5.这条小河里没有鱼。 五、对话理解:从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话并回答下列问题。 A. Can we swim in the lake? B. This is my holiday picture. C. Is there a forest in the park? D. Do you like this park? E. What can you see in the forest? Tom:Look! 1. Sarah:Is it a nature park? Tom:Yes, it is. Sarah:2. Tom:Yes, there is. Sarah:3. Tom:I can see a tiger , two lions and some monkeys. Sarah:Is there a river? Tom:No, there isn’t. But there is a big lake. Sarah:4. Tom:Sorry, we can’t. Sarah:5. Tom:Yes, it’s pretty. 根据对话内容,判读下列句子正(T)误(F)。 ( ( ( ( ( )6. It is Sarah’s holiday picture. )7. There is a forest in the park. )8. There is no monkeys in the forest. )9. People can’t swim in the lake. )10. Tom doesn’t like the nature park. Unit 6 In a Nature Park. 同步训练 Part A 二、1. river 2. park 3. lake 4. picture 5. forest 6. flower 7. path 8. grass 三、(A) 1. there is 2. what is 3. is not 4. are not (B)1. clouds 2. houses 3. babies 4. keys 5. mountains 6. pictures 7. knives 8. skies 9. rainbows 10. holidays 11. peaches 12. boys 13. giraffes 14. women 15. families 16. geese 四、1. There is a forest in the park. 2. Is there a nature park in the city? 3. There are some colorful flowers in the park. 4. Do you like the white clouds in the sky? 5. There is no fish in the river. 五、1—5:BCEAD 6—10:FTFTF

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