人教版 PEP(三起)三年级下册期中易错题汇编之单项选择篇(B) ( )1.Mike has a big__________. A. nose     ( B.has C.are B.It C. She ) 5. Hi, I'm Chen Jie. I am from __________China. A. a ( C. pig )4.Look, this is my father. __________is tall. A.He (   B. long )3.The rabbit__________two red eyes. A.is ( C. eyes )2.Tom's grand father has__________ears. A. big ( B.ears B. the C. / )6. Hello! I'm Tom. I'm a__________. I'm 9 years old. A. girl B. boy C. man ( )7.—Do you like meat? —__________. A Yes, I do. ( B No, I do. )8.__________Sam like fish? A. Do ( B. Does B. skipping C.ride )10. The elephant is very__________. A.tall ( C.Is )9.I like__________. A.swim ( C. Yes,I like B. long C.small )11.—What are they? —__________. A. It’s a tiger. ( B.They’re monkeys. )12.—What__________they? —They__________pandas. C.small A. is,is ( B. are, are C. is,are )13.—Can I have some water? —__________. A. Sure. Here you are. ( B. thin C. short )15. Yao Ming is__________. A. big ( C. Hi! )14. The pig is__________. A. fat ( B. Here it is. B. short C. tall )16. —Let's__________a game. —OK. A. to play ( C. play )17.It__________so big. A.is ( B.playing B.am )18.It has__________small head and long legs. C.are A.a B.an C. / ( )19. —Wu Yifan, this is my new friend, Kate. —__________. A. Hi! Nice to meet you. B. I'm fine, thanks. C. Welcome, too. ( )20.Hi, I’m Amy.I am from__________UK A. a ( C. student B.am;are C.are;are )23. This is__________family . A.my ( B. teacher )22.I __________a boy and you__________a girl. A.am;am ( C. / )21. Miss White is a__________.She teaches English. A. pupil ( B. the B. she )24.Look__________the monkey. C. am A.to ( B.at )25.It's thin__________tall. A.so ( B.but B.small C.small a )27.Nice__________see you, too . A.too ( C.and )26.The elephant has__________eyes. A.a small ( C./ B. two C. to )28.—How are you? —__________. A. Nice to meet you. ( )29.How__________dogs do you have? A. much ( B. many C. some )30.__________and __________.Help each other. A.Father,mother ( B.I’m fine, thanks. C.Hello, John. B.Brother,sister C.grandpa;grandma )31. — Have some fruits. — __________. A.Thank you. B. No. C. Good! ( )32. My mother's mother is my__________. A.grandpa ( B.grandma )33.Glad_________meet you. A.too ( B.to C.is )34.Look at the monkey.It is_________.It has a_________tail. A.small;long    ( C.mother B.fat;short C.tall;big )35. This_________my friend, Ann. She_________from America. A. Is,am key:1-5:AABAC 21-25:BBABB B. is ,is 6-10:BABBA 11-15:BBAAC 26-30:BCBBB 31-35:ABBAB C.Is,am 16-20:CAAAB

doc文档 【期中易错题分类汇编】三年级下册英语-单项选择(B) 人教pep(含答案)

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