Unit 1-2 复习题 综合练习(二) 一、Read and choose the different one. ( ( ( ( ( ) 1. A. wash ) 2. A. cold ) 3. A. cleaned ) 4. A. show ) 5. A. long B. watch B. body B. fixed B. saw B. both C. water C. hotel C. desk C. walk C. shop 二、Find out the different one. ( ( ( ( ( ) 1. A. tall ) 2. A. sad ) 3. A. fever ) 4. A. older ) 5. A. pen B. shark B. whale B. nose B. young B. cm C. short C. happy C. sore C. strong C. kg 三、Multiple choices. ( ) 1. monkey do you like? A. Who ( ) 2. I’m ( ) 4. How is your pencil? ) 5. I’m 5 ) 6. She ) 7. He A. is ( ) 9. Wu Yifan A. play; with C. yours B. long C. longer older than you. B. cm C. year her homework last weekend. B. do C. did busy last weekend. B. did ) 8. Today is Monday. Yesterday A. was ( . B. your A. does ( C. thinner A. you A. years ( B. thin ) 3. My hands are bigger than A. tall ( C. Which than you. A. strong ( B. What C. was Sunday. B. is football C. are his friends last night. B. played; with C. plaied; by ( ) 10. Last Saturday my mother’s birthday. A. was B. is C. are 四、Read and choose. A B ( ) 1. What did you do yesterday? A. He read a book at home. ( ) 2. Did you listen to music? B. I went hiking with my parents. ( ) 3. What did your father do last weekend? C. I’m studying English. ( ) 4. What are you doing? D. I play games. ( ) 5. What do you do on Sundays? E. No, I didn’t. I watched TV. 五、Choose and fill. A jumped into, walked to, flew into, flew kites, saw, went to a park, Today was a fun day. Zhang Peng 2 . They 3 studied English, grateful swam to, 1 read, Mike's home in the morning. They funny tongue twisters together. Then Zhang Peng bike. He 5 in the park. Suddenly his kite kite. He 8 the lake and 9 6 the lake. A dog 4 by 7 the it. Five minutes later, he returned the kite to Zhang Peng. Zhang Peng was very 10 to him. 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. B playing younger bigger thinner There is an animal older heavier 1 big park longer taller near my house. It’s very stronger friends 2 . There are many animals in it. It’s an animal world. All kinds of animals are good are 4 . They are . Look, there is a rabbit and a cat under the tree. The rabbit’s ears 5 elephant is 3 than the cat’s. There is an elephant and a horse at the river. The 6 and 7 than the horse, but it’s not 8 than the giraffe. There are two monkeys on the Monkey’s Hill. The brown monkey is ten years old. The yellow monkey is four years old. The brown monkey is yellow one, so it’s 10 , too. 2. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. 六、Rewrite the sentences in another way. 1. I did my homework last night. (改为一般疑问句) 2. It was good. (对画线部分提问) 3. I am 150 cm. (对画线部分提问) 4. He is my English teacher. (改为一般疑问句) 5. My brother cleaned his room yeaterday. (对画线部分提问) 6. I am 46 kg. (对画线部分提问) 7. Peter is shorter than Sam. (改为一般疑问句) 七、Read and fill in the blanks. A 1. —What did you last weekend? —I cooked breakfast for my family. 2. —What did you do yesterday? —I 3. We ping-pong with my friend. visited our English teacher. How you? 4. —Did your mother read books last Sunday? —No, she TV at home. 5. —What did your sister do last Saturday? —She helped my grandmother the room. B 6. My brother likes (draw) pictures. He can (draw) nice pictures. Look, He (draw) pictures now. 9 than the 7. — you (play) football tomorrow? —Yes. 8. She often (wash) the clothes in the evening. 9. Last Sunday I (go) shopping with my mother. 10. I am (tall) than my brother. 11. I'm 12 (year) old. 八、Write a sentence as below. 例:I’m tall. Your brother is short. → I’m taller than your brother. 1. I’m 151cm tall. He is 154cm tall. 2. Chen Jie is 30kg. Amy is 31kg. 3. Miss White’s hair is short. Sarah's hair is long. 4. My hands are small. Your Hands are big.→ 5. I’m 12 years old. My sister is 7 years old. →I’m years than my sister. 九、Choose and fill. A. How about you ? B. Are you shorter than me ? C. How taller are you ? D. Are you taller than me ? E. How heavy are you? F. How tall are you ? G. I am heavier than you . Mary: Hello, Sarah! 1 Sarah: I am 45 kg. 2 Mary: I am 47 kg. 3 Sarah: Yes. You are heavier than me. 4 Mary: I am 151 cm . 5 Sarah: Yes, I am taller than you . I am 154 cm . 十、Reading. A Mike was so busy last Sunday. He cleaned his room on Sunday morning. Then he played computer games with his brother. In the afternoon, he visited his grandparents, and helped them wash clothes. In the evening, they

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