2021 年译林版三年级下册英语 Unit2 易错题检测 B 卷 一、选词填空 A.to B.is C.Mr D.class E.at 1.What_____this? 2.Look_____the blackboard. 3.Good morning, _____Green. 4.I want_____talk. 5.Don’t eat in_____. 二、英汉互译 1.walk up and down___________ 3.坐下___________ 2.good morning___________ 4.in the book___________ 5.Would you like a cake?______________________ 三、写出下列相对应的中英文 1.打开门 ___________ 2 .don’t(完全形式)___________ 3.listen to the parrot___________ 4.an English book___________ 5.对不起___________ 六、选择题 1、( )_________ this your book? A.Am B.Is C.Are 2、( )刘涛在图书馆里与人大声交谈,你对他说:_________ A.Don’t shout. B.Don’t talk. C.Don’t sleep. 3、( )同位在教室里吃零食,你提醒他:_________ A.Don’t talk. B.Don’t drink. C.Don’t eat. 4、( )Liu Tao is sleeping _________ the library. A.in B.up C.At 5、( )It’s too cold(冷). _______ the window, please. A. Don’t open 6、( B. Open C. talk )-Would you like some juice,Liu Tao?_______ A.Yes,please. B.No,please. 7、Is this______book? A.me 8、( B.you )_______, I'm late. A.Sorry. 9、( C.your B.Yes. C.No )Don’t _________ my cake! A.drink B.eat C.Shout C.No. 10、( )_____ shout in there. A. Don't B./ C. no 七、英汉连线 。 1.don't run a.坐下 2.sleep here b.在书里 3.in the book c.在这儿睡觉 4. eat and drink 5.sit do wn d.不要跑 e.吃吃喝喝 八、从 II 栏中选出与 1 栏相对应的应答句。 I II ( )1.Would you like an ice cream? A.I'm sorry. ( )2.Don't run,Jim. B.Yes,please. ( )3.What's this? C.Than k you. ( )4.Look at my skirt. ( )5.This is for you. D.It's nice. E.It's an egg. 九、根据所给情景,选择正确的答案。 ( )1.朋友想问你喝不喝牛奶,她会对你说: A.Would you like some milk? B.Could you like some milk? ( )2.当你迟到了,你应该对老师说: A.Yes, Miss Green. ( )3.朋友在自习室说话时你应该说: A.Don't talk here. ( B.Not talk. )4. 你想知道这是什么,你会问: A.It's a door. ( B.I'm sorry, Miss Li. B.What's this? )5.弟弟在沙发上睡觉时你应该说: A.Don't sleep here. B.Don't open. 十、情景匹配 ( )1. What’s this in English? ( )2. Is this a radio? B. Oh, I see. ( )3. Is that a clock? C. A tape is on the desk. ( )4. It’s a computer. D. It’s a key. ( )5. What’s that on the desk? [来源:学+科+网] [来源:学科网] [来源:学科网] A. Yes, it’s a radio. E. No, it isn’t. It’s a watch. [来源:学科网] [来源:学科网] 答案 1、BECAD 2、1.走上走下 2.早上好 3.sit down 4.在书里 5.你想要蛋糕吗 3、1.open the door 2.do not 3.听鹦鹉 4.一本英语书 5.I am sorry. 4、1、B 2、B 3、C 4、A 5、A 6、A 7、C 8、A 9、B 10、A 5、don't run-d sleep here-c in the book-b eat and drink-e sit down-a 6、BAEDC 7、ABABA 8、DAEBC

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