广州教科版六年级下册英语 Unit3 What animal is it?知识点梳理 目标单词 1. 困难的 10. 被称为 2. 青蛙 11. 狮子 3. 袋鼠 12. 熊猫 4. 轮回;轮到的机会 13. 竹子 5. 海洋 14. 象 6. 海星 15. 长颈鹿 7. 非洲 16. 脖子 8. 老虎 17. 树 叶 ( 复 数 是 leaves) 9. 亚洲 目标短语 1.被称为 7.两条强壮的后腿 2.动物的名字 8.喜欢吃肉 3.来自 9.生活在海洋里 4.看起来像 10.百兽之王 5.生活在非洲 11.轮到我了 6.玩个游戏 12.那很难 目标短语 1.它通常有棕色或灰色的头发,来自澳大利亚。 ______________________________________________ 2. 这只动物看起来像颗星,它生活在海洋里。 _____________________________________________________ 3.它也被称为“动物之王”。 _____________________________________________________ 目标课文 Jiamin: Let’s play a game. Can you________ this animal’s name? It has two __________ back legs and can jump very__________. Janet: Hmm... that's__________. A frog? Jiamin: No. It usually has brown or grey hair and it's from ________________. Xiaoling: That's easy. It's a ____________. My turn. This animal looks like a star and it lives in the ____________. What is it? Ben: Is it a starfish? Xiaoling: Yes, it is. You try, Janet. Janet: It is a ________ cat. It loves eating meat. It is yellow and lives in___________. Ben: A tiger? Janet: No. Tigers live in ________, not Africa. It is also called the "_______ of the Animals". Jiamin: I know. A __________! 目标语言点 1. It usually has brown or grey hair and it's from Australia. be from...=come from....意为”来自.....” 例:Where you from?= Where do you come from? 2. look like 与 be like 的辨析 词汇 释义 辨析 例句 look like 看起来像 侧重指外貌 Tom looks like his father. be like 像...一样 既可以指性格又可以表示外 The flower is like a star 貌,描述的范围更广一些 3.Let’ play a game. Let’s 是 let us 的缩写形式,后接动词原形,意为“让我们…” 例: Let’s go to see a film . 4. It has two strong back legs and can jump very far. It has 是描述动物特征的句型。当主语是第三人称单数时,后接 has,表示“有”。 例: The cat has black hair. 5.“ My turn.”是一个省略句,其完整形式是“It’ s my turn.” 例: It’s my turn to play the game. 6.It is also called the“ King of the Animals” be called.意为“被称为...” 例: Guangzhou is also called the” City of Flowers”. 【拓展练习】用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Let's______________(carry) the heavy bag together. 2. The children_______________ (be) from Australia. 3. It____________( have) a long tail and a big head. 参考答案: 目标单词: 5.ocean 1. difficult 2.frog 3.kangaroo 4.turn 9.Asia 10.be called 6. starfish 7.Africa 8.tiger 12.panda 13.bamboo 14.elephant 15.giraffe 11. lion 16.neck 17.leaf 目标短语: be called 2.animal’s name 3.be/come from 4.look like 5.live in Africa 1. 7. play a game 7.two strong back legs 8.love eating meat 9.live in the ocean 10.King of the Animals 11.my turn 12.that’s difficult 目标句型: 1.It usually has brown or grey hair and it's from Australia. 2. This animal looks like a star and it lives in the ocean. 3. It is also called the "King of the Animals". 目标课文: guess strong far difficult Australia kangaroo ocean large Africa Asia King lion 【拓展练习】 1.carry 2.are 3.has

doc文档 六年级下册英语知识点梳理-Unit3 What animal is it 教科版(广州)(含答案)

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六年级下册英语知识点梳理-Unit3 What animal is it 教科版(广州)(含答案) 第 1 页 六年级下册英语知识点梳理-Unit3 What animal is it 教科版(广州)(含答案) 第 2 页 六年级下册英语知识点梳理-Unit3 What animal is it 教科版(广州)(含答案) 第 3 页
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