期末复习—知识训练 一、根据所学单词完成拼图。 INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\2019 秋\\英语\\小学\\WY\\4\\好卷\\word\\D0010.tif" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\2019 秋\\英语\\小学\\WY\\4\\好 卷\\word\\D0010.tif" \* MERGEFORMATINET 二、读一读,圈一圈。 1. Sam(is/are) going to ride a horse. 2. We(are/is) going to play in the park. 3. They(am/are) going to fish. 4. I(is/am) going to fly a kite. 5. She(is/are) going to climb the tree. 6. Daming and Lingling(is/are) going to row a boat. 三、单项选择。 (  )1. There is________ swimsuit…and shoes and socks. A. Xiaoyong  B. Lingling's C. Sams' (  )2. Time________ bed. We're going to visit Beijing tomorrow. A. for B. to    C. go to (  )3. We are going to go ________ you. A. to B. with    C. on B. making pictures C. take pictures B. come C. from (  )4. He is going to________. A. drawing (  )5. He is ________ China. A. of (  )6. We're going to get up _______ o'clock. A. on seven B. at seven C. in eight 四、根据图片内容选择合适的句子,补全对话。 (  )1. Mum:________ Sam: It's a lion. A. Where is it?   B. What's that? (  )2. Sam:Where are you from? Daming:________ A. I'm from the UK.    B. I'm from China. (  )3. Amy:How are we going to go? Sam:________ A. By bus.     B. By plane. (  )4. Dayong:What is the elephant doing? Tiantian:________ A. It's swimming. B. It's playing with a ball. (  )5. Amy:What are you going to do? Lingling:________ A. I'm going to visit Harbin. B. I'm going to visit Hainan. 五、给下列句子选择相应的答语。 A. We are going to fish tomorrow. C. He is taking some pictures. B. You're welcome. D. Yes, you can. E. I am from the UK. (  )1. Where are you from? (  )2. What's Sam doing? (  )3. Can I have some soup? (  )4. What are you going to do tomorrow? (  )5. Thank you. 六、读一读,连一连。 On Sunday, Sam is going to London. He is going to ride a horse. He is going by plane. Amy is going to Beijing. She is going to visit the Great Wall. She is going by train. Daming is going to the zoo. He is going by bike. He is going to drink some juice and see the animals. Lingling is going to the park. She is going to row a boat and fish. She is going by car. 七、仿照例子写句子。 例:Sam/ride a horse Sam is going to ride a horse. 1. I/take pictures ___________________________________________________________________ 2. He / have some bread at ten o'clock ___________________________________________________________________ 3. It / sing in the tree ___________________________________________________________________ 4. We / climb the mountains on Sunday ___________________________________________________________________ 5. They / have a picnic in the park ___________________________________________________________________ 答案 一、 二、1. is 2. are 3. are 4. am 5. is 6. are  分析:主语是 Daming 和 Lingling 两个人,所以用 are。 三、1. B 分析:所有格表示物品归属于谁,常在人名后加’s 表示。 2. A 3. B 分析:和谁在一起,用介词 with。 4. C 5. C 分析:来自哪里,用介词 from。 6. B 分析:在几点钟,用介词 at。 四、1. B 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. B 五、1. E 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B 六、 七、1. I am going to take pictures. 2. He is going to have some bread at ten o’clock. 3. It is going to sing in the tree. 4. We are going to climb the mountains on Sunday. 5. They are going to have a picnic in the park. 八、1. A 2. C 3. C 分析:a panda, a pig, six dogs 所以一共有 eight animals。 4. A  5. A 分析:eight boys,a girl 一共有 nine children;two old men。 九、1. There are two children. They are flying kites. 2. There is a girl. She is singing. 3. There is a boy. He is riding a horse.

doc文档 四年级上册英语试题--期末复习 Module 8 知识训练 外研版 含答案

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