小升初寒假专题 -------- 名词 知识点梳理 考点一 可数名词复数的变化规则 规则变化:1. 一般直接加 s (desks, maps, pencils, teachers) 2. 以 s, x, ch, sh 结尾的名词加 es (buses, boxes, watche s , dishes) 3. 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的名词,先改 y 为 i, 再加 es (family --- families study --- studies) 4. 以 o 结尾的名词, 只有 5 个加 es(negro, hero, tomato, potato, mango), 其余加 s 5. 以 f 或 fe 结尾的单词将 f 或 fe 改成 v 再加 es (knife 小刀---knives) woman --- women (女人) 不规则变化:1. man --- men (男人) policeman -- policemen (男警察) policewoman --- policewomen (女警察) 2. goose ------ geese(鹅) foot --- feet (脚) tooth----- teeth (牙) 3. louse --- lice (虱子) mouse ---mice (老鼠) 4. fish---- fish sheep --- sheep (羊) deer ---- deer (鹿) 5. child --- children (小孩) 记忆口诀:男人女人 a 变 e; 鹅足牙 oo 变 ee; 孩子后面加个 ren; 老鼠虱子 ous 变 ic; 鱼鹿绵羊不用变 注意事项:1. Stomach 的复数形式直接+ s; 2. German 表示德国人时,复数形式直接+ s; 3. mouse 需要考虑 2 种情况,当 mouse 表示老鼠时,复数 mice; 当 mouse 表示鼠标时,复 数 mouses 4. 哪国人的变化形式:Chinese; Japanese; English 复数和单数一个样 American; German 后面直接加 s 考点二 复合名词单数变复数 1. 当复合名词中有 man 和 woman 这两个单词;变为复数时;前后两单词都需要变为复数 man doctor --- men doctors woman nurse --- women nurses 2. 当复合名词中没有 man 和 woman 这两个单词;变为复数时;只需要将后面的单词变为复数 boy student ---- boy students girl student -- girl students 考点三 不可数名词计量表示方法 1. 用 some, much, a little, a lot of, a bit of, plenty of 表示多少; 2. 用单位词表示。如: a cup of... 一杯…… a piece of... 一张…… a pair of... 一双(对)…… 3. 不可数名词量的复数表达形式 数词 + 量词复数 of 不可数名词 Eg: 3 pieces of bread 考点四 名词所有格 1. 表示有生命的东西名次末尾加’s A. 以-es; 或者-s 结尾的名词复数在末尾加“s’”Eg: Teachers’s Day B. 表示共同所有的内容,在最后名词末尾加’s Eg: Joan and Jim’s room C. 表示各自所有的内容,在两名词的末尾各加’s Eg: Joan’s and Jim’s rooms 2. of 所有格一般用于无生命的东西的名词中 Eg: a map of world 3. 两名词中间加上连子符号,也表示 …..的; 而且名词为单数; Eg: five --- minute walk; ten--- day holiday 4. a + 名词 of + 名词所有格或者名词形物主代词,这种表达方式称为双重所有格。 Eg: a friend of Jim’s /mine 注意事项:1. 表店铺、医院、诊所、住宅等名称时,常在名词后加’s 代表全称。 Eg: at the butcher’s.表示在肉店。 2. 有关时间;距离;长度的名词所有格,一律用’s Eg: five minutes’ walk 基础题巩固练习 一、将下列汉语译成英语 1. 杰克和吉姆的卧室 3. 三名男司机 5. 六个美国人 7. 教师节 9. 我的一个朋友 2. 一杯茶 4. 两条裤子 6.一阵强风 8. 儿童节 10. 一个五岁的男孩 二、将下列名词变为复数形式 1. English 2. German 9. potato 10. tomato 17. stomach 18. bus 3. American 4. Chinese 5. leaf 6. wolf 7. shelf 8. hero [来源:学+科+网] [来源:学|科|网] 11. watch 12. fish 13. sheep 14. tooth 15. man 16. snowman 19. fox 20. boy 21. family 22. toy 23. library 24. student 三、根据句意,用括号中所给名词的适当形式填空 1. I’d like two cups of _______________ (milk) for my twin sister. 2. There are few_______________ (vegetable) in the fridge. Let’s go and buy some carrots and cabbages. 3. Bill said they would have two _______________ (month) holiday. 4. We’d like to go for a walk in the_______________ (wood). 5. The baby has only two _______________ (tooth) although he is 2 years old. 6. Look! A lion is running after a group of_______________ (deer). 7. The girl in a red skirt is a friend of my _______________ (sister). 8. Could you please give me some French_______________ (fry)? 9. How many_______________ (knife) does Mary have? 10. The soldier, Wang Wei, is one of the_______________ (hero) in the big Zhouqu debris flow (泥石流) disaster. 11. There are a lot of __________________ (leaf) on the tree. 12. Uncle Li brought two__________________ (watch) yesterday. 13. There are many__________________ (child) in the classroom. 14. We have a lot of nice__________________ (tomato) here. 15. There are lots of __ ________________ (sheep) in the hill. 16. There are about eighty __________________ (man doctor) in the hospital. 17. I have a lot of __________________ (information) to tell you. 18. The baby has two __________________ (tooth). 19. There are many books on those__________________ (shelf). 20. There are 13 __________________ (Japanese) and 30 __________________ (German) here. 21. It’s only ten _____________(minute) walk from the station to the hotel. 22. It’s an _______(hour) ride from here to the museum. 23. The shops sell _________(woman) handbags. 24. March 8th is ______________Day. (woman) 25. I’ll give my English teacher a card for _____________________Day. (teacher) 26. This is _______________(Bobby and Tom) room. 27. These are __________________(Bobby and Tom) rooms. 28. She is a friend of ________(I). 四、单选题 1. ( ) This is _______ room. The twin sisters like it very much. A. Lucy’s and Lily’s B. Lucy’s and Lily C. Lucy and Lily’s D. Lucy and Lily 2. ( ) In ______ time, those mountains will be covered with trees, too. A. few years B. a few years’ C. a few year D. a few year’s 3. ( ) We will have a ___________holiday after the exam. A. two month B. two–month C. two month’s D. two–months 4. ( ) Did you hear the

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