期中专项二 单项选择(易错题) 一、单项选择。 ( )1.Look_____your book. Please. A.to B.at C./ ( )2.Listen______me, please. A.to B. / C.at ( )3.—Good moming.Su Hai. —____________. A.Good aftemoon. B.Good evening C.Good moming ( )4.—Please open the door. —______. A.Thanks B.Hi C.OK ( )5.—_______is it? —It's a red schoolbag. A.What B.What's C.Where ( )6.一_____your lunch box? —Yes,it is. A.Where's B.Is this C.How's ( )7.—Is this______cake? —No,it isn't. It's mine. A.my B.your C.you ( )8.—______your peneilcase? —It's over there. A.What about B.Where's C.Is this ( )9.—This is_____you.Su Hai. —Thank you! A.to B.with C.for ( )10.This___my pen.Is it your pen? A.are B.isn't C.be ( )11.—Is that______ schoolbag? —Yes,_____is. A.my;this B.you;it C.your; it ( )12.—______my green crayon? —Look at your bed!It's over there. A.Where B.Where is C.What is ( )13.—What's______over there? —_____my rubber. A.That;This is B.that; Its C.this;This is ( )14.—This new doll is______you,Tina. —Thank you! A.for B.to C.of ( )15.一 Where is my ball? —Look!It’s_____the tree. A.on B.in C.at ( )16.—_____under the desk? —No,it isn't. It's in the desk. A.Is it B.Where's C.What's ( )17.—Where is Liu Tao? —Oh,_______ behind the chair. A.it's B.they're C.he's ( )18.Two birds come to my window and_______. A.run away B.fly aways C.stand up ( )19.—Where________ my books? —_______in your desk. A.is; It's B.are; It's C.are;They're ( )20.—____your milk? —It’s in my schoolbag. A.Where B.Where's C.What's ( )21.—______this your English book? —No, it_______. A.Is; is B.What's;isn't C.Is;isn't ( )22.This is_______ pencil A.you B.my C.she ( )23.—It's hot. Open the window, please. —____________ A.Yes,Miss Li. B.No,thank you. C.Yes,please. ( )24.—This ice cream is for you. —__________ A.No,it isn't. B.Thank you. C.Yes,it is. ( ) 25.—Look ________ the blackboard , Mike. —Yes , Miss Li. A. at B. on C./ ( ) 26.—What’s this ? —It’s ________. A. door B. a door C. an door ( ) 27.—Please close the window. —________. A. Thank you. B. Yes, Mr Green. C. I’m sorry. ( ) 28.—The rubber is for you, Mike. A. Goodbye. B. Thank you. —________. C. OK. ( )29.—Don’t listen _______Sam, Bobby. A./ B. for C.to —OK. ( )30. shout. A.No B.Don’t ( )31.Would you like A.a B.an C.Not ice cream? C./ ( )32.— Don’t sleep, Mike. — . A.I’m sorry. B.Come in, please. C.No, thank you. ( )33.Don’t my cake! A.drink B.eat C.shout ( )34.It’s English book. A.I B.my C.me X|k | B| 1 . c |O |m ( )35. this your book? A.Am B.Is C.Are ( )36.I want sleep. A.to B.too C.two ( )37.Liu Tao is sleeping A.in B.up C.at ( ) 38.______ isn't my pencil. the library. A. This B. Is C. / ( )39.Is ______ your pencil? A.yes B.this C.No ( )40.Is ______ that your pencil? A.this B./ C.no ( )41.Don't_____ the pie. Please_______ the milk. A.eat; drink B.drink;eat C.eat;eat ( )42.Is this______ new rubber? A.I B.you C.your ( )43.—Would you like a sweet? —________ A.Yes,I am. B.Sorry. C.Yes,please. ( )44.I want ______, Don’t shout. A.sleep B.talk C.to sleep ( ) 45.Paul is walking______and ______. A.up; down B.sit; stand C.talk; shout ( )46.—______is the bird? —It’s in the tree. A.Where B.Who C.What ( )47.—Where’s Yang Ling? —_______behind the door. A.She B.It’s C.She’s ( )48.I can see some apples______the tree. A.on B.in C.at ( )49.—What’s that on the desk? —________. A.It’s a hot dog B. It’s nice C.It’s lovely ( )50. Don’t ______. The chair(椅子)is dirty(脏的). A.stand up B. sit down C. close the book 参考答案 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.B 14.A 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.C 20.B 21.C 22.B 23.A 24.B 25.A 26.B 27.B 28.B 29.C 30.B 31.B 32.A 33.B 34.B 35.B 36.A 37.A 38.A 39.B 40.B 41.A 42.C 43.C 44.C 45.A 46.A 47.C 48.A 49.A 50.B

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