五年级第一学期期中教学质量检测(单元卷) Unit 1——Recycle 1 一、选出每组单词画线部分发音与其它两个发音不同的一项。(10 分) ( )1. A.window B.now C.yellow ( )2. A.China B.class C.glass ( )3. A.this B.Friday C.thin ( )4. A.fresh B.very C.we ( )5. A.head B.peach C.read ( )6. A.farm B.warm C.farther ( )7. A.today B.eight C.have ( )8. A.use B.new C.ruler ( )9. A.school B.chair C.watch ( )10. A.where B.who C.what 二、选出下列各组中与其它两个不属于同一类的单词。(10 分) ( )1. A. board B. eggplant C. cabbage ( )2. A. Tuesday B. Saturday C. today ( )3. A. young B. English C. old ( )4. A. English B. math C. Canada ( )5. A. kitchen B. mutton C. beef ( )6. A. uncle B. tomato C. brother ( )7. A. funny B. doctor C. principal ( )8. A. strong B. tall C. shorts ( )9. A. duck B. pork C. rabbit ( )10. A. cucumber B. onion C. fruit 三、根据汉语意思写单词。(10 分) 1. 聪明的 2.严格的 6. 可口的 7. 咸的 3. 星期二 8. 土豆 4. 茄子 9. 午餐 5. 甜的 10. 读书 四、按要求写出下列词的正确形式。(10 分) 1.tomato(复数形式) 3.fat (反义词) 2. what is(缩写形式) 4. don’t(完全形式) 5.strict (对应词) 6.Wed. (完全形式) 7.young (反义词) 8. who’s(完全形式) 9.he’s(完全形式) 10. have (三单形式) 五、单项选择:从所给的三个选项中选出正确的一项。(15 分) ( )1.We have three new teachers. _____art teacher,______math teacher and ________English teacher. A ; an ; an B. An ; a ; an C. An ; a ; a ( )2.— is your mother? — She’s fine, thanks. A.Who ( B.what )3.— What your father C.How ? — He’s tall and strong. A.do ; have ( )4.— What B.does ; do you like C.is ; like breakfast? — I’d like eggplant. A.would ; at ( )5.Potatoes A. are ( ( ( my favorite vegetables. B. am C. is A. Monday B. Sunday C. Tuesday ) 7. —What do we have___________ Mondays. —We English and Chinese. A. at ; have B. in ; has C. on ; have )8. Mary likes cabbage, ___she doesn’t like potatoes. B. and C. because )9.Mary likes bananas .They are so __________ . A.tasty ( C.have ; for )6.________ is the first day of the week. A. but ( B.would ; for B.salty C.hot(辣) )10.—What would you like ? —______ some meat. A.I would B.I like 六、句型转换,每空一词。(10 分) C.I’d like 1. Do you have new teachers?(做否定回答) ,I . 2. Her father is tall and thin. (对画线部分提问) her father ? 3. I do my homework on Saturdays. (对画线部分提问) do on Saturdays? 4. I don’t watch TV on Sundays. (用 He 代替 I 改写句子) He TV on Sundays. 5. Amy has eggplant and tomatoes for lunch. (改为一般疑问句) Amy eggplant and tomatoes for lunch? 七、从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,将选项字母代号写在对应横线上。(10 分) A. Thank you. You are helpful. B. I can put away the clothes, too. C. What can you do for her? D. Can you do housework? E. No,I can’t. But I can clean the bedroom. Amy:Alice is ill. Jack:We can help her. Amy:1. Jack:I can sweep the floor and do the dishes. Amy:2. Jack:Yes, I can. Amy:Can you make the bed? Jack:3. Amy:Can you wash the clothes? Jack:Yes, I can. 4. Amy:OK. Just do it! (At Alice’s home) Alice: 5. : 八、阅读理解。(15 分) (A) My name is Li Ping. I’m in No.5 Primary School. I’m in Class 2 Grade 5, have a good friend. Her name is Nancy. She’s from Canada. Her father is an English teacher in our school. They can speak a little Chinese now. We often play games together. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。(5 分) ( )1.Nancy is a Chinese girl. ( )2.Nancy is Li Ping’s good friend. ( )3.Li Ping’s father is an English teacher. ( )4.Nancy is from Canada. ( )5.Nancy can’t speak Chinese. (B) I am Mary. I have four classes in the morning from Monday to Friday. The math class is at 8 o’clock on Monday and Friday. There is an English class and P.E. class on Wednesday. The English class is the second class. The P.E. class is the fourth class. I like Tuesday and Thursday. Because there is an art class at 9:40 on Tuesday and a music class at 10:40 on Thursday. 根据短文内容,完成下列表格中所缺信息。(5 分) 8:00 8:50 9:40 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 6. English Chinese Science Math Chinese Chinese 8. Math Science English 7. Math Chinese English 10:40 Science P.E. 9. 10. P.E. (C) Hi, I’m David. I’m from UK. Today is Friday. We have math, Chinese and art on Fridays. I like art. My art teacher is very funny, he is very tall. I like him very much. We have eggplant and fish for lunch on Wednesdays. I don’t like cabbage. Potatoes are my favourite food. Sundays are my favourite days. I often play ping-pang on Sundays. Of course, I do my homework too on Sundays. What about you? 根据短文内容,为下列各题选择正确答案。(5 分) ( ) 11. —What day is it today? — A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Friday ( ) 12. —What do they have for lunch on Wednesdays? — A. Pork and rice. B. eggplant a

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