小升初复习(七)易错点精讲精练+基础训练+综合提升 一:语音 ou ow oo oor [au] 如 about [au] 如 town [uː] 如 cool [ɔː] 如 door 字母 发音 ore [ 来 [ɔː] 如 more 源:Z*xx*k.Com] [ʌ] 如 cousin [əu] 如 show [u] 如 foot / / / 练习给下列划线字母注音 1.young/ 6.floor/ / 2.loudly / / 7. before/ / 3.yellow / / 4.flower / / 5. show/ / / 二:care, careful, carefully 和 careless, carelessly 单 care careful careless carefully carelessly 关心 小心的, 认真的,粗心的 小心地,认真地, 粗心地 仔细的 仔细地 词 意 思 词 性 名词 形容词 形容词 副词 副词 用 固定搭配:take 修饰名词做定语 修饰名词做 修饰动词做状语 修饰动词做状 法 care of(照顾,保 如:a careful boy 定语如:a 如:drive 语 如:drive careless boy carefully carelessly 管)care about 放系动词后做表 放系动词后 (关心) 语如:be careful 做表语如: with sth. be careless 练习:用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 care, careful, carefully, careless, carelessly 1. Be ________ when you walk across the road. 2.Jim is a ______boy because he always leaves his school things_______ at home. 3.Drive ______ when you are in a busy city. A. careful B. carefully C. careless D. carelessly 4. Don’t worry, Wendy can look after your bird ______ when you’re out. A. care B. careful C. careless D. carefully 5. My mothers _____ about me very much, she always take good ____ of me. 三: each 和 every each every 词性 代词, 形容词, 副词 形容词 用法 强调个别,指两者或两者以 用来概括全体,指三者或三者以上的“每 上的“每一” 一” 单词 [来源:Zxxk.Com] 练习: 用 each, every 填空 1. There are many flowers and trees on ________ side of the road. 1. ______ of the students in my class went to the park last Sunday. 2. My mother goes to work by bike _____ day. 3. We ______ have an apple. 4. _______ boy in our class has an English book. 四:a lot 和 a lot of , lots of A lot A lot of Lots of 意思 许多 许多的 许多的 用法 通 常 修 饰 动 词 , 相 既可以修饰可数名词 既可以修饰可数名词也可以不可数名 单词 当于副词 much 例子 Learn a lot 学 到 很 也可以不可数名词 词。就等于 a lot of A lot of books/ time Lots of friends/ money 多 练习:选择方框内合适的词填空 A lot,a lot of , lots of 1. There are _______ people in the shop. [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 2. Don’t eat _______, because it is bad for your health. 3. ---Thanks ________. – You are welcome. 4. I have ________ bread, Would you like some? 综合训练 一: 单词辩音 1.()A. country B. cousin 2.()A. your B. forest 3.()A. show B. flower C. young C. more C. window D. about D. door D. yellow 4.()A. foot B. school 5.()A. loudly B. town C. food D. moon C. trouble D. mouse 二:根据汉语和首字母提示, 写出单词的正确形式 1. —Who is the English teacher of your class? (教)Class 2 last year. —Miss He. But she 2. —We should put rubbish into different rubbish bins. —Itˈs a good way to p 3. The old man lives a 4. Every year, lots of ____the earth. (安静的)life in a town near the sea. (游客)come here to visit pandas. 5. Now Mary she's __________ (担心) about tomorrow's exam. She should study harder. 6.Please turn off the lights when you l____________ the room. 7. --Whatˈs Davidˈs friend d________? – He wants to be an artist. 8. The school day ___________ (开始) at eight in t he morning. 三:单项 选择 1. I'm going to ask ________ of you a question. A. every B. each one C. each D. everyone 2. -Who usually comes to school to see you on Wednesday, Jim or Mike? -____. They usually come to see me on Wednesday afternoon.(  ) A. Each B. Every C. All D. Both 3. _______ of them has his own opinion.(  ) A. Some B. Every C. Each D. All 4. ________ of the students in our class has two storybooks. We ________ reading them. A. Every; like all B. Some; C. Each; all like D. All; like both both like 5. Don't be ______ in the exam, or you won't get high grades. A. careful B. care C. careless D. carefully 6. The traffic is heavy now. So you must drive ______. A. careful B. careless C. carefully D. care 7. Be ______! The car is coming. You'd better stop and wait. A. care B. carefully C. careless D. careful 8. ——Steven made many mistakes (犯了很多错误)in his homework again. ——He is a___________ boy and he always does things _____________.(  ) A. careful; carefully B. careless C. carefully; carefully D. carelessly; carelessly ; carelessly 9. ---What a ________boy! Can’t you do everything ____________? A. careful; carefully B. careless; C. careful; carelessly D. careless; carelessly 10. My friend has________ pocket money.(  ) A. many B. a lot C. very much D. a lot of 11. You can learn ________ about the scenic pot from the guide. A. many B. lots of 四:用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. They (plan) to have a trip now. C. a lot of D . a lot carefully 2. They (help) us with our English this weekend. 3. She with his friends often (fly) a kite in the park near her

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