【期中易错题满分练】三年级下册英语期中模拟试题-基础卷 译林三起 满分:100 分 一、匹配题(共 1 题;共 4 分) 1. ⑴ ⑵ ⑶ ⑷           B. pencil     A. crayon C. ruler   D. rubber 二、单选题(共 10 题;共 20 分) 2.选出不同类的单词(  ) A.ruler B.robot C.crayon B.stand C.down 3.选出不同类的单词(  ) A.up 4.— I'm sorry, Mr. Black. I'm late (迟到). — A.All right! B.I'm sorry. C.Come in, B.What C.It please. 5.— is this? — It's a robot. A.What's 6.上音乐课时,刘涛一直在讲话,老师对他说: A.Please talk and listen to the CD. B.Don't listen to the CD. C.Don't talk! Listen to the CD. 7.Is this _______pen? A.you B.your C.she B.come in C.Come in 8.—_______, please. —OK. A.Come 9.Listen______ me, boys and girls. A.at B.to C.for B.Is C.Where's B.an C.不填 10.—_______your ruler? —It's in the bag. A.What's 11.—What's this? — It's _______ English book. A.a 三、翻译(共 1 题;共 12 分) 12. (1)关门   (2)over there  (3)一支铅笔  (4)my lunch box    (5)在椅子上    (6)stand up     (7)在书里     (8)three crayons          四、情景交际(共 1 题;共 5 分) 13. ⑴Where is Liu Tao?    ⑵Is that your school bag?   ⑶Don't sleep.   ⑷Look! A bird!   A. Good morning, class. B. No, it isn't.   C. How beautiful!   D. He's here.   ⑸Good morning, Mr. Green.   E. I'm sorry.   五、补全对话(共 1 题;共 5 分) 14.从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。 A. Sit down B. Stand up C. Good afternoon D. Where's Mike E. Please open the door Wang Bing:    . Mr. Green: Good afternoon, class.   Mr. Green    , Mr. Green.  , please. Students: Thank you, Mr Green. Mr. Green:     Liu Tao: Oh, he's over there. Mr. Green:    , Liu Tao. Mike: I'm sorry, Mr. Green. Mr. Green: Come in, Mike. 六、排序题(共 1 题;共 3 分) 15.给下列句子排序:    A. No, thank you. Don't eat here. B. Nice to meet you, Helen. C. Good morning. This is my friend Helen. D. Would you like a sweet? E. Nice to meet you too. F. I'm sorry. 七、连词成句(共 6 题;共 31 分) 16.in, don't, shout, there(.) __________________________________ 17.please, the, listen, teacher, to __________________________________ 18.at, blackboard, look, the, Sam __________________________________ 19.up, down, and, is, Paul, walking(.) __________________________________ 20.is, box, your, lunch, where (?) __________________________________ 21.isn't, this, case, pencil, your (.) __________________________________ 八、阅读理解(共 6 题;共 20 分) A 阅读短文,判断句子正误。 Hello, I'm Betty. Look at my study(书房). It's new and nice. What's this on the chair? It's my jacket. It's red. Where's my pencil case? Look! It's on the desk. You can see a pen, a ruler, a rubber and a pencil in it. What's that beside the desk? Oh, it's my ball. I like my study. 22.This is Ben's study. 23.Betty's jacket is on the chair. 24.The pencil case is in the desk. 25.The ball is behind the chair. 26.We can see a ruler, a pen, a rubber and a pencil in the pencil case. 27.B 阅读对话,判断正误 (It's 9 o'clock in the morning.) A: I'm sorry, Miss Zhao, I'm late (迟到) . B: It's OK (没关系). Come in, Helen. Close the door, please. A: OK, Miss Zhao. . B: Look at this blue pencil case. Helen, is this your pencil case? A: No, it isn't. B: Where's your pencil case? A: It's in my schoolbag. B: What colour is your pencil case? A: It's red. (1)It's in the afternoon. (2)Miss Zhao is a teacher (老师). (3)Helen is late. (4)Helen's pencil case is in the schoolbag. (5)Helen's pencil cease is blue. 答案部分 1.D;A;B;C 13.D;B;E;C;A 2.B 14.B;C;A;D;E 3.B 15.CBEDAF 4.C 16.Don't shout in there. 5.B 17.Please listen to the teacher. 6.C 18.Look at the blackboard, Sam. 7.B 19.Paul is walking up and down. 8.C 20.Where is your lunch box? 9.B 21.This isn't your pencil case. 10.C 22.F 11.B 23.T 12.(1)close the door 24.F (2)在那里 25.F (3)a pencil 26.T (4)我的午餐盒 27.(1)F (5)on the chair (2)T (6)起立 (3)T (7)in the book (4)T (8)三支蜡笔 (5)F

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