四年级第一学期 Module 4 Unit 1 单元测试卷 判断划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“T”,不同的打“F” 1. rubbish 2. sky ) ask( 3. outside [来源:学科网] scarf( ) 5. grass what( ) 6. hungry 【答案】1. T 4. F 5. F 6. T ) pick( 4. stone 3. F ) duck( ) green( [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 2. T 写出划线部分单词的同类词( 答案不唯一 ) 7. Old MacDona ld has some horses, some ______, some ______ and a ______. 8. I like meat, but my brother likes ______ and ______. 【答案】7. 8. (1). fish (1). sheep (2). cows (3). goose (2). chicken 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 9. Please __________ (not feed) the hens on the farm. 10. _____ _____ (there be) any corn in the pen? 11. What ______ monkeys ______ (like)? They ______ (like) fruit. 12. Look! Eddie __________ (pick) the flowers. [来源:Z§xx§k.Com] 13. —How many ______ (sheep) are there? —There is one ______ (sheep). 14. There ______ (b e) some ______ (hay) in the bag. 【答案】9. don’t feed 10. Is there 11. (1). do 12. is picking (2). like (3). like [来源:学。科。网 Z。X。X。K] 13. (1). sheep 14. (1). is (2). sheep (2). hay 15. ______ sheep are eating grass on the mountain. ( A. A B. An ) C. Some 【答案】C 16. My uncle feeds his parrot ______ some corn every day. ( ) A. by B. for C. with 【答案】C 17. Nay-nay! I hear some ______.( ) A. horses B. cows C. sheep 【答案】A 18. Mr and Mrs Zhang ______ a big house on their farm. ( ) A. has B. have C. like 【答案】B 19. The hens and the ducks ______ like corn. ( ) A. all B. all the C. both 【答案】A 20. ______ hay does a horse eat one day? ( A. How much ) B. How many C. What 【答案】A 21. You ______ throw the rubbish on the floor. ( ) A. aren’t B. can’t C. don’t 【答案】B 22. Here ______ some hay and some corn. ( A. are B. is ) C. am 【答案】B 23. —He plants vegetables and feeds farm animals. What does he do? ( ) —______. A. A cook. B. A zoo keeper. C. A farmer. 【答案】C 24. There is ______ water bottle on the table. There isn’t ______ water in it. ( A. some, any B. a, some C. a, any ) 【答案】C 读一读,选出最合适的应答句。 A. All right. B. Thank you. C. Sorry. D. That’s all right. 25. —I am sorry, Miss Fang. ( ) —______. 26. —Please close the g ate. ( ) —______. 27. —Here’s a flower for you, Mum. ( ) —______. 28. —Don’t climb the tree, Eddie. ( —______. [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 26. A 【答案】25. D 27. B ) 28. C 根据要求改写句子,每格一词。 29. He has a sandwich. (改为复数) They ___ ___ some ______. 30. You can’t throw the stones. (换种表达,但意思不变) ______ ______ the stones. 31. There is some bread on the plate. (改成否定句) The re ______ ______ ______ on the plate. 32. This hen eats corn. (对划线部分提问) ______ ______ this hen ______? 33. Are those sca rves red? (改成肯定句) Those ______ ______ ______. 【答案】29. (1). have 30. (1). Don’t 31. (1). isn’t (2). sandwiches (2). throw (2). any (3). bread 32. (1). What 33. (1). scarves (2). does (3). eat (2). are (3). red 阅读理解。 I have two new classmates. The girl’s name is Alice and the boy’s name is Eddie. Alice is tall and thin. She can swim well. She’s strong. Eddie is short, but he can run very fast. He can draw Alice’s grandpa’s farm well. Look! This is a picture of Alic e’s grandpa’s farm. It’s big. There are many animals and plants on the farm. There are some signs too. The signs tell us that we can’t pick the flowers, climb the trees or chase animals. There is a pond on the farm too. There are different kinds of fishes in the pond. Near the pond , there’s also a sign. It says you can’t throw stones in the pond. The farm is nice. We s hould keep it clean. So we must put the rubbish in the bin. 34. 阅读短文,判断正误,用 T 或 F 表示。 1. I have a classmate named Alice. ( ) 2. Alice’s grandpa has a small, but nice farm. ( 3. We can chase the chicks on the farm. ( ) ) 4. There isn’t a sign n ear the pond on the farm. ( 5. We can’t litter on the farm. ( ) ) 35. 阅读短文,回答问题。 1. What can Eddie do? _______________________________. 2. Are there many animals on the farm? [来源:学科网] ______________________________ __. 3. What’s in the pond? _____________________________. 4. What can’t we do on the farm? _____________________________. 5. How is Alice’s grandpa’s farm? [来源:学科网] ______________________________. 【答案】34. (1). T (2). F (3). F (4). F (5). T 35. (1). He can run and draw. (2). Yes, there are. (3). There are different kinds (4). We can’t pick the flowers, climb the trees, ch ase animals or of fishes in the pond. (5). It’s big and nice. throw stones. 根据短文内容填空,每线一词,首字母已给。 The c___36___ and their teacher, Mr Chen are on a f___37___ today. They see some a___38__ _ there. They are cows, pigs, s___39___ and chicks.

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