六年级上册英语班 U7 知识点 【学习内容】 1.学习 U7 单词和短语 2.继续学习一般过去时:否定句 【知识点一】U7 单词 Unit 7 What did you do yesterday? 1. past adv. [pɑːst;] 8. poor 过去 2. experience n. [ɪk'spɪərɪəns;] n. 经验;经历 3. yesterday n. 4. bought v. [bɔːt] 买(buy 的过去式) 5. angry adj. ['æŋgrɪ] 生气的;愤怒的 6. came v. [keɪm] [pʊə] 可怜的 9. last 7. no/not…at all 一点都不…… n. [jɪə; jɜː] 11. met 年 v. [met] 遇见(meet 的过去式) 12. saw [sɔː] 13. read 来(come 的过去式) adj. [lɑːst]最近的,上一个的;adv. 上一个 10. year ['jestədeɪ] &昨天 adj. v. 看见(see 的过去式) v. [riːd] 读 (read 的过去式) 14. did v. [dɪd]助动词(do,does 的过去式) 【知识点二】U7 短语 1. 见我的朋友(过)met my friends 4. 看电影(过) saw a film 2. 在饭店吃(过)ate at a restaurant 5. 读 一 本 故 事 书 ( 过 ) read a story 3. 骑我的自行车(过) rode my bike book 6. 举行聚会(过) had a party 7. 去农村(过)went to the countryside 12. 昨天晚上 last night 8. 去购物(过)went shopping 13. 上周末 last weekend 9. 儿童节 Children’s Day 14. 上星期六 last Saturday 10. 一双运动鞋 a pair of sports shoes 15. 上个月 last month 11. 一点都不好玩 no fun at all 16. 去年 last year 〖基础训练〗:(一)根据意思把句子补充完成 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Yesterday was June first. It was C____________ D________. I w________ shopping with my mother this morning. I b________a new p_________of sports shoes this morning. I p_______basketball yesterday. My mum was a__________because I c_________home late. I s___________a home this morning I c_______my room and d______my homework this afternoon. 【知识点三】一般过去时 一.回顾一般过去时的内容: 1. 含义:表示_________某个时间发生的动作或者存在的状态 2. 标志词:________________________________________________(写出 4 个) 3. 结构: 1)主语+ ________/________ + 其他 He was here yesterday. (is) 2) 主语+______________+其他 I got up at 6:00 yesterday morning. (get) 4.注意:加 ed 以后的发音有如下三种: 1)ed 在清辅音 [p][k][f][s][h]等后读[ t ]如:helped, washed, watched, finished,worked 2)ed 在浊辅音 [g][v][z][r][m][n]等后及元音后读[d],如:cleaned, played, 3)ed 在[t][d]后读[id] ,如:painted, started, visited 二.句型学习:一般过去时的肯定句与否定句 1) 肯定句:主语+was/were +其他 I was at home yesterday. 2) 否定句: 主语+wasn’t/weren’t +其他 I wasn’t at home yesterday. 3)be 动词的过去式 动词原形 动词过去式 am am not is isn’t are aren’t was wasn’t was wasn’t were weren’t 举一反三 1) 肯:My grandfather _______(be) born in Guangzhou. 2) 否:My grandfather________(be not)born in Guangzhou. 3) 肯:I ___________(be) at home last night. 4) 否:I __________(be) at home last night. 5) 肯:The children___________(be ) at school yesterday. 6) 否:The children___________(be not) at school yesterday. 7) 肯:They ___________(be) happy just now. 8) 否:They ___________(be not) happy just now. 3) 肯定句:主语+ 动词过去式+其他 I played games yesterday. 4) 否定句:主语+didn’t +动词原形+其他 I didn’t play games yesterday. 5) didn’t, did 后面用动词原形 举一反三: 1) 肯:I ________(go) to the hospital this morning. 2) 否:I___________(not go) to the hospital this morning. 3) 肯:I _________(stay) at home yesterday. 4) 否:I______________(not stay) at home yesterday. 5) 肯:He ________(give)me a check-up and _________(ask)me to take a rest. 6) 否:He _________________(not give)me a check-up and ________________(not ask)me to take a rest last week. 7) 肯:Tom _________(fall)from the bike yesterday. 8) 否:Tom _____________(not fall)from the bike yesterday. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 〖基础训练〗:(一)用动词的正确形式填空 He _________(be not) happy just now. My parents___________(be not) at home yesterday. Lily _________(be not) tall before. They didn’t ________(buy) any toy cars yesterday. Ben didn’t __________(ride) his bike yesterday. My brother didn’t ________(see) a film last night. My mother___________(is) born in 1960. She___________(sit) under a big tree and_________(read) books yesterday morning. They didn’t__________(go) go the zoo an hour ago. They_________(go) to the park. 10) She ___________(fall) over before she got the baton(棒). 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) I __________(feed) the dog an hour ago. I____________________ (not feel) well this morning. Yesterday_______(is) my birthday. My parents ____________(give) me a doll. We _________(have) a music lesson yesterday morning. I___________(clean) the house yesterday. She _____________(not go) to school yesterday because she _________(is) ill.

doc文档 六年级上册英语素材-Unit7 What did you do yesterday知识点 教科版(广州,三起)

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六年级上册英语素材-Unit7 What did you do yesterday知识点  教科版(广州,三起) 第 1 页 六年级上册英语素材-Unit7 What did you do yesterday知识点  教科版(广州,三起) 第 2 页 六年级上册英语素材-Unit7 What did you do yesterday知识点  教科版(广州,三起) 第 3 页 六年级上册英语素材-Unit7 What did you do yesterday知识点  教科版(广州,三起) 第 4 页 六年级上册英语素材-Unit7 What did you do yesterday知识点  教科版(广州,三起) 第 5 页
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