Unit 3 How many? 第三课时 基础巩固 一、英译汉。 1.My sister can play ________ basketball and play ________ guitar. ( A./; the 2.Can I________? ( A.look at B./; / C.the; the B.look C.have a look ) 3.I play ________basketball on Friday. A.a B.the C.不用填 4.---________ you play table tennis? ( ) ---No, I can’t. A.Do B.Can 5.________ you play table tennis? ( A.Sure C.Are ) B.How C.Can 二、根据提示完成句子。 (1)May I ______ ______(进来)? (2)______ ______(这块橡皮)is for you. (3)What a ______ (漂亮的)little ______(书). ) (4)______ ______ ______ (这个铅笔袋)is not his. (5)I've got a new ______ ______(书包). (6)Happy ______(老师们的)Day! 三、选择合适的单词填空。 1.—How many ________ (mango / mangoes) do you have? —Ten. 2.—Do you have ________ (some / any) stickers? —Yes, I do. 3.—How old ________ (is / are) your brother? —He’s five. 4.—Can you play table tennis? —No, I ________ (can / can’t). 5.—I have a ball. Let’s ________ (play / plays). —Great! 四、找出对话框里的错误并改正。 Mike: Hello! I’m Mike. Amy: Hello! I’m John. Mike: It’s yummy. What’s this? Amy: They are mangoes. Mike: How many mango do you have? [来源:Z.xx.k.Com] Amy: I like fourteen. Here you are! Mike: Yes, I do. _______________________________________________ 五、填内容补全对话。 A: Yang Ling, I have some 1.________. B: Oh! I like stickers. Can I 2.________ 3.________ 4.________? A: Sure. B: They’re very nice. Can I have 5.________? A: OK. Here you are. 能力提升 一、单选题。 1.--- I have ________ balls. ( ) --- Can I have________ look? A.any, a B.some, an C.many, a 2.Can you________ table tennis? ( A.plays ) B.play C.playing 3.—________you play table tennis, Nancy? ( ) —No, I can’t. A.Do B.Are C.Can 4.She ________swim well too. ( A.cans B.can’t ) C.can 5.Can you________the pandas? ( A.think B.see ) C.look 二、选词填空。 1.—Can you __________ (play / play ing) table tennis? —Yes, I can. 2.I have many toy cars. They are __________ (in / on) that box. 3.—Do you have __________ (some / any) robots? —Yes, I do. 4.—__________ (How many / How much) balls do you have? —Sixteen. 5.—I have a ball. Let’s__________(play / plays). —Great! 三、把下列对话按正确顺序从新排列。 A.They’re nice. How many pencils? B.I have two pens. C.I have some pencils. D.Great. E. I have three. What do you have? 正确的顺序:( )( )( )( )( ) 四、根据首字母提示,填词完成对话。 A: Look at 1. t__________ oranges. They're nice. B: Are these 2. y__________ oranges? A: Yes, they 3. a__________ . B: How many 3. o__________ do you have? A: I 4. h__________ nine oranges. Would you like one? B : 5. Y__________ , please. 五、按要求改写句子。 1.have, many, you, how, do, balls (?) (连词成句) ___________________________________________________ [来源:学科网] 2.It’s my toy car. (改为复数句子) _______ _______my toy ________. 3.I have some balls. (改为一般疑问句) _______ you have _______balls? 4.I have a nice cat. (对划线部分提问) _______ _______ you have? 5.I have sixteen eggs. (对划线部分提问) _______ _______ eggs do you have? 核心素养 阅读短文,选择正确答案。 I have a new schoolbag.It’s blue and white.It has a nice picture on it. In the bag,there are some books.I have a pencil—box,too.What’s in my pencil-box? I’ve got some pencils.They’re green.I like my rubber,it's orange and it's from(来 自)my mother.I like my nice bag. (1)The schoolbag is ________. A.blue B.white C.A&B (2)What’s in my schoolbag? A.Some books and pencil-boxes. B.Many books and a pencil—box. D.black C.Some boo ks and a pencil—box. D.Many pencils and boxes. (3)What’s in the pencil—box? A.Some rubbers. B.Some picture. C.Some orange. D.Some pencils. (4)The rubber is ________. A.blue B.orange C.green D.white (5)The pencil-box is from ________. A.mother B.father C.a friend D.We don’t know(我们不知道) [来源:学科网] [来源:学,科,网] 参考答案 基础巩固 一、1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.C 【解析】1.句意:我的姐姐/妹妹会打篮球,也会弹吉他。play 后面接球类名词 时,名词前不加冠词,play basketball 打篮球。play 后面接乐器类名词时,名词 前加定冠词 the,play the guitar 弹吉他。故选 A。 2.Can I have a look?是一个固定词组,表示我能看看吗?故选 C。 3.略 4.根据回答 No, I can’t.可知问句用的是 Can, 故答案为 B. 5.此句是 Can…?的句型,故选 C。 二、(1)come in (2)This rubber (3)nice;book (4)This pencil case (5)school bag (6)Teachers’ 三、1.mangoes 2.any 3.is 4.can’t 5.play 四、What’s this? 改为:What’re they? How many mango do you have? 改为:How many mango es do you hav e? I like fourteen. 改为:I have fourteen. Yes, I do. 改为:Thank you! 【解析】Mike: It’s yummy. What’s this? Amy: They are mangoes. 这两句是矛盾的,回答的主语是复数,所以 What’s this? 改为:What’re they? Mike: How many mango do you have? 这句话中,how many 后面接可数名词复数,How many mango do you have? 改 为:How many mangoes do you have? Amy: I like fourteen. Here you are! 问的是数量,所以回答是 have 有,I like fourteen. 改为:I have fourte

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