【寒假培优 03】六年级上册英语复习 Module 3 短语 1. collecting stamps 收集邮票 2. have got 有 3. lots of 许多 4. be from 来自 5. a letter for me 我的一封信 6. another Chinese stamp 另一枚中国邮票 7. flying kites 放风筝 8. riding bikes 骑自行车 9. collecting dolls 收集玩具 句型 1. Do you collecting stamps? 肯定回答 Yes, I do. 否定回答 No, I don’ t. 2. Have you got any…? 肯定回答 Yes, I have. 否定回答 No, I haven’t. 一、单选题 1.________ stamps are from the US. A. This B. These C. That B. with C. of 2.It's a picture ________ China. A. for 3.I need ________. A. slept B. to sleep C. sleeping 4.This stamp is ________ 1980. A. of B. from C. to B. Having C. Have 5.—_______ you got an apple? —Yes, I have. A. Had 6.—What are you doing? —I am _________. A. ride my bike B. washing clothes C. listened music. 7.Do you like ______ stamps? A. collecting B. collect C. collected B. Sing C. Sang 8._____ is my hobby. A. Singing 9.I______________ a doll. A. has get B. has got C. have get D. have got C. do; doing D. does; do 10.What______________ you______________? A. are; do B. are; doing 11.______________ you got______________ stamps? A. Have; some B. Do; some C. Have; any D. Do; any 12.Here______________ some stamps______________ the US. A. are; from B. is; from C. are; to 二、选词填空 13.I can ________( make/ makes) a stamp book. 14.I cannot ________ (feel/ feeling) it. 15.Where ________ (is/ are) these books from? 16.This stamp ________ (is/ are) from Canada. 17.Have you ________( got/ get) any books? 18.I'm ________( putting/ put) my new stamps into my stamp book. 三、翻译 19.根据汉语提示完成写作 D. is; to I'm an ________(美国女孩). I like ________(集邮). I have ________(许多朋友) from China and Canada. They often ________(给我发) letters. My ________(最喜欢的) stamp is a picture of a panda. It's ________(来自中国). 四、匹配题 20.英汉连线。 ⑴What do I need?________ A. 这是一张我朋友的来自月亮的图片。 ⑵It's a picture of my friend from the moon.________ ⑶They're from the US.________ B. 我有一副刀叉。 C. 我喜爱中国的鱼。 ⑷I've got a knife and fork.________ D. 我需要什么? ⑸I love Chinese fish.________ E. 它们来自美国。 五、语法填空 21.Have you________(get)a football? 22.I'm________(put)my new stamps into my stamp book. 23.I will send you lots of________(China)stamps. 24.These________(be) some stamps from the UK. 25.I haven't got________(some)stamps form Canada. 六、情景交际 26.给问句选出合适的答 语。 A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, it is. I have got about 1,000 stamps. [来源:Zxxk.Com] C. No, I don't. I collect Chinese stamps. D. Yes, I have. E. They are stamps of famous women and men. (1)—What are those? —________ (2)—Have you got any stamps? —________ (3)—Do you collect America stamps? —________ (4)—Is there a new book for me? —________ (5)—Is collecting stamps your hobby? —________ 七、补全对话 27.选择合适的选项,补全对话。 A. May I have a look? B. Do you collect stamps, Li Lei? C. Here's a stamp from Canada for you. [来源:学科网] D. Have you got any stamps from the US? E. But I've got some stamps from the UK. Zhang Hua: ________ Li Lei: Yes, I do. Zhang Hua: ________ Li Lei: No. I haven't. ________ Zhang Hua: Really? ________ Li Lei: Sure! These are my stamps from the UK. Zhang Hua: Wow! They're so beautiful. Li Lei: Thank you. ________ Zhang Hua: T hat's great. Thank you very much. Li Lei: You're welcome. 八、连词成句 28.are from Canada stamps These (.) ___________________________________ 29.you collect stamps Do(?) ___________________________________ 30.are from Canada stamps These(.) ___________________________________ 31.you got stamps from Have any China(?) ___________________________________ 32.you got stamps from Have any China (?) ___________________________________ 九、句型转换 33.Have you got a ja cket?(作否定回答) ___________________________________ 34.I collect stamps. (改为一般疑问句) ___________________________________ 35.I have got some pencils. (改为一般疑问句) ___________________________________ 36.I have got some Chinese stamps. (改为否定句) ___________________________________ 37.I'm putting my new stamps into my stamp book.(对划线部分提间) ___________________________________ 十、完形填空 38. Ben is a new student. He is twelve. He 3 English very well. 4 in a school near his home now. He 1 from the UK. He is his hobby. His parents 7 8 5 from Monday 2 in Beijing. He can doctors. Ben 9 Saturdays and Sundays, he often plays games with his Chinese friends. He loves his Chinese friends. 1. A. comes B. come 2. A. live B. lives 3. A. say B. speaks 4. A. Collecting st amps B. Collect stamps 5. A. is B. am 6. A. study B. is studying 7. A. has B. have 8. A. a class B. classes 9. A. in B. on 10. A. China B. China'

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