暑期专题四 ----- 助动词 do/does 的用法 一. 助动词 Do / Does 帮助句子构成一般疑问句 Do you have a book? Do they like dogs? Do you want some bread? 当主语是非三单时,借助 Do 放在句首,构成一般疑问句。 Does she have a book? Does it like eating meat? Does he have a bike? 当主语是三单时,借助 Does 放在句首,构成一般疑问句,注意动词变为原形。 延升:把没有 be 动词或者情态动词的句子改为一般疑问句的方法 1. 先判断有没有 be/情态动词; 2. 若没有,则判断主语是否为三单,若是三单则在句首加 Does,动词成原形若不是三单则在句首加 Do; 3. 第一人称改为第二人称; 4. 把 some 改为 any。 二. 助动词 do / does 帮助句子构成否定句 I don’t have a toy. They don’t eat lunch. We don’t buy any food. 当主语是非三单时,借助 do 放在谓语动词前,构成否定句。 She doesn’t have a toy. The boy doesn’t eat lunch. It doesn’t have feet. 当主语是非三单时,借助 does 放在谓语动词前,构成否定句,注意动词变为原形。 延升:把没有 be 动词或者情态动词的句子改为否定句的方法 1. 先判断有没有 be/情态动词; 2. 若主语是三单,则在动词前加上 does not,动词成原形,若不是三单,则在动词前加上 do not; 3. 有 some 改为 any。 [来源:学科网] [来源:学_科_网] 基础练习 一、认一认,读一读(请分辨哪些是第三人称单数并圈出) Tony it my brothers friend the cat ant my father my teacher ants Jenny they she Gogo and Tom you he father and mother your sisters my brother teachers my brothers Olina friends your sister Tom and Tim dogs [来源:Zxxk.Com] 二、用 do 和 does/don’t/doesn’t 填空 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. you like soccer? Yes, I . they like p ing--pong? Yes, they . Tony and Ben like baseball? No, they your friends like tennis? Yes, they your brother like basketball? No, he you like basketball? Yes, I . they like watermelons? No, they Jenny have white bowls? Yes, she Peter have fork? Yes, he . your father like apples? Yes, he your friends like bananas? No, they your father and mother have spoons . . . . . . . ? Yes, they . 三、单选题 1.She ________ to see documentaries(记录片). A. do want B. do n't want C. doesn't want D. not want 2.Look at that picture on the wall. __________ you like it? A. Do B. Can C. Could D. Are 3.He ________ like pears. A. do B. is C. doesn't D. not 4.—Do you often go to the cinema ______ Sunday? —No, we__________. A. on, don't B. on, aren't C. in, do D. in, don't 5.-Can you see a light on the table? -Yes, ________. A. I am B. I’m not C. I can D. He isn’t 6.—Does the boy want to be an actor? —________. A. Yes, he is B. No, he does C. Yes, he does D. No, he isn't 7._________ he have any apples ? A. Do B. Does C. Is D. Are 8.She ______ want to be a policewoman, because she thinks it’s kind of dangerous. A. isn’t B. aren’t C. don’t D. doesn’t 9.Why _______ he have brown hair? A. do B. does C. is D. has 10.What time__________ he get home every day? A. is B. does C. do D. am 11.What________ you see in the picture? A. is B. are C. can D. have 12.A:________ Jim ________ a ball? B:No, he________. A. Do, have, don't B. Does, has, doesn't C. Is, have, isn't D. Does, have, doesn't 13.I ________ have a watch. A. am not B. does C. don't D. doesn't 14.Simon likes _____ football, but he doesn’t _____ it well. A. play, plays B. to play, plays C. plays, playing D. playing, play 15.She____have to wash the dishes now. A. don't B. not C. doesn't D. can't 提升练习 一、考考你的眼力,看看谁才是真正的小侦探! 1. Do he jump rope everyday? 2. Does Tina and Linda like bananas? 3. Does she watches TV at night? 4. Does you go to school on Monday? 5. Do they speak Chinese? No, they does not. 6. Does Lily plays football? Yes, she does. 7. Does they work in the fire station? 8. Do you works in the department store? 9. Does she swim in the pool? Yes, she does not. 二、将下列句子改为一般疑问句 1. We do our homework in the classroom. ___________________________________ 2. They play football in the playground. ______________________________________ 3. My sister goes swimming with her friends. ______________________________________ 4. The dog likes eating meat. ______________________________________ 5. They have some good friends. ______________________________________ 6. We are tired and thirsty. ______________________________________ 三. 将下列句子改为否定句 1. We do our homework in the classroom. ______________________ ________________ 2. They play football in the playground. ______________________________________ 3. My sister goes swimming wit h her friends. ______________________________________ 4. The dog likes eating meat. ______________________________________ 5. They have some good friends. ______________________________________ 6. We are tired and thirsty. ______________________________________ [来源:Zxxk.Com] 基础练习答案 [来源:学&科&网 Z&X&X&K] 一、认一认,读一读(请分辨哪些是第三人称单数并圈出)略 二、用 do 和 does/don’t/doesn’t 填空 1. Do; do 5. Does; doesn’t 9. Does; does 2. Do; do 6. Do; do 10. Does; does 3. Do; don’t 4. Do; do 7. Do; don’t 8. Does; does 11.Do; don’t 12. Do; do 三、单选题 CACAC CBDBB CDCDC 提升练习答案 一、

doc文档 【提优拔尖】小学英语三升四暑假讲义:专题四 ----- 助动词do does的基础用法 译林版三起

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【提优拔尖】小学英语三升四暑假讲义:专题四 ----- 助动词do does的基础用法 译林版三起 第 1 页 【提优拔尖】小学英语三升四暑假讲义:专题四 ----- 助动词do does的基础用法 译林版三起 第 2 页 【提优拔尖】小学英语三升四暑假讲义:专题四 ----- 助动词do does的基础用法 译林版三起 第 3 页 【提优拔尖】小学英语三升四暑假讲义:专题四 ----- 助动词do does的基础用法 译林版三起 第 4 页
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