广州教科版六年级下册英语 期末复习专题二 词汇达标测试(二) 班级: __________ 姓名: ____________ 分数: ____________ 一、根据图片及首字母或中文提示写出下列单词或短语。 1.The lady is w__________ f__________her friends in the park. 2. The t__________ and the hare had a r__________one day. 3. The lion is__________ the”K__________ of the Animals” 4. The girl feels c__________in the wind. 5. The kangaroo can jump h__________ and f__________. 6. The boy__________ __________(走路穿过) the park yesterday. 7.Would you like to live in_________ _________ _________ _________(一个没有水的世界)? 8.__________ __________ __________(他们中没有一个) can work now. 9. To__________ __________(省钱),he never goes travelling. 10. This city is__________ __________(以…闻名) its beautiful beaches. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. My aunt likes__________(swim) very much. 2. My sister often__________ (do) some reading in her study. 3. Are the children__________( play) in the garden now? 4. My father never__________(go )to bed before 12 o'clock at night. 5.We should__________ ( save) the animals in danger. 6. None of__________ (they) is in the classroom. 7. This animal__________(look )like a star and it lives in the ocean. 8. We only have one__________(earth). 9. The city__________( be) noisy and busy before, but now it isn’t. 10.My grandfather was tall and strong when he__________(be) young. 11. The man worked in a small village before, but now he__________(work) in a modern city. 12. It is very impolite to laugh at__________( other). 13. Please__________(help) the young when they are in trouble. 14. There are many magic__________ (word )in his book. 三、根据上下文,选择当的单词,将对话补充完整。 (一) from my has called lives A: Let’s guess this animals name. It 1._______ two strong back legs and it 2.________in Australia B: Is it a kangaroo? A: Yes,it is. B:3.__________ turn. It's a large cat. It's yellow and it's 4.__________Africa. It s also 5._________ The “King of the Animals”. A: I know. A lion. (二) forever pollute do save disappear danger buy reading cut about Jane: What are you doing, Ken? Ken: I'm 1.__________ a book 2.__________animals. Jane: Some animals in the world are in 3.__________. Ken: Yes. We must do something now. They may all 4.__________ 5.__________. Jane: What should we 6.__________? Ken: We shouldn't 7.__________ down the forests or 8.__________the oceans. Jane: Yes. There are many things we can do for the animals. Ken: We shouldn't 9.__________ things made from these animals. Jane: If we do something now, we can 10.__________the animals. 四、根据上下文,选择适当的词,将短文补充完整。 Zhang Haidi 1.__________(is,was) born in 1955 in Shandong. At the 2.__________(year, age)of five, she became ill and disabled(残疾的).She couldn’t stand and had to sit 3.__________(at, in)a wheelchair(轮椅). Zhang Haidi couldn’t go to school. But she learned to read and 4._________ (write, wrote )at home. She worked hard and learned many 5.__________(countries, languages). She knew English, French, German and Chinese. She 6.__________ ( also, too )learned Chinese medicine. She learned these all by 7.__________ (her, herself). She was good at writing. She translated(翻译)some books from English into Chinese by herself and wrote 8.__________ (this,some) books. She is a heroine(女英雄) for many Chinese people. 参考答案: 一、1. waiting for 2. tortoise,race 3. called, King 4. cold 5. high, far 6. walked through 7. world with no water 8. None of them 9. save money 10. famous for 二、1. swimming 2. does 3. playing 4. goes 5. save 6. them 7. looks 8. earth 9 .was 10. was ll. works 12. others 13. help 14. words 三、(一)1. has 2. lives 3. My 4. from 5.called (二)1. reading 2. about 3. danger 4 disappear 5. forever 6. do 7. cut 8. pollute 9. buy 10. save 四、1.was 2.age 3.in 4. write 5. languages 6. also 7. herself 8. some

doc文档 六年级下册英语期末复习二:词汇达标测试(二)教科版(广州)(含答案)

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