【分层训练】2022 年人教版 PEP 英语四年级下册 Unit4 第五课时练习 一,我是小法官,判断下列图片与句意是(T) 否(F) 相符。 1. —What are those? —They're sheep. (____) (____) 2.—What's this? —It's a hen. 3.There are five goats on the farm. (____) 4.—What are they? —They are horses. (____) 5.Look at these cows. They are fat. (____) 二,判断下列单词中划线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同。 1.work horse (_____ ) 2.for world (_____) 3.fork short (_____) 4.sport homework (_____) 5.morning born (_____) 三,汉译英。 1.西红柿 _________ 2.马铃薯 _________ 3.豆角 _________ 4.胡萝卜 __________ 5.马 ________ 6.母牛 _______ 7.绵羊 ________ 8.母鸡 _______ [来源:学|科|网] 四,匹配题 A.It's a goat. B.They're tomatoes. C.No, they aren't. D.I can see five cows. E. I have seventeen. 1.What are they? (_____) 2.Are they sheep? (_____) 3.How many horses do you have? (_____) 4.What can you see in the pictu re? (_____) 5.What's this? (_____) 五,(情景提示:Amy 参观 Mike 叔叔的农场。) A: Hello, Amy! Welcome to the farm. B: Thank you, Mike. Oh, your uncle's farm is so big! 1. [来源:学&科&网] A: Yes, they are. B: 2. A: We hav e twenty. B: 3. A: They are potatoes. B: Do you like potatoes? A: 4. B: 5. A: They are under the tree. A.Where are the hens? B.Are they horses? C.What are they? D.Yes, I do. E.How many horses do you have? 六,按要求完成下列各题。 1.It’s an apple. (改为复数句)_____________ _____________ _____________. 2.These a re carrots.(改为一般疑问句)_____________ _____________ carrots? 3.Are they apples?(作肯定回答)_____________, they _____________. 4.It is a horse.(改为一般疑问句)_____________ _____________ a horse? 5.These are tomatoes.(对画线部分提问)_______________________________________ 6.Is this her car? (作否定回答)_____________, it _____________. 七,给下列句子重新排序,组成一段对话。 (_____) It's warm today. (_____) They are goats. ( 8 ) They're lovely. Let's play with them. ( 1 ) What's the weather like tod ay? (_____) OK. I like them very much. ( 4 ) Great! Wow! It's so big. What are those? (_____) Are these ducks? (_____) Let's go to my uncle's farm. (_____) Yes. They are yellow ducks. 八,阅读判断 Weatherman: This is the weather report. Tomorrow (明天) will be hot and windy in Beijing. Mike: Great! I can go to my grandma’s farm. John: Is it a big farm? Mike: No. It’s small. But there are many potatoes, tomatoes and cows. John: How ma ny cows are there? Mike: There are seventy cows. I can milk the cows. John: Can I go to the farm with you? [来源:学科网 ZXXK] Mike: Sure. 1.It’s warm and windy tomorrow. (____) 2.Mike’s grandma has a small farm. (____) 3.There are many watermelons on the farm. (____) 4.There are seventeen cows on the farm. (____) 5 .Mike and John will go to the farm tomorrow. (____) 九,阅读选择 Tuesday May 18, 2021 Sunny Today we have a comprehensive practice class(综合实践课). We don't have the c lass at school, but on Uncle Bill's farm. The farm is big and nice. I can see many vegetables. The potatoes are big and brown. The carrots are big and orange. The tomatoes are small and yellow. What are these? They are onion flowers. They look like(看起来像) balls. I can see some fruit, too. They are apples, pears and watermelons. And there are some cows on the farm. We can milk the cows and drink milk. 1.What's the weather like? ( ) A.It's cloudy. B.It's sunny. [来源:学科网] C.It's windy. 2.Where does Chen Jie have the comprehensive practice class? ( A.At school. B.In the park. 3.What colour are the potatoes? ( A.They’re yellow. A. C.On Uncle Bill's farm. ) B.They’re brown . 4.The onion flowers are ______. ( ) C.They’re orange. ) B. C. 5.What can Chen Jie see on the farm? ( ) A.Potatoes, carrots and grapes. B.Carrots, bananas and cows. cows. C . Tomatoes, carrots and [来源:学+科+网 Z+X+X+K] 参考答案 一,TFFTF 二,FFTFT 三, 1.tomato 2.potato 3.green beans 4.carrot 5.horse 6.cow 7.sheep 8.hen 四,BCEDA 五,BECDA 六, 1. They are 2. Are these 3. Yes are 4. Is apples it 5.What are these? 6. No isn’t 七,2 5 9 6 3 八,FTFFT 九,BCBAC 7

doc文档 【分层训练】2022年人教版PEP英语四年级下册Unit4 At the farm 第五课时练习(含答案)

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