【寒假培优 05】六年级上册英语复习 Module 5 短语 1. be from 来自 2. Pleased to meet you./ Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 3. speak English 讲英语 4. have got 有 5. write to 写给 6. pen friend 笔友 7. of course 当然 8. i n English 用英语 9. sing English songs 唱英语歌 10. play computer games 打电脑游戏 11. pet dog 宠物狗 句型 can 的用法 一、表示“能” ,后面加动词原形 二、结构 1. 一般疑问句 Can you……?表示“你能……..吗?” 回答: 肯定回答 Yes, I can. 否定回答 No, I can’t. 2. 陈述句 肯定句: I can play football. He can speak French. 否定句:I can’t play football. He can’t speak French. 一、单选题 1.选出不同类的单词 A. write B. friend C. speak 2.选出不同类的单 A. watch B. phone C. TV B. Chinese C. America 3.选出不同类的单词 A. English 4.选出不同类的单词 A. pleased B. happy C. want B. England C. Chinese 5.选出不同类的单词 A. Canada 6.She can ______ English. A. speak a B. speaks some C. speaks an D. speak some 7.—______ are you from? —I'm from the US. A. How B. What C. Where 8.Amy is writing a letter ________ her mother. A. at B. on C. to B. meet C. to meeting B. from C. on 9.Pleased ________ you, Lucy. A. to meet 10.He's ________ London. A. to 11.— ________ he speak English? — Yes, he can. D. When A. Does B. Can 12.I want ________ America pen friend. A. a C. Is [来源:学科网 ZXXK] B. an C. the 13.— ______________ — I'm from China. A. Where are you from? B. Where are you going? C. Where are you going to play? 14.She can introduce herself ____ English. A. about B. on C. in 15.— Can you speak Chinese? —______ I am a Chinese people. A. Not at all. B. Sorry, I don't know. C. Of course. 16.I can speak ________ English. A. many B. some 二、匹配题 17.将中文与英文相匹配 ⑴speak French________ A. 说中文 ⑵speak Chinese________ B. 说法语 ⑶come from Canada________ ⑷pen friend________ ⑸speak English________ C. 说英语 D. 笔友 E. 来自加拿大 三、单词拼写 18.根据所给汉语补全下列单词 (1)Fr ________ ________ ch (法语) (2)________ ________ one (电话 ) (3)p ________ ett ________(漂亮的) (4)pl ________ ________ se(请) 四、填空题 C. any 19.仿照例句,将下列句子补充完整。 例句: Daming is from China. He can speak Chinese. (1)Linda is from America. She can speak ________. (2)Meizi is from Japan. She can speak ________. (3)Mark is from France. He can speak ________. (4)Lily is from Korea. She can speak ________. (5)Jenny is from Italy. She can speak ________. 五、选词填空 20.I want a pen friend ________ (in/on) the UK. 21.She can speak some ________ (Chinese/ China). 22.Xiao Doudou is ________ (from/ come) China. 23.I can ________ (speak/ talk) some English. 六、语法填空 24.Marry is ________ (learn) Chinese. 25.Li Ming is ________ (visit) his friend, Jim. 26. I want to ________ (is) your pen friend. 27.Jack ___ _____ (come) from Canada. 28.Linda can ________ (play) basketball well. 七、情景交际 29.依据句子选择正确答语 A. No, I can't. B. Peter can. C. I'm from China. D. Yes, she can. E. Pleased to meet you, too. (1)—Where are you from? —________ (2)—Can you write to her? —________ (3)—Who can speak English? —________ (4)—Pleased to meet you. —________ [来源:学科网] (5)—Can Jingjing speak Chinese? —________ [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 八、补全对话 30.补全对话 A. She usually plays basketball after school. B. That's fantastic. C. And she weighs 40 kilograms. D. How tall is she? E. She is my e-friend, Ann. A: Who is the girl in the photo? B:________She's from North America. She's only ten. But she is very tall. A:________ B: She is 158 centimetres tall.________She looks healthy. A: Does she like sport? B: Yes, she does.________She is a basketball fan. A:________I kno w you are a basketball fan too. B: Yes. We often talk about our favourite basketball teams online. 九、翻译 31.他来自美国。 He's ________ ________. 32.我想交一个中国笔友。 I want a ________ ________ ________. 33.我不会说汉语。 I ________ ________ Chinese. 34.你想成为我的笔友吗? Do you want to ________ ________ pen friend? 十、连词成句 35.I, write, Mandy, can, to(?) _____________________________________ 36.about, know, I, to, want, England, more(.) _____________________________________ 37.English, I, speak, can, little, a(.) _____________________________________ 38.speak, can, I, not, Chinese, any(.) _____________________________________ 39.you, like, be, would, to, friend, pen, my(?) _____________________________________ 十一、完形填空 40. How are you, Pin? I'm writing a letter 1 you in my school. It's a big middle There are fifty students in my class. There are about teacher 4 Mr. Liu. 5 3 2 . I'm in a big class. teachers in our school. My English is a nice teacher. We go to school 6 Monday to Friday. There are four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. We play games 8 7 four on Friday after class. I have many friends at school. One o

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