第一单元词组默写 1. long long ago ________________________ 2. shout at... ________________________ 3. there was/there were ________________________ 4. walk through ________________________ 5. make new clothes for sb. ________________________ 6. show the king his new clothes _______________________ 7. try on _______________________ 8. these magic clothes _______________________ 9. clever people _______________________ 10.What beautiful clothes!_______________________ 11. foolish people _______________________ 12.walk through the city _______________________ 13. in his new clothes _______________________ 14. in the street _______________________ 15. a little boy _______________________ 16. point at ......_______________________ 17. one day _______________________ 18. laugh at him _______________________ 19. look after _______________________ 20. fit well _______________________ 21.each student _______________________ 22. say one/a sentence _______________________ 23. say the next sentence _______________________ 24. tell (sb) a story_______________________ 25. on the mountain_______________________ 26. It’s one’s turn. _______________________ 37. think hard_______________________ 28. What’s next? _______________________ 29. have to do _______________________ 30. start the story _______________________ 31. move the two mountains away_______________________ 1. 很久很久以前 2. 对…喊叫________________________ 3. (过去)有 4. 走过 5. 为某人做衣服________________________ 6. 给国王看他的新衣服 _______________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ _________ 7. 试穿 _______________________ 8. 这些神奇的衣服 _______________________ 9. 聪明的人 _______________________ 10. 多么漂亮的衣服啊! _______________________ 11. 愚蠢的人_______________________ 12. 走过城市 _______________________ 13. 穿着他的新衣服 14. 在街上 _______________________ 15. 一个小男孩 _______________________ 16. .指着......_______________________ 17. 有一天 18. 嘲笑他 _______________________ 19. 照顾 20. 很合身 21. 每个学生 _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________ 22. 说一句话 _______________________ 23. 说下一句 _______________________ 24. (给某人) 讲故事_______________________ 25. 在山上 _______________________ 26. 该轮到某人了。_______________________ 27. 努力思考 28. 下一个是什么? 29. 不得不做…… _______________________ 30. 开始这个故事 _______________________ 31. 把这两座山移走 _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 第二单元词组默写 1. 天气晴朗 __________________ 2. 一个晴天 ____________________ 3. 骑车去公园____________________ 4. 一场鹦鹉展 ____________________ 5. 看见一些有趣的鹦鹉 ____________________ 6. 变得有风和多云____________________ 7. 放风筝放得高 ____________________ 8. 高高地在天空中 ____________________ 9. 带来一些饺子 ____________________ 10. 一些蜂蜜 ____________________ 11. 一些饮料 ____________________ 12. 在面包和蜂蜜上____________________ 13. 乌云 ____________________ 14. 又饿又湿 ____________________ 15. 整天 ____________________ 16. 选三张卡片 ____________________ 17. 干得好____________________ 18. 在公园遇见鲍比 ____________________ 19. 看起来难过 ____________________ 20. 弄丢了我的新风筝 ____________________ 21. 想要知道为什么____________________ 22.怎么了____________________ ____________________ 23.发生什么事了____________________ 24. 爬上山 ____________________ 25. 飞得(太)高___________________ 26. 抓紧 ___________________ 27. 飞走 ___________________ 28. 在小山附近 ___________________ 29. 野餐 ___________________ 30. 做家务 ___________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. be sunny____________________ a sunny day____________________ go to the park by bike____________________ a parrot show____________________ see some interesting parrots____________________ become windy and cloudy____________________ fly kites high____________________ high in the sky____________________ bring some jiaozi____________________ Some honey____________________ some drinks ____________________ on the bread and honey____________________ black clouds____________________ hungry and wet____________________ all day____________________ pick three cards ____________________ well done____________________ meet Bobby in the park____________________ look sad ____________________ lose my new kite____________________ want to know why____________________ What’s the matter/What’s wrong____________________ 23. What happened?____________________ 24. climb up the hill____________________ 25. fly (too) high ___________________ 26. hold onto___________________ 27.fl

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