教科版四上 Unit1 What’s in your room?课后作业巩固 【基础训练】 一、看图,根据图意补全句子。 1. There is a picture____________ ____________ ____________. 2. —Is there a cat____________ the bed?—Yes,____________ ____________. 3. There is a____________ ____________ on the desk, next to the flowers. 4. There are____________ ____________ behind the door. 5. Are there____________ ____________ on the table? 二、选择适当的单词或短语填空。 1. There____________(is, are )two toy planes in the box. 2. There is a kite____________(next,next to )the picture. 3. There is a dog____________(behind, behind to )the door. 4.____________(what's, What)in your room? 5. The map is____________ (between, beside )the window. 【提升训练】 三、单项选择。选择正确的答案,将其大写字母编号写在题前的括号内。 ( )1. The map is__________the window___________ the TV. A between; to B. next; to C. between; and ( )2. In my room, there is a big bed__________ the window. A. Near B .next C. there ( )3. There________any computers in the bedroom. A .are B. aren't C. isn’t ( )4. Children, I want you_________ your bedrooms. A. draw B. drawing C. to draw ( )5.________ in the classroom? A. What B. What's C. Where's ( )6.__________ a pencil and two pens in the pencil-box. A. There aren’t B. There are C. There is ( )7.—__________there any toys in your bedroom? —Yes, there___________. A. Is; is B. Are; is C. Are; are ( )8. There__________two English books and a ruler in your schoolbag. A. Are B. is C. isn't 四、选择最佳答语,将其大写字母编号写在题前的括号内。 ( )1. What's in the box? A. It's on the wall. ( )2. Is that cat under the bed? B.No, they aren't. ( )3. What colour is your desk? C.A new computer ( )4. Is there a small desk in your bedroom? D. Yes. there is. ( )5. Where is the map? E. No ,it isn’t. ( )6. Are the flowers on the desk? F.It' s pink. 【培优训练】 五、阅读短文,根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 Hello, I' m Janet. Let me show you my bedroom. In my bedroom, there is a pink bed. Next to the bed, there is a pink desk. On the desk, there are some books And there is a pink pencil box on the desk, too. In front of the desk, there is a pink chair. Under the chair, there are two toy dogs. Look! There are two kites on the pink wall. There is a big window between the two kites. ( )1. Janet likes pink very much ( )2. There is a table next to the bed ( )3. There are two toy dogs under the desk ( )4. There aren't any books in the bedroom ( )5. Between the two kites, there is a big window 十、根据提示,发挥想象,在横线上填写适当的单词完成小作文。 In my___________,___________ __________ a small bed. It's___________ ___________the desk. On the___________, there___________ some___________. And there is___________ ___________ ___________my family on wall.I___________my bedroom. 参考答案: 一、1.on the wall 2.under; there is 3.new computer 4.two dogs 5.any flowers 二、1.are 2.next to 3.behind 4.What’s 5.beside 三、1-5CABCB 6-8CCA 四、1-6 CEFDAB 五、1-5TFFFT 六、bedroom; there is; next to; desk ;are; flowers; a picture of; love/like the

doc文档 【寒假分层作业】基础巩固+能力提升 复习卷 四年级上册英语-Unit1What’s in your room 教科版(广州)(含答案)

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【寒假分层作业】基础巩固+能力提升 复习卷 四年级上册英语-Unit1What’s in your room 教科版(广州)(含答案) 第 1 页 【寒假分层作业】基础巩固+能力提升 复习卷 四年级上册英语-Unit1What’s in your room 教科版(广州)(含答案) 第 2 页 【寒假分层作业】基础巩固+能力提升 复习卷 四年级上册英语-Unit1What’s in your room 教科版(广州)(含答案) 第 3 页 【寒假分层作业】基础巩固+能力提升 复习卷 四年级上册英语-Unit1What’s in your room 教科版(广州)(含答案) 第 4 页
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