com·for·ta·ble [ˈkʌmftəbl] un·com·for·ta·ble [ʌnˈkʌmftəbl] What kinds of shoes are comfortable shoes? What kinds of shoes are uncomfortable shoes? sneakers [ˈsni:kəz] 运动鞋 High-heeled[hi:ld] shoes 高跟鞋 Since( 既然 ) high heeled shoes are uncomfortable, why do so many women like wearing them? in fashion ago fashion buy uncomfortable pair wear ago 用于一般过去时;从现在的以前 我三天前去的伦敦。 I went to London three days ago. 她 30 分钟前离开的。 She left 30 minutes ago. 很久很久以前,这里住着一位国王。 Long long ago, there lived a king. buy 过去式 bought buy sb sth=buy sth for sb 我妹妹每周都买一件新裙子。 My sister buys a new dress every week. 我上周在巴黎买了一件外套。 I bought a coat in Paris last month. sell 卖( sold ) a pair of glasses a pair of shoes 一副眼镜 一双鞋子 a pair of jeans 一条牛仔裤 a pair of trousers 一条裤子 a pair of chopsticks 一双筷子 be in fashion …… 是流行的 今年流行这种颜色。 This color is in fashion this year. 不流行 be out of fashion uncomfortable 反义词: comfortable ※ 注意: un- 前缀表示否定“不…” , 如 happy-unhappy friendly-unfriendly lucky-unlucky 她觉得不舒服。 She feels uncomfortable. wear 过去式 wore 他每天都戴领带。 He wears a tie every day. 这位女士穿着一件很漂亮的裙子。 The lady is wearing a beautiful dress. wear 表穿着的状态 那个女孩每天都穿粉红色的衬衣。 That girl wears a pink shirt every day. put on 表穿上的动作 请穿上你的外套。 Please put on your coat. be dressed in 穿着……衣服,侧重打扮 那位女士在昨天晚上的晚会上穿了一件很滑稽的外套。 The lady was dressed in a funny coat at the party last night. ago buy wear fashion uncomfortabl e buy What's wrong with the fashionable shoes?

pptx文档 【苏苏制作】英语课件:新概念英语成人版第一册:L75-76

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