2021 春四年级英语期末调研抽测试卷 2021.6 一、选出每组单词中不同类的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。(共 6 分)) ( )1. A. Science B. subject ( )2. A. coat B. clothes C. PE C. trousers ( )3. A. football B. basketball ( )4. A. orange B. juice C. swim C. apple ( )5. A. bathroom B. fridge ( )6. A. morning B. lunch C. sofa C. afternoon 二、根据所给提示写出所缺单词。(10 小题,共 14 分) 1. S is the first(第一) day of a week. 2. I'm t .I want to drink some water. 3.—I have three h 4. —Which s 5.— Can you .I can tell you time. Guess! What am I?—You're a clock. do you like?—I like winter. We can make snowmen. the trees and flowers?—Sure. It's easy. 6. —I'm cold.—Here's a 7. A:Let's w TV. B:Oh,sorry. It's time for my 8. How many 9. It's c for you.—Thanks a lot! in (家庭作业). ( 季节) are there in a year? There are (冬天). We can go (溜冰). . 10. Look,she is wearing a nice s . 三、看图补全对话。(8 分) 1.A: Look at the B: . too big. A: What this one? B: I like it. T hank you. 2. A: B: Not so good. A: B: I'm A: I'm sorry to are you? the matter? . that. 四、选择填空。(14 小题,共 28 分) ( )1. I like .I often play ball games in the playground. A. Maths ( B. PE )2. We have Chinese, Science and Art A. at ( B. in in Suzhou. We can eat ice creams. B. summer B. them )5. My trousers are too long, but your trousers are too B. short B. your C. lunch B. Tuesday . C.fine B. gills B. What )11. —Dad,I'm very hungry.— . C. mouth )10. —Look at the cap. It's so big. A. Whose ( B. bed . )9. The little salamanders can breathe underwater with A. Lungs ( C. our )8. - What day is it today?It's A. seven ( C. tall )7. It's eight o'clock in the morning. It's time for A. School ( . )6. We re twins. We usually do homework at five in the afternoon. A. my ( . C. her A. nice ( C. winter )4. Wow! What a big cake! I want to draw A.It ( Friday afternoon. C. on )3. It's very hot in A. spring ( C. Chinese .cap is it?—It's my father' s. C. Who . A. Here's a fan. B. Have some water. C. Here s a hamburger. ( )12. Which country does Hong Kong belong to(属于 )? A. China. ( B. Korea. ( C. India. )13. —Look,there is a hill in the park.—Let's go A. skating . B. swimming . C. climbing )14. The hot coffee is for Joe. 句中三个斜体单词划线部分发音与众不同的是 . Joe A. B. coffee C. hot 五、选出正确的单词填空。(共 7 分) 1. It's cold,we can make 2.Liu Tao ( snowman snowmen). ( has/have) a 3. We don't have 4. Here ( swim/ swimming) lesson in the morning. (some/ any)flowers now. (is/ are) some water for you. 5. The flowers are beautiful. Can you draw 6. Let (they/ them)? (we/us )go to the park in the afternoon. 六、在第 I 栏中选出与第 I 栏相对应的答语,并将其序号填入括号内。(8 小 题,共 16 分) (一) I II ( )1. I like Chinese and Maths. A. It's six. ( )2. How are you now? ( )3. Sorry. I can't play basketball with you. ( )4. What time is it now, Mum? B. What a pity! C. l m fine,thank you. D. Me too. (二) I П ( )5. I have a cold and a fever. A. Some desks and chairs. ( )6. Where is your brother? ( )7. When do you get up? ( )8. What can you see in the classroom? B. At six o'clock. C. I'm sorry to hear that. D. He's in the library. 七、阅读理解(16 分) (一)将下列图片与句子相匹配。(8 分) А. Ting Ting and Ping Ping find the crab in the sea. B. The children are collecting leaves. C. Hee Sun is very happy with her yo-yo. D, Ozzy likes music. Mum wants to buy Ozzy a CD. (选自《朗文分级阅读 4》) A. The conjuror borrows a tie from the father and puts it into a bag. , В. The spaghetti suit comes apart. Dogs run after him for the spaghetti. C. When the bear comes, Bob lies down and pretends to be dead. D.Don't push others into the pool. (选自《快乐英语阅读》四年级下册) (二)阅读海报,选择正确的答案。(共 4 小题,计 8 分) Here's a poster(海报) from Sunshine Primary School. ( )1. We can see this poster A. in the park ( B. Tuesdays C.in the zoo C. Wednesdays )3. Billy has time on Fridays. He can go to A. English Club ( B.at school )2. We can go to English Club on A. Fridays ( . B. Sports Club C. Art Club )4. If you like playing basketball. you can go to A. English Club B. Sports Club C. Art Club 八、写作。(5 分) 暑假即将来临。你制订好你的暑假生活计划了吗?请以“My Day”为题,赶 紧来写一写吧! My Day I at seven o'clock. I have breakfast at I In the morning. In the afternoon. I want to In the evening,I ,too. . I go to bed at nine. This is my day! I will have a good time during m holiday. 2021 春四年级英语期末调研抽测答案 一、1.B 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.B 二、 1.Sunday 2. thirsty 3. hands 4. season 5. draw 6. sweater 7. watch, homework 8. seasons, four 9. cold; winter;skating 10. skirt 三、 1.shirt It's about 2. How What's ill\sick

doc文档 (期末真题)2021春江苏苏州四年级下册英语抽样调研检测试卷(译林版,有答案)

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