2022 年人教 PEP 版三年级英语一单元下册第二课时练习 基础演练 一、看图完成句子. cat hand bag cake dad 1. I have a_______ ___. 2. Look at my_ _________. 3. It's a____ ______. 4. This is my__ ________. 5. Cut the__________. 二、选出与句中划线部分单词属于同类的词。 ( )1.Wang Ping is a new student. A.dog B .teacher ( )2.Hi,I'm from Australia. A.the UK B.Shandong ( )3.He is my friend. A.and B.today ( )4.This boy is Mike. A.book B.girl ( )5.Look!My pen is new. A.six B.pupil 三、单项选择. ( )1. I have two_________. A. friend B. friends ( )2. Amy is from ________UK. A ./ B.a C.plate C.zoo C.she C.cake C.funny C. teacher [来源:Zxxk.Com] C. the ( )3.—________are you from? —I am from the UK. A. How B. What ( )4. This is Mr Jones.________ is a teacher. A. She B. He ( )5.—Where are you fr om? —_________. A. My name is Mike. B. I’m from Canad. C. Where C.It [来源:学科网] C. I'm a boy. 能力提升 四、单词分类. USA tiger Sarah Canada Amy bear China duck Australia dog Mike elephant UK cat Miss White 1.人名:_________________________________________________________ 2.国家:_________________________________________________________ 3.动物:_________________________________________________________ 五、排序题 ( )Hi,Li Ming. ( )I’m from the UK,too. ( )Hi,Anne. ( )Li Ming,this is Anne.She,'s my new friend. ( )Where are you from,Anne? ( )I'm from the UK.What about you? 六、英译汉:单词短语写出相应的汉语。 1.boy__________ 2.girl__________ 3.teacher__________ 4.student__________ 5.this__________ 七、连词成句. 1. friend, a new, have, we(.) ______________________________________________________________ 2. a, I, USA. the, from (.) ____ __________________________________________________________ [来源:学,科,网] [来源:Z。xx。k.Com] 3. to, nice, see, you (.) ______________________________________________________________ 4.are, where, from, you(?) ________________________________ ___________________ ___________ 5. new, am, a, l, student (.) ______________________________________________________________ 参考答案 一、1.bag 2.hand 3.cat 4.dad 5.cake 二、1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 三、1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.B 四、1.Sarah Amy Mike Miss white 2.USA Canada China UK Australia 3.tiger bear duck do 五、3 6 1 4 5 六、1.男孩 2.女孩 3.教师 4.学生 5.这:这个 七、1.We have a new friend. 2.I am from the USA. [来源:学.科.网 Z.X.X.K] 3.Nice to see you. 4.Where are you from? 5.I am a new student.

doc文档 【分层训练】三年级英语下册Unit1 Welcome back to school 第二课时练习 (含答案)人教PEP版

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【分层训练】三年级英语下册Unit1 Welcome back to school 第二课时练习 (含答案)人教PEP版 第 1 页 【分层训练】三年级英语下册Unit1 Welcome back to school 第二课时练习 (含答案)人教PEP版 第 2 页 【分层训练】三年级英语下册Unit1 Welcome back to school 第二课时练习 (含答案)人教PEP版 第 3 页 【分层训练】三年级英语下册Unit1 Welcome back to school 第二课时练习 (含答案)人教PEP版 第 4 页
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