外研版六年级上册期末提高综合检测卷 一、按要求填写单词。 1、collect(动名词)_________ 2、America(形容词)_________ 3、hobby(复数)_________ 4、riding (动词原形)_________ 5、I(宾格)________ 二、英汉配对 sound( story( ) the Mid-Autumn Festival( ) difficult( ) believe( ) pen friend( ) ) 三、划出句中与所给单词属于同一类的单词 1. doing She’s wearing a skirt. 2. had I ate a hamburger yesterday morning. 3. cow Your rabbit is helping you. 4. me My mum is making a cake for us . 5. plane The train is coming. [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. I want to be a ______ . I like______ stories.(write) 2. The girl______ (climb)a mountain tomorrow. 3. We should ______ (get)up early every day. 4. I’m a ______ . So I like ______ .(drive) 5. He ______ ( live ) in Australia, but he often _________(cook) Chinese food. [来源:学,科,网 Z,X,X,K] 6. My father ________( have) a health y life. 五、选词填空。 peace all around present 1、There are flags from 2、What a bamboo fantastic the world. present! 3、They want to bring to the world. 4、Pandas love ________. 5、I want to show Daming the from China. 六、用下列词的适当形式填空。 supermarket magazine buy write for New Year is coming(新年即将来临。). I want to ______something for my family .So after school, I go to the ______with my good friend Amy. My sister likes reading, so I buy her a ______. My father is a driver, so I would like to give him a map(地图). My mother likes______ , so I will buy some books______ her. 七、根据问句选择合适的答语。 (  ) 1. Where's the West Lake? A. Sometimes. (  ) 2. Do you miss your family? B. She lives in New York. (  ) 3. Have you got any toy planes? C. Reading is her hobby. [来源:Z_xx_k.Com] (  ) 4. What's your sister's hobby? D. It's in the east of China. (  ) 5. Where does Lucy live? E. No,I haven't. 八、单项选择。 ( ) 1. ______ only bread and some oranges on the table . A. There are B. There is C. There aren’t D. There isn’t ( ) 2. These are my football shoes . Where are ______? A. you B. yours C. yourself D. yourselves ( ) 3. A red apple is __ the short tree and a small bird is __ the tall tree . A. on ; on B. in ; in C. on ; in D. in ; on ( ) 4.This is Betty’s bike .Give ______ , please . A. her it B. it for her C. it to her D. she it ( ) 5. -Thank you , Mike . - ____________. A. You’re welcome B. That’s right C.Thank you D.No ,thank [来源:学科网 ZXXK] you ( ) 6. Please give ______ your pen . ______ pen isn’t here . A. I ; My B. mine ; I C. me ; Mine D. me ; My ( ) 7. I’d like you ______ our school on that day . A. to visit B. visit C. visiting D. visited ( ) 8.-Would you like to go there , too ? -___ ____________ . A. Yes , I do B. Yes , I’d like C. Yes , I would D. Yes , I’d love to ( ) 9. Who’s the boy ______ under the tree ? A. stand B. to stand C. standing D. stood ( ) 10. We go and do some shopping ______ Sunday morning . A. in B. on C. at D. of 九、根据汉语意思,完成英语句子。 1.我能骑自行车去吗? ____________ go ? 2.它来自河流中的水。 It ____________ the water in the river . 3.你的爱好是什么? What your ____________ . 4.你的笔友居住在上海吗? ____________ your pen pal in Shanghai. 5.打扰了,这附近有银行吗? Excuse me, ____________ a bank near here? 十、阅读理解。阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F) My name is Mike. Last Sunday was my birthday .On Friday night, my parents took me to Beijing. We went there by plane. In the next day m orning, we watched the raising of the national flag in Tian'a nmen Square . Then we climbed the Great Wall and I took lots of beautiful pictures ther e. In the afternoon, wevisited the Peking university. To be a student of the Peking University is my dream all the time.In the evening, we ate roast Beijing duck. It tasted very nice. On the next day, we went home by plane, too. There was a big birthday party in the evening. My mother cooked delicious food and bought a big cake for me. My grandpa bought me a new bike and my grandma bought me a new dr ess. We ate dinner happily together. Befo re I went to sleep, I wrote a diary about my 13 birthday. ( ) 1 Mike is 13 years old now. ( ) 2 Mike took a lot of pictures of the Tian'anmen Square. ( ) 3. Mike wants to study in the Peking University one day. ( ) 4. On Saturday, Mike went home with her parents. ( ) 5. Mike’s grandparents both bought her gifts. 十一、理解读短文,选择正确答案。    When is a horse not a horse? When it is a sea horse. The sea horse is a small fish. It likes warm water. A sea horse always stands up in the water when it swims.   The father sea horse carries the eggs to keep them safe until they hatch. Then the baby sea horses swim away. ( )⒈ What is a sea horse?    A. It’s a small horse. B. It’s a small fish.   

doc文档 英语六年级上册期末提高综合检测卷 外研版(三起)(含答案)

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