牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语六年级上册期末复习专题:阅读理解 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解 I'm Kate. Emily is my little sister. She's only five years old. She is very lovely. She can play the piano very well. She likes drawing very much, but she's very bad at drawing. One afternoon, my mother gave her some pieces of paper and crayons. She asked Emily to draw an animal. "No problem. I will finish the job soon," said Emily with a smile. Then she came into her bedroom and drew the picture quietly and carefully. Mother and I stayed in the kitchen and cooked some nice food for dinner. It took her three hours to finish the picture, but she was unhappy when we looked at it. "What a cute panda!" My mother said happily. "But I don't like pandas. I don't want to draw a panda. I want to draw a bear!" answered Emily. (1)Emily is good at ________. A.drawing B.playing the piano C.both A and B (2)Mother and Kate cooked for ________. A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner (3)Who was unhappy? A.Emily. B.Kate. C.Kate's mother. (4)What did Emily want to draw? A.A panda. B.A dog. C.A bear. (5)What should Emily do? A.She should stop drawing. B.She should stop playing the piano. C.She should learn how to draw well. 2.阅读理解,根据短文内容选择正确答案。 Date: Saturday, 28th September Weather: cool and windy This morning, Uncle Bob and I went on a ride in his helicopter(直升机). The helicopter lifted us up gently and quickly. It was fast. First, we were over Whiteway. I saw many factories there. There was a lot of smoke from the factories. The air was dirty. Then we flew to Blueway. I saw many buildings there. I also saw a river beside a large park. The air in the field was clean. After that we flew to Yellowway. There were many construction sites (建筑工地) and a lot of dust (灰尘). The air was very dirty. At last we flew back to Greenway. There were many ships in the harbour (港口). The air in Greenway was also very dirty. Our city is beautiful, but the air is dirty. We must keep it clean. (1)Uncle and I took a ________ to the sky. A.balloon B.plane C.helicopter (2)There was a large park in ________. A.Whiteway B.Blueway C.Greenway (3)I saw many ________ in Whiteway. A.parks B.buildings C.factories (4)There were many ________ in Greenway. A.ships B.factories C.buildings (5)Our city is beautiful, but the air is dirty. What should we do? A.We should drive a car more often. B.We should move to another city. C.We should walk to school or take a bus. 3.根据表格内容选择正确的选项。 INSECT MUSEUM Get a full picture of insects! Opening 00 p. m. hours: 9:00 a. m. — 5: The World of Bees— the ground floor The World of Ants— the first floor Monday — Friday Price: fifty yuan Phone Number: 98765234 Address: The World of Butterflies— the second floor Email:insect @ insectmuseum. com No. 234 Yellow Road, Nanjing, China (beside Sun Underground Station) (1)You can visit Insect Museum on ________. A.Friday B.Saturday C.Sunday (2)The World of Ants is ________. A.on the ground floor B.on the first floor C.on the second floor (3)How long is Insect Museum open every day? A.For six hours. B.For eight hours. C.For ten hours. (4)You want to go with your parents. How much do you need? A.Fifty yuan. B.A hundred yuan. C.A hundred and fifty yuan. (5)Can you get to Insect Museum by underground? A.I don't know. B.No, I can't. C.Yes, I can. 4.阅读短文,选择正确答案 Water is very important to living things. Without water, there must be no life on the Earth. All plants and animals need water. Water is needed in factories, offices, schools, families and many other places. Farmers need water to water the crops and vegetables. Workers need water to make things. Firemen need water to put out the fire. We must save water. Don't waste it! (1)What's the Chinese meaning of "living things"? A.东西 B.生物 C.居住在这儿的东西 (2)People can't live ________. A.without water B.with water C.because of water (3)________ need water to water the crops. A.Workers B.Farmers C.Teachers (4)________ need water to put out the fire. A.Workers B.Farmers C.Firemen (5)We must ________ water. A.save B.waste C.put out 5.阅读短文,选择正确答案。 A man finds a seat on the train, but there's a bag on it. So he asks the woman beside (在旁 边) the seat, “Is there anyone here?” "Yes, my friend will be back soon! He is in the toilet," the woman answers. The man is very tired. He sits down and says, "I will sit till (直到) your friend comes back!" Ten minutes later the train starts to move. "Oh, poor fellow. Your friend misses the train, but he can't lose his bag. " After saying these words, the man throws the bag out of the wind

docx文档 期末复习专练:阅读理解(试题)-2021-2022学年英语六年级上册-沪教牛津版(三起) (深圳用)(含答案)

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