四年级英语上册期末总复习 Module 3 My school 重点单词: 1.our 我们的 2.classroom 课室 3.library 图书馆 5.opposite 在……对面 7.sometimes 有时 4. pool 池 [来源:学科网] 6.playground 运动场 8.music 音乐 9.lesson 课 10.PE 体育 11.work 工作 12.art 艺术;美术 13. gym 体育馆 14.eat 吃(饭) 15.or 或,或者 16 .tree 树 17.eleven 十一 18. twelve 十二 19.thirteen 十三 20.fifteen 十五 21.eighteen 十八 22.twenty 二十 [来源:学。科。网] 23.thirty 三十 24.forty 四十 25.fifty 五十 26.eighty 八十 重点短语: 1. swimming pool 游泳池 2.have lessons 上课 3.teacher’s room 教师办公室 4.dining hall 饭堂 5. next to the music room 靠近音乐室 6. have computer lessons 上电脑课 7.in front of the classroom building 在 教学楼前面 8. behind the classroom 在教室后面 9.under the library 在图书馆下边 10.beside the gym 在 体育馆旁边 11.how many 多少 12.Our school 我们的学校 13.big or small 大和小 14.forty desks 四十张桌子 15.forty chairs 四十张凳子 17.have art Lessons 上美术课 16. English teachers 英语老师 [来源:学科网] 重点句型: 1.—让我给你展示一下我们的学校。—谢谢!很漂亮的学校哦。 —Let me show you our new school. —Thank you. It's a very beautiful school. 2.—你们的教室在哪里?—在那边,靠近图书馆。 —Where is your classroom? —It's over there,next to the library . 3.—有游泳池吗?—有啊,在操场对面。 —Is there a swimming pool ? —Yes, it's opposite the playground . 4.我们有时候在那里上体育课。 [来源:学_科_网 Z_X_X_K] We sometimes have PE lessons there. 5.—怀特女士,你们学校有多少教室?—我们学校有三十八间教室。 — Ms White, how many classrooms are there in your school? —Our school has thirty-e ight classrooms. 6.它们是大的 还是小的? Are they big or small ? 7.每间教室有四十张桌子和四十张凳子。 There are forty desks and forty chairs in one classroom. 8.—在你们学校有多少英语老师?—有十三个 [来源:学科网 ZXXK] —How many English tea chers are there in your school ? —There are thirteen. 温馨提示: 1.祈使句: Let me show you our new school. 结构:let+宾格+动词原形 析使句特点:没有主语。 祈使句另一个句型:No+动词 ing 2.多少: How many 和 How much How many 后+可数名词复数 How much 后+不可数名词 另外, How much 可以用 来问价格。 如: —How much is the computer? —It's 3 thousand 3.基数词口诀: 基数词很容易,0 至 12,单独记。 13 至 19,teen 结尾,别忘记。 20 至 90,整十来找 y 替。 几十几,也容易,先说几十,再说几,中间短杠-加上去。 巩固练习 一、将正确的序号填在括号内。 ( )1. We sometimes_____in the music room. A.have lesson B.have lessons C.has lessons ( )2.—What is nineteen and twelve? —It’s______. A.thirty B.thirty-one C.thirty one ( )3.—Are they big_____small? —They are small. A.and B. at C.or ( )4.There is______are room in the school. A.an B.a C.the ( )5.—How many toilets are there in your flat? —There_______ one. A. are B.am C.is (  )6.   milk is there in the bottle? A. How many  B.How much  C.What (  )7.—How many classrooms are there in your school? —There____ thirty-eight. A. is B. are C. be (  )8. —______is your scho ol bag? —My school bag is eight yuan. A. How many B.How much C.How’s (  )9._____an art room is your school? A.Is there B.There is C.Are there (  )10.Mike ____ twenty crayons. A. has B. have C.is   答案: 一、1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.A

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