2021 年外研三起版六年级上册 Module8 易错题检测 B 卷 一、按要求写单词。 1. love (过去式) __________ 3. story (复数) __________ 2. photo (复数) _____ _____ 4. write (-ing 形式) __________ 5. clean (第三人称单数) ___________ 二、读句子, 根据首字母提示填单词。 1. John can't use chopsticks. It's d________ for him. 2. The panda has got a fat b________. How lovely! 3. It's dark. The girl g________ frightened. 4. I like reading. I o________ go to the library on Sundays.    5. Mum gives me a p_____ ___ on my birthday. 三、请用下列短语的适当形式补全句子。 go shopping  drink tea  eat bananas climb trees   go to the doctor   go swimming  clean the classroom 1.The elephants often ________. 2.My mother always ________ and buys lots of clothes. 3.Alex is a good boy and he always ________ and helps teachers. 4.This cat is naughty and it someti mes ________. 5.My father is healthy and he never ________. 6.This summer is very hot and I often ________. 7.My grandp a and grandma often ________ and watch TV. 四、选择题 1、( )Are you ______ stamps? A.climb 2、( B.see )We also go ______and ride our horse. A.swims 3、( B.swim B.wat ers B. fly C. speaking B.dance C.sings B. cleaned C. cleaning [来源:学科网 ZXXK] )Lucy sometimes _______ the blackboard for her teacher. A. clean 10、( B. speaks )Look at this photo. You are _______ the room. A. clean 9、( C. often )Sh e can ______. A.swimming 8、( B. never )Do you often _______ English? A. speak 7、( C. flying )I _______ drink tea, because I don’t like it. A. always 6、( C.teas )She never ________ a kite. A. flies 5、( C.swimming )I drink ______with my dad. A.tea 4、( C.collecting B. cleans C. cleaning )Do you want ________ swimming this afternoon? A. goes B. to go C. go 五、连词成句。 1.play , want, you ,to ,basketball, do(?) ________________________________________ 2.can, English, you ,speak(?) ________________________________________ 3.do, want, collect, you, to, stamps(?) ________________________________________ 4.watch ,am, I, to, going ,film, a(.) ________________________________________ 5.I’m ,to ,hear ,sorry ,that(.) ________________________________________ 六、选择合适 的句子补全对话。 A. Do you like the dog? B. Do you often stay at home with it? C. Who is this little girl ? D. Do you want to see it? E. What's this? A: 1._______ B: It's a photo of my family. 2._______ A: Yes, I'd love to.3._______ B: It's me. I am playing with the dog. A: 4._______ [来源:Zxxk.Com][来源:Zxxk.Com] B: Yes, I like it very much. A: 5._______ B: Not really. We often go out to play games. 七、句型转换。 1. Daming wants to go to China. (改为一般疑问句) ______________________________________________________ 2. Jack often cleans the blackboard. (用 now 改写句子) Jack ______ _______ the blackboard now. 3. She is playing with her pet dog. (对划线部分提问) _________________________________________ 4. drinking, tea, Daming, does, like (?) (连词成句) _____________________________________________________ 5. Sam likes reading story books. (改为否定句) _____________________________________________________ 八、根据问句选择合适的答语。 A. Not very often.    B. By bike.    C. Yes,I'd love to. D. Li Dong. E. I often visit my friends. ( )1. Who closed the window? ( )2. Do you want to eat an apple? ( )3. Do you often watch films? ( )4. What do you do on Sundays? ( )5. How do you go to school? 答案: 一、1. loved 2. photos 3. stories 4. writing 5. cleans 二、1. difficult 2. body 3. gets 4. ofte n 5. present 三、 1.eat bananas 2.goes shopping 3.cleans the classroom 4.climbs trees 5.goes to the doctor 6.go swimming 7.drink tea 四 1、C 2、C 3、A 4、A 5、B 6、A 7、B 8、C 9、B 10、B 五、1.Do you want to play basketball? 2.Can you speak English? 3.Do you want to collect stamps? 4.I am going to watch a film. 5.I’m sorry to hear that. 六、EDCAB [来源:Zxxk.Com] 七、1. Does Daming want to go to China? 2. is cleaning 3. What is she do ing? [来源:学_科_网] 4. Does Daming like drinking tea? 5. Sam doesn’t like reading story books. 八、1. D 2. C 3. A 4. E 5. B

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