2020-2021 学 年 度 六 年 级 上 册 英 语 期 末 句 型 专 项 测 试 卷 (一) 一 、 看 问 句 , 选 答 句 。 ( ( ( )1. How does Sarah go home? A. Yes, she is. )2. Where is the library? B. You can get there by subway. )3. How can I get to the zoo? C. It’s near the hospital. ( )4. What are you going to do this evening? D.I’m going to see a film. ( )5 、Is she going to have an art lesson? 二 、 1.My 按 father 要 is a 求 factory E. She goes home by bike. 改 句 变 worker.( 一 子 般 疑 。 问 句 ) _______________________________________________________________ 2.does ,father, what , your 连 ,do(?)( 词 成 句 ) _____________________________________________________________ 3.He wants to be[ a doctor.] 对 ( 画 线 部 分 提 问 ) ________________________________________________________________ 4.Amy’s hobby is [ drawing pictures]. ( 对 括 号 中 部 分 提 问 ) __________________________________________________________________ 5.My uncle works [ in a factory]. ( 对 括 号 中 部 分 提 问 ) __________________________________________________________________ l.Where 三 、 is the 按 要 zoo? 求 ( 看 写 图 句 写 子 答 。 句 ) ________________________________________________. 2.Does John live in China? ( 改 为 ________________________________________________. 陈 述 肯 定 句 ) 3.I often walk to . school ( 同 义 句 ) ________________________________________________. 4.I am going to [a cinema] next Sunday. ( 就 括 号 部 分 提 问 ) ? ________________________________________________ 5.What should he do? ( 看 提 示 ( ________________________________________________. 6.Mary is [a police officer] . ( 就 完 括 、 1.Class 连 5, 词 where, 答 深 号 呼 部 分 提 句 ) 吸 ) 问 ) ? _________ _______________________________________ 四 成 成 is, 句 。 Grade 6 ? ____________________________________ 2.what’s, today, date, ____________________________________ 3.some, we, take, ____________________________________. 4.is, your, ? the will, photos when, birthday ? ____________________________________ 5.going, to, what, tomorrow, he, ( ( ( ( ( 六 、 对 is ? ____________________________________ 五 do, 话 配 对 . )1.What does your uncle look like? A.My parents. )2.Wow! So ma ny pictures of flowers. B.Yes. )3.I like this comic book. C.Tall and strong. )4.Who is talking? D.They’re from my brother. )5.What an interesting film! E.Really? Me too! 、 改 病 句 。 1. I’m going to swimming. _______________________________________________________________ 2. Turn left at the bookstore and turn straight. ________ _______________________________________________________ 3. I is going this _______________________________________________________________ 4. Is _______________________________________________________________ 5. I’m look a _______________________________________________________________ 七 、 ( ( ( 问       )     )       ) (     ) 八 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)                   、 A.   C. D. E. 右 What Does 3. 5. 搭 Is like your is your Where is she 。 you doing? reading stories? aunt W hat dictionary. 配 are he careful! a worker? brother’s going hobby? to work? No, she isn’t. She is a cleaner. B. He likes doing kung fu. I’m writing an email to my pen pal. She is going to work in a university. Yes, he does. He also likes swimming. 栏 中 找 出 左 栏 各 句 的 答 语 How do Mike and Amy come to school? A. Take a trip. Where is the library? B. Tomorrow morning. How can I get to the park? C. They come by bus. What are you going to do? D. It’s next the hospital. When are you going to the zoo? E. Go straight, then, turn right. 九 1.         从 2. 4.   句 1. ) (           答 evening. 、 is, 连 going, 词 Amy, a, 成 dancer, 句 to, be 。 ( . ) ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. does, where, you r, mother, work ( ) ? ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Sarah’s, works, in, father, a, school ( . ) ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. factory, in, she, a, car, works ( . ) ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. gym, to, he, work, in, wants, ( a ) . ___________________________________________________________________________ 十 、 1.Tom is 按 要 talking with 求 his 改 mother ________Tom__________________with 2.My sister get up [at 句 now.( 改 his 子 为 疑 。 问 mother 句 )

doc文档 【句型专项】人教版PEP 六年上册英语期末句型专项测试卷(一)(含答案)

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