2022 年 语 专项复习 英 陈述句 思维图 陈 述 句 肯定句 be 动词否定句 否定句 一般动词否定句 动词前有助动词 或情态动词的否 定句 be 后加 not 陈述句用来说明一个事实或陈述一种看法,句末用降调。 有肯定句和否定句两种。如: 肯定句: I'm a teacher. 我是一名老师。 否定句: I'm not a teacher. 我不是一名老师。 在小学阶段所涉及的陈述句主要有以下 3 种句式: 1. 主语+ be 动词+ ... 2. 主语+情态动词+动词原形+ ... 3. 主语+实义动词+ ... [ 陈述句的肯定式 ] 陈述句的肯定式有以下几种形式: ( 1 ) 主语 + 系动词 + 表语 如:① This is my father. 这是我父亲。 ②It's warm today. 今天暖和。 ( 2 )主语 + 谓语动词 如:① I can hardly wait. 我等不及了。 ②The teacher smiled. 老师笑了。 ( 3 )主语+谓语动词+宾语 如:① I want some chicken and a hot dog. 我想要一些鸡肉和一个热狗。 ②I can use chopsticks. 我能用筷子。 ( 4 ) 主语+谓语动词+间接宾语 + 直接宾语 如:① My mother is going to buy me a new skirt. 我妈妈将要给我买一条新裙子。 ②The driver told us many things about Kunming. 司机告诉了我们许多关于昆明的事。 ( 5 ) 主语 + 谓语动词+宾语+宾语补足语 如:① She speaks English well. 她英语讲得好。 ②My baby sister calls my mom“mommy”. 我的小妹妹叫我妈妈“妈咪”。 1. 谓语动词为 be 的否定句 直接在 be 动词后加 not. 当 be 在肯定句中的形式是 is,are,was,were 时,可 为 isn't,aren't,wasn't,weren't. 如: I am a worker. ——I am not a worker. She is a teacher.——She is not (isn't) a teacher. We are very busy now. ——We are not (aren't) very busy now. He was at school then. ——He was not (wasn't) at school then. They were young. —— They were not (weren't) young. 2. 实义动词的否定句 如果谓语动词是实义动词,并且其前没有情态动词或助动词,则在实义动词前加” do 的 相应形式+ not” 构成否定句,并将动词变为原形。如: I like playing football. ——I do not (don't) like playing football. He plays the piano well. ——He does not (doesn't) play the piano well. She does her homework. ——She does not (doesn't) do her homework. I went to school yesterday. ——I did not (didn't) go to school yesterday. 3. 含助动词或情态动词的否定句 当谓语动词前有助动词或情态动词时,在这些词后加 not. 如: We can get there before dark. —— We cannot (can't) get there before dark. 4. 谓语动词为 have 的否定句 如果谓语动词是 have/has/had ( 表示“有”的意思), 变否定句有两种方法: ① 在 have 前加 do 的相应形式+ not; ② 在 have 后加 not 或 no. 但 not 后不可直接加名词,必须与 a,any,much, enough 等词连用,再加名词。如: He has some pens. ——He has not any pens. /He doesn't have any pens. 找出下列句子中的错误并改正 doesn't → doesn't do want → wants goes → go went → go plays → play

ppt文档 专题复习:陈述句(课件)-2021-2022学年英语六年级下册通用版

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