Unit 4 What Can You Do? 同步训练 Part B 一、小书法家:模仿所给范例书写单词或词组。 ☆make the bed ☆set the table ☆wash the clothes ☆do the dishes ☆can’t= can not ☆use a computer put away the clothes I’d like to = I would like to have a try robot play chess 二、词汇清单:根据汉语提示默写单词或词组(四会)。 1. 铺 床 2. 摆餐具 3. 不 能 4. 洗衣服 5. 使用电脑 6. 洗碗碟 三、短语集锦:将下列单词或短语翻译成英语。 1. water the plants 2. play chess 3. wash the socks 4. make the bed 5. sweep the floor 6. set the table 7. empty the trash 8. do the dishes 9. put away the books 10. have a try 11. use a computer 12. can’t 13. cook the meals 14. robot 15. listen to music 16. visit parents 四、小翻译家:将下列句子翻译成英语。 1. 你能做家务活吗? 2. 我能摆餐桌。 3. 机器人能铺床吗?不,不能。 4. 我想试一试。 5. 机器人不能洗衣服。 五、连词成句:将下列单词组成一个完整的句子,并翻译成汉语。 1. your sister the pants wash can (?) 2. the robot do what can at home (.) 3. would like to I watch TV this evening (.) 4. water the flowers you can (?) 5. Mike have would like to beef for lunch (.) 六、补全对话: 从方框中选择适当的句子填空,使对话完整。 A. I can use a computer, too. B. I can set the table. C. Robot, can you make the bed? D. Sorry, I can’t. E. Do you like playing chess? Zhang: 1. Robot: No, I can’t. John: Robot, can you do the dishes? Robot: 2. Sarah: Robot, can you set the table? Robot: No, I can’t. What about you, Amy? Amy: 3. But what can you do, Robot? Robot: I can play chess. 4. Chen: Yes, I do. Can you use a computer? Robot:Yes, I can. I am a computer. What about you? Chen:5. I like playing computer games. 同步训练 Part B 二、1. make the bed 2. set the table 3. can’t / cannot 4. do the dishes 5. use a computer 6. do the dishes 三、1. 给植物浇水 2. 下棋 3. 洗袜子 4. 铺床 5. 扫地 6. 摆饭桌 7. 倒垃圾 8. 洗碗碟 9. 收拾书 10. 试一试 11. 使用电脑 12. 不能 13. 做饭 14. 机器人 15. 听音乐 16. 看望父母 四、1. Can you do housework ? 2. I can set the table. 3. Can Robot make the bed? No, It cant. 4. I would like to have a try. 5. Robot can’t wash the clothes. 五、1. Can your sister wash the pants? 你姐姐/妹妹能洗裤子吗? 2. What can the robot do at home? 机器人在家能做什么? 3. I would like to watch TV this evening. 今天晚上我想看电视。 4. Can you water the flowers? 你能浇花吗? 5. Mike would like to have beef for lunch. Mike 午餐想吃牛肉。 六、1—5:CDBEA

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