广州教科版六年级下册英语 Unit8The magic words 知识点梳理 目标单词 1. 魔术的 2. 很久以前 3. 词;话语 4. 指示牌 10. 除了 11. 除……以外 12. 继续 13. 点燃(过去式是 lit) 5. 没有人 6. 失望;难过 7. 底部 14. 点亮 15. 明亮地 16. 指引;引路 (过去式是 led) 8. 在里面 17. 带;携带 (bring 的过去式) 9. 黑暗的 18. 永远;曾经 目标短语 1.很久以前 7.努力猜 2.除…以外 8.它/他们中没有一个 3.继续 9.喊出声 4.点亮 10.充满 5.走路穿过公园 11.在……底部 6.在.....中间 12.....的里面 目标句型 1.在公园的中央,有一棵树,上面有个标识牌。 ______________________________________________ 2.里面一片漆黑,除了一个标识牌。 _____________________________________________________ 3. 随着这些话,树的内部亮起了光,显出一条路来。 _____________________________________________________ 4.这条路通向一间满是玩具和巧克力的房间。 _____________________________________________________ 目标课文 Long ago, a little boy was walking1.___________a park. In the middle of the park there was a tree with a2.___________on it. The sign said, "I am a3.___________ tree. Say the magic words and you will see." The boy tried to4.___________the magic words. He tried "open'' "hurry", and many more, but5.___________of them worked. Tired and6.___________, the boy cried out, "This is too7.___________. Please, dear tree!" Suddenly, a big door opened at the8. ___________of the tree. The sign said, "Carry on with your magic." Then the boy said. "Thank you , dear tree!" With this, the inside of the tree lit up9. ___________and showed a road. The road led to a room full of toys and10.___________ . The little boy11.___________all his friends to the magic tree, and they had the best party12.___________. This is why people always say that "please” and "thank you" are the magic words. 目标语言点 1. In the middle of the park there was a tree with a sign on it. (1)with 意为“带有”,表伴随。 例: The man is walking in the street with a book. (2) in the middle of 意为“在…中间” 例: Please put the table in the middle of the room. 2.....but none of them worked. (1)none 是代词,意为“一个也不/没有”,既可以指人,又可以指物。 “none of+可数名词/不可数名词”一般在句中作主语。 例: None of the children can understand the teacher. (2)work 在句中意为“运作;起作用;有效”。 例: The toy car worked. The little boy stopped crying. 3.... they had the best party ever . ever 放在形容词或副词的比较级或者最高级后表示强调,没有具体意思。 例: This is the most difficult exam ever. 4. be full of 与 be filled with 的辨析 词汇 be full of be filled 释义 辨析 例句 充满;装满 主动形式,侧重于状态 充 满 ; 被 .... 装 被动形式,侧重于动作 with/… The bottle is full of water. The bottle is filled with water. 满 和装的东西 5.With this, the inside of the tree lit up brightly and showed a road. this 指代前句中提到的“ Thank you,dear tree!”。 6.This is why people always say that”please”and”thank you”are the magic words. 该句包含了一个由 why 引导的表语从句。表语从句位于系动词之后,充当系动 词的表语。 例: This is why the student was late. 参考答案: 目标单词: 1. magic 2.word 6. upset 7.bottom 8.inside 3.long ago 4.sign 9.dark 5.none 10.except 11. except for 12.carry on(with)… 14.light up 15.brightly 16.lead 13.light 17.brought 18.ever 目标短语: 1. long ago 2. except for 3. carry on(with)... 4.light up 5.walk through a park 6.in the middle of 7. try to guess 8. none of them 9. cry out 10.full of 11. at the bottom of. 12.the inside of 目标句型: 1. In the middle of the park there was a tree with a sign on it. 2. Inside everything was dark, except for a sign. 3.With this, the inside of the tree lit up brightly and showed a road. 4.The road led to a room full of toys and chocolates. 目标课文: 1.through 2.sign 3.magic 4.guess 5.none 6.upset 7.difficult 8.bottom 9.brightly 10.chocolates 11.brought 12.ever

doc文档 六年级下册英语知识点梳理-Unit8The magic words 教科版(广州)(含答案)

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六年级下册英语知识点梳理-Unit8The magic words 教科版(广州)(含答案) 第 1 页 六年级下册英语知识点梳理-Unit8The magic words 教科版(广州)(含答案) 第 2 页 六年级下册英语知识点梳理-Unit8The magic words 教科版(广州)(含答案) 第 3 页 六年级下册英语知识点梳理-Unit8The magic words 教科版(广州)(含答案) 第 4 页 六年级下册英语知识点梳理-Unit8The magic words 教科版(广州)(含答案) 第 5 页
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