2021 年人教 PEP 版四年级上册期末句型检测卷(二) 一、重新排列字母的顺序把它变为正确的单词。 1. Cnheise ____________ 3. yke ____________ 2. cdanies ____________ 4. obok ________ ____ 5. Esnligh ____________ 6. sotokyrbo ____________ 7. tmahs ____________ 8. cshoaolbg ____________ 9. oebtoonk ____________ 10. oty ____________ 二、 选出每组中不同类的单词。 ( ) 1. A. chicken B. beef ( ) 2. A. fish ( ) 3 A. milk B. noodles ( ) 4. A. forks B. chopsticks C. dinner ( ) 5. A. vegetables B. bowl B. knife C. water C. spoon C. juice C. plate 三、读一读,连一连。 (1) 书房 A. phone (2) 长沙发 B. sofa (3) 冰 箱 C. bathroom (4) 浴室 D. study (5) 电话 E. fridge 四、选择下列不属于同一类的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。 ( )1. A. Chinese B. English ( )2. A. name B. tall C. friend C. st rong ( )3. A. he B. my C. she ( )4. A. black B. thin C. red ( )5. A. ha ir B. long C. short ( )6. A. pink B. yellow ( )7. A. shoes B. storybook ( )8. A. your B. his C. I ( )9. A. some B. a C. Zoom ( )10. A. in C. glasses B. too C. Chinese book C. on 五、选出每题意义不同类型的词汇,并将其代号填入题前括号里。 ( )1.A.light B.fan C.TV D.notebook ( )2.A.bed C.toy D.door ( )3.A.phone B.bowl ( )4.A.cook ( )5.A.candy B.parents C.aunt D.cousin B.sofa B.quiet C.fork D.spoon C.driver D.nurse 六、读句子,补全单词 1.I have a good friend. He is very f__________. 2.--- What’s in the c_____________? --- A blackboard, a TV, many desks and chairs. 3.Put your m__________ books under your schoolbag. 4.My f riend has short h_________. 5. --- Where is it? --- It’s n________ the door. 七、将短语和对应的汉语意思连起来。 [来源:学#科#网] 1.tall and strong 2.short brown hair A.棕色短发 B.黑色长发 3.short and thin C.又高又壮 4.blue glasses D.又矮又瘦 [来源:学§科§网] 5.long black hair E.蓝色眼镜 八、选择正确的选项补全句子。 A. blue hat D. orange shoes B. bla ck glasses C. tall and thin E. long hair 1. My uncle is ________. (高瘦) 2. Sarah has ________. (长头发) 3. I have ________. (橘色鞋子) 4. The old man has ________.(黑色眼镜) 5. My sister has a ________.(蓝色帽子) 九、读句子,选择合适的单词,写在横线上。 like some use on and 1.Your soup _____ beef. 2.You _____ chopsticks for noodles. 3.Put it _____ my dish. 4.I'd like _____ soup. 5. W hat would you _____ ? 十、根据答句选择合适的疑问词,将其序号填在横线上。 ①Who ②How many ③What colour ④Where ⑤How old 1.—___is your book? —It’s on the desk. 2.—___is your pencil? —It’s black. 3.—___pens do you have? —I have 5. 4.—___is this m an? 5.—___are you? —He’s my uncle. —I’m 12. [来源:学科网 ZXXK][来源:学科网] 答案: 一、1.Chinese 2. candies 3. key schoolbag 9. notebook 4. book 5. English 6. storybook 7. maths 10. toy 二、CABCA 三、(1)-D (2)-B (3)-E (4)-C (5)-A 十、1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. C 7.A 8.C 9.C 10 .B 8. 五、DCABA [来源:Z.xx.k.Com] 六、friendly classroom maths hair near 七、1—C, 2—A,3—D,4—E,5—B. 八、CEDBA 九、1.and 2.use 3.on 十、④③②①⑤ 4.some 5.like

docx文档 【词汇专项】2021年人教PEP版四年上册英语期末词汇检测卷(二)(含答案)

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