2021-2022 学年三年级上册英语期末试卷(二) 一.解答题(共 2 小题 ) 1.(3 分)读句子,选出与句中划线部分意思相反或相对的词。 A.boy B.long C.woman D.under E.thin (1)Look at that cat.It's fat.     (2)She is a girl.     (3)The rabbit has a short tail.     (4)That man is my teacher.     (5)The black bag is on the desk.     2.(3 分)选择合适的短语。 Class Rules We should: (1)    (2)    We shouldn't: (3)    (4)    (5)    A.Make noise in class. B.Listen to the teacher carefully. C.Be late for school. D.Eat in class. E.Hand in your homework. 二.解答题(共 1 小题,满分 3 分,每小题 3 分) 3.(3 分)选择与图意相符的短语。 A. a pair of pajamas B. Beijing Olympics C. broke his arm D. return the books [来源:学.科.网] E. visit grandparents F. bought a shirt G. went to the museum H. won the football match (1)    (2)    (3)    (4)    (5)    (6)    (7)    (8)    三.选择题(共 6 小题,满分 18 分,每小题 3 分) 4.(3 分)选出与图片内容相符的句子.(  ) A.This is my gr andma. B.This is my grandpa. 5.(3 分)看图片,选择与图片相符的句子.(  ) A.The girl is between the two boys. B.The girl is behind the two boys. 6.(3 分)This is an orange pencil.(  ) A. B. 7.(3 分)﹣﹣﹣ Would you like some soup? ﹣﹣﹣ Yes, please. Can I have a _____________please?(  ) A.spoon B.knife and fork C.chopsticks 8.(3 分)看图,选择与图片内容相符的句子。(  ) A.I go to school on foot. B.She is going to the park by taxi. C.He is going to the zoo by subway. 9.(3 分)﹣How many caps do you see? ﹣I see A.six .(  ) B.three 四.选择题(共 6 小题,满分 18 分,每小题 3 分) 10.(3 分)看图,选择与图片内容相符的句子。(  ) A.He is good at English.He is a teacher. C.one B.He plays basketball very well.He teaches us PE. C.He likes animals very much. He is a vet. 11.(3 分)看图,选择与图片内容相符的句子。(  ) A.Can I use your eraser? B.Do you have some paper? C.Pass me the book, please. 12.(3 分)We should eat healthy food.(  ) A. B. 13.(3 分)Is it jumping?(  ) A.No,it isn't. B.Yes,it is. 14.(3 分)根据图片选择合适的句子。 (  ) A.I'm thirsty .I'd like some tea. B.I'm hungry .I'd like some rice. 15.(3 分)看图,选择与图片内容相符的句子。(  ) A.You can kick the ball with foot. B.You need to throw the ball in the basket. C.You can play this game in the water. 五.解答题(共 1 小题,满分 3 分,每小题 3 分) 16.(3 分)选择与题意相符的图片. (1)This is the playground.    (2)It's sunny. Put on your sunglasses.    (3)It's 9 o' clock. It's time for English class.    (4)Are they cows? No, they're horses.    (5)They're pants.    六.解答题(共 1 小题) 17.看图片,选句子 A.I'd like some eggs and bread. [来源:学*科*网] B.I'd like some bread and juice. C.Have some bread and milk,please. D.I'm hungry. 七.阅读理解(共 1 小题) 18.阅读短文给图片排序。 Look!There's a dog and a cat.They're playing catch.The cat is running.The dog is catching it.Picture 1,they were on the first floor.Picture 2 , the cat is on the second fl oor.And the dog was on the first floor.Picture 3,they were on the second floor.Picture 4,the cat is on the first floor.And the dog was on the second floor. (1) (2) (3) (4)     八.解答题(共 2 小题) [来源:学&科&网 Z&X&X&K] 19. A.The car is on the box. B.Where is my pencil?﹣It's under your book. C.﹣Mom,where is my ball?﹣Look,It's under the chair. 1.    2.    3.   . 20.按正确格式抄写下列英语单词。 (要求字母之间的间隔适度,字母书写正确、饱满、不出线、斜度适 度,视觉美观。) (1)One Sunny morning, I went for a picnic at the beach.    (2)Let's go and have a look.    (3)It's time for the weather forecast.    2021-202 2 学年三年级上册英语期末试卷(二) 参考答案与试题解析 一.解答题(共 2 小题,满分 6 分,每小题 3 分) 1.(3 分)读句子,选出与句中划线部分意思相反或相对的词。 A.boy B.long C.woman D.under E.thin (1)Look at that cat.It's fat.  E  (2)She is a girl.  A  (3)The rabbit has a short tail.  B  (4)That man is my teacher.  C  (5)The black bag is on the desk.  D  【分析】(1)看那只猫,它很胖。瘦的; (2)她是个女孩。男孩; (3)兔子有一条短尾巴。长的; (4)那个男人是我的老师。妇女; [来源:Zxxk.Com] (5)黑色的包在桌子上。在......下面。 【解答】考查反义词、对应词。 (1)E。Look at that cat.It's fat.看那只猫,它很胖。胖的反义词是"瘦",可译为:thin。故选:E。 (2)A。She is a girl.她是个女孩。女孩的对应词是"男孩",可译为:boy。故选:A。 (3)B。The rabbit has a short tail.兔子有一条短尾巴。短的的反义词是 "长的",可译为:long。故选: B。 [来源:Zxxk.Com] (4)C。That man is my teacher.那个男人是我的老师。男人的对应词是"女人",可译为:woman。故选: C。 (5)D。The black bag is on the desk.黑色的包在桌子上。在......上面的对应词是"在......下面",可译为: under。故选:D。 【点评】考查基础语法知识。根据课本所学,按照要求认真答题。 2.(3 分)选择合适的短语。 Class Rules We should: (1) B  (2) E  We shouldn't: (3) A  (4) C  (5) D  A.Make noise in class. B.Lis ten to the teacher carefully. C.Be late for school. D.Eat in class. E.Hand in your homework. 【分析】班规 我们应该: (1)认真听讲。 (2)上交作业。 我们不应该: (3)在课堂上制造噪音。 (4)上学迟到。 (5)在课堂吃东西。 【解答】本题主要考查英文常识。首先,翻译表格中的句子。A 选项意思为:在课堂上制造噪音。B 选 项意思为:认真听讲。C 选项意思为:上学迟到。D 选项意思为:在课堂吃东西。E 选项意思为:上交 作业。由此可见,在课堂上我们应该认真听讲;上交作业。我们不应该在课堂上制造噪音;上学迟到以 及在课堂吃东西。由此作答。 故答案为: (1)B; (2)E; (3)A; (4)C; (5)D。 【点评】结合表格中句子大意,根据题干要求,结合常识作答。 二.解答题(共 1 小题,满分 3 分,每小题

doc文档 【精品】2021-2022学年三年级上册英语期末试卷(二)北京版(含答案解析)

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