外研版(三年级起点)五年级下册 Module 5 一、单项选择 ( )1. Look at the red skirt._____ nice. A.It's B.its C.it ( )2._____ you got a big hat? A.Are B.Have C.Do ( )3.You can take this sweater_____China. A.in B.to C.with ( )4.My mother will buy a new bag_____me. A.for B.to C.with ( )5.The box is very_____.It’s easy to carry. A.heavy B.light C.old 二、找出下列单词中不同类的一项 ( )1.A.coat B.DVD ( )2.A.tiger B.newspaper ( )3.A.easy ( )4.A.shopping ( )5.A.heavy B.photo B.buy B.hard C.CD C.dictionary C.card C.give C.bag 三、写出下列形容词的反义词 1.small____________ 2.tall____________ 3.heavy____________ 4.fat_____________ 5.easy_____________ 6.bad_____________ 7.old_____________ 8.slow____________ 四、情景选择 ( )1.当妈妈说要给你买一件新衣服时,你应该说: A. Sorry! B.Thank you. C. No. ( )2.如何表达做某件事对对方来说很难? A.It's too hard for you. B.It’s easy for him. C.It's too easy for you. ( )3.你打算买走某个东西时,应该说: A.I'll take them. B.Give it to me, please. C. I'll take it. ( )4.你指着一件衣服让别人看时,你应该说: A.Look at this coat. B.It's a coat. C.It's old. ( )5.你觉得这个书包对你来说很重,应该说: A.The schoolbag is too big for me. B.The schoolbag is too heavy for me. C.The schoolbag is too nice for me. 五、补全对话 Mum:Look at the white dress. It's nice. Mary:Yes.It's OK. But It's too small for me. Sales assistant:Try this blue one. Mary:I like green.1.________________ Sales assistant:Yes, we have.2.______________ Mary:Oh,Mum,it's very lovely.3.____________ I like it very much. I'll take it. Mum:OK.How much is it? Sales assistant:4._____________ Mum:5._____________ Sales assistant:Thank you.Here’s your dress. A.Have you got a green one? B.Please try this one. C.It's got flowers on it. D.It’s eighty yuan. E.Here you are. 六、连词成句 1.it/to/you/take/can’t/China(.) __________________________________ 2.light/bag/this/blue/is(.) _________________________________ 3.has/it/two/pockets/got(.) __________________________________ 4.there/your/you/put/can/umbrella/(.) _______________________________________ 5.it/will/we/take(.) _______________________________________ 七、请你向大家介绍一下你的书包,要求句子通顺,不少于五句话。 ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 外研版(三年级起点)五年级下册 Module 5 答案 一、单项选择 ( )1. Look at the red skirt._____ nice. A.It's B.its C.it ( )2._____ you got a big hat? A.Are B.Have C.Do ( )3.You can take this sweater_____China. A.in B.to C.with ( )4.My mother will buy a new bag_____me. A.for B.to C.with ( )5.The box is very_____.It’s easy to carry. A.heavy B.light C.old A B B A B 二、找出下列单词中不同类的一项 ( )1.A.coat B.DVD ( )2.A.tiger B.newspaper ( )3.A.easy ( )4.A.shopping ( )5.A.heavy C.CD B.photo B.buy B.hard C.dictionary C.card C.give C.bag A A A A C 三、写出下列形容词的反义词 1.small____________ 2.tall____________ 3.heavy____________ 4.fat_____________ 5.easy_____________ 6.bad_____________ 7.old_____________ 8.slow____________ 1.big 2.short 3.light 4.thin 5.hard 6.good 7.young 8.fast 四、情景选择 ( )1.当妈妈说要给你买一件新衣服时,你应该说: A. Sorry! B.Thank you. C. No. ( )2.如何表达做某件事对对方来说很难? A.It's too hard for you. B.It’s easy for him. C.It's too easy for you. ( )3.你打算买走某个东西时,应该说: A.I'll take them. B.Give it to me, please. C. I'll take it. ( )4.你指着一件衣服让别人看时,你应该说: A.Look at this coat. B.It's a coat. C.It's old. ( )5.你觉得这个书包对你来说很重,应该说: A.The schoolbag is too big for me. B.The schoolbag is too heavy for me. C.The schoolbag is too nice for me. B A C A B 五、补全对话 Mum:Look at the white dress. It's nice. Mary:Yes.It's OK. But It's too small for me. Sales assistant:Try this blue one. Mary:I like green.1.________________ Sales assistant:Yes, we have.2.______________ Mary:Oh,Mum,it's very lovely.3.____________ I like it very much. I'll take it. Mum:OK.How much is it? Sales assistant:4._____________ Mum:5._____________ Sales assistant:Thank you.Here’s your dress. A.Have you got a green one? B.Please try this one. C.It's got flowers on it. D.It’s eighty yuan. E.Here you are. A B C D E 六、连词成句 1.it/to/you/take/can’t/China(.) __________________________________ 2.light/bag/this/blue/is(.) _________________________________ 3.has/it/two/pockets/got(.) __________________________________ 4.there/your/you/put/can/umbrella/(.) _______________________________________ 5.it/will/we/take(.) _______________________________________ 1.You can’t take it to China. 2.This blue bag is light. 3.It has got two pockets. 4.You can put your

doc文档 Module 5(同步练习)-2021-2022学年英语五年级下册

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