【暑期衔接】小学英语四升五专项自测 阅读理解 1.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 Hello, my name is Judy. I am a student of Class Two Grade Four. I get up at seven. I go to school at seven ten. I go to school on foot. I have breakfast at school. My favorite food is hamburgers. And my favorite subject is English. Tom's favorite food is dumplings and his favorite subject is Chinese. Jack likes PE and Music. He likes playing football the best. Science is Kate's favorite subject. And my favorite sport is playing basketball and Tom's favorite sport is playing table tennis. (1)Judy goes to school ___________________. A.at 7:00 B.at 7:10 C.at 7:20 (2)— How does she go to school? — She goes to school ___________________. A.by bus B.by bike C.on foot (3)Tom's favorite sport is ______________ and his favorite food is ____________. A.table tennis; dumplings B.basketball; noodles C.PE; hamburger (4)Judy's favourite subject is ___________________. A.maths B.Chinese C.English (5)Kate's favorite subject is ___________________. A.Science B.Chinese C.English 2.阅读短文,选择最佳答案。 Little Sam doesn't like lessons or games. He likes to eat in McDonald's(麦当劳). He often eats a fish hamburger and French fries (薯条). Most people working in McDnald's know little Sam very much. They often ask him, “How often do you eat fish hamburgers and French fries?" “Twice a week," he answers. “Do you like to eat other fast food?" “Yes, I do. But I like McDonald's better, because I can get a small toy." People in McDonald's laugh him and ask him, “Why don't you go to the toy shop?" “Because in the toy shop they don't have McDonald's." (1)Sam likes eating ______________. A.a fish hamburger B.French fries C.A and B (2)Sam doesn't like ______________. A.lessons B.games C.lessons or games (3)Sam goes to McDonald's ______________. A.once a week B.twice a week C.twice a week (4)— Why does not Sam go to toy shop? — He wants to ______________. A.get toys B.eat hamburgers C.get toys and eat hamburgers and French fries (5)In McDonald's there is a lot of ______________. A.drink B.people C.fast food 3.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 Today is Tuesday. It is Children's Day. We are so happy. We don't have classes today. We come to school early. We are wearing new clothes. We bring a lot of food and drinks in the bag. The party is at eight in the morning. At eight thirty we are singing and dancing, then we play games. It is interesting. Some students are drawing a picture on the board. After the party some students are playing on the playground. In the afternoon we go to the zoo. We have a good time today. (1)It is ______________. A.Children's Day B.Teacher's Day C.Mother's Day (2)Today children don't ______________. A.have classes B.go to school C.go to bed. (3)We come to school very ______________. A.late B.early C.much (4)In the afternoon we ______________. A.see a film B.go to the park C.go to the zoo (5)We __ ___________ in the classroom A.sing and dance B.draw C.A and B 4.根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。 Look at the table. There are many things on the table. There is a pencil, a ruler, a rubber and two pens. There are two balls, three books, a violin and a guitar on it, too. We don't know whose they are. Oh, there are names on it. Whose guitar is this? It is Lucy's guitar. It is new and wonderful. Whose books are these? They are Kate's books. They are thick. The violin is Lily's. The ruler and rubber are Sam's. The two pens are Ken's. They are long. (1)— Whose guitar is this? — It's ___________________ guitar. A.Lily B.Lucy C.Lucy's (2)— How many books on the table? — ___________________. A.One B.Two C.Three (3)— What do the books feel? — They are ___________________. A.thin B.thick C.soft (4)The violin is ___________________. A.Lily B.Lily's C.Lucy's (5)— How many balls are there? — There are ___________________. A.two B.three C.four 5.阅读短文,选择最佳答案。 This is the sun. It is as tar. It is a big thing in the sky. In the morning it rises in the east(东方). It is red and big and it is not hot. At noon, the sun is small but it is hot and bright. We must not look at it. It is bad for our eyes. At night we can't see the sun. But we can see the moon and stars. In the evening the sun goes down in the west(西方). We can't see it. And the weather is dark(暗了). We all need the sun. Animals and plants both need the sun, too. Because it can give us light and heat. (1)The sun is ______________ in the sky in the day. A.big B.bright C.A and B (2)The sun rises ______________. A.in the morning B.in the e

doc文档 【暑期衔接】教科版(广州)小学英语四升五专项自测-阅读理解3(有答案)

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