Module 2Unit 5 Friends(同步练习) 一、判断下列每组单词画线部分发音是(√)否(X)相同。 ( )1. dream dress ( )2. prince primary ( )3. driver bring ( )4. brown princess ( )5. draw drive 二、根据汉语提示,重组下列字母,组成所学单词。 1.smea 相同的 2.yase 容易的 3.drwo 单词 4.yaehv 重的 5.nasewr 回答 三、单项选择。 ( )1. We love animals. I have a cat and Alice has a dog. A. both B. all C. are ( )2. Joe and I are in the same grade. we are in A. different ( But classes. B. both C. difficult )3.— —Yes,we are in the same class. A. Are you Tom? B. Are you in the same class? C. Are you ten? ( )4.— —Yes,we like the same food. A. Do you like it? B. Do you like the same food? C. How's it? ( )5. I likes playing table tennis and Alice volleyball. A. likes;play B. like; playing C. like;plays 四、补全对话。 Liu Fang:Hi,Mike. Can you answer my questions? Mike:1. Liu Fang:2. Mike:Zhang Liang and Tom are my good friends. Liu Fang:3. Mike: Yes. We're all in Class One. Liu Fang:4. Mike :No.I like playing football.Zhang Liang likes playing volleyball.Tom likes playing basketball. Liu Fang:5. A. Are you in the same class? B. Of course. C. Do you like the same sport? D. Who is your good friend? E. OK. Thanks. 五、连词成句。 1. books Oliver some reads home at(. ) 2. kitchen busy is Oliver's the mother in (. ) 3. likes with Alice her playing dog (. ) 4. carry we help heavy also things them(. ) 5. same in we school are the (. ) 六、阅读理解。 My friend Tony is tall and thin. We are in the same class. He is friendly.And he often help others. My classmates and the teachers all like him. He likes reading, traveling(旅游) and playing table tennis. I also like playing table tennis. Sometimes we play table tennis at the weekend. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )1. Tony is not my friend. ( )2. Tony is thin and tall. ( )3. Tony is friendly. ( )4. Tony and I both like playing table tennis. ( )5. We always play table tennis at the weekend. 七、根据所给信息完成写作,每空一词。 playing friends table tennis sport love her likes My Good Friend I have a good friend. She is Kitty. We both like .I like .She swimming. We both animals. I like a cat. favourite animals are dogs. We like each other. We are good 答案 . 一、1.√ 2. √3.X 4.X 5.√ 二、1. same 2. easy 3. word 4. heavy5. answer 三、1.A 2.A 3.B 4. B 5.B [解析]第一个空,主语 I 是第一人称,因此动词用原形 like。第二 个空, like doing sth.喜欢做某事,是固定用法,用动名词 playing. 四、1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.E 五、1. Oliver reads some books at home. 2. Oliver's mother is busy in the kitchen. 3. Alice likes playing with her dog. 4. We also help them carry heavy things. 5. We are in the same school. 六、1.F 2.T 3.T 4. T 5.F [ 解 析 ] 由 文 中 “ Sometimes we play table tennis at the weekend.”可知,我们有时在周末打乒乓球,而不是总是在周末打乒 乓球。 七、sport; playing; table tennis ; likes; love; Her ;friends

doc文档 Module 2 Unit 5 Friends(同步练习)-2021-2022学年英语五年级上册

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