四年级下册 Unit 7 What’s the matter 易错题 一、 判 断 划 线 部 分 发 音 是 否 相 同 , 相 同 的 写 “ S” , 不 同 的 写 “D”。 ( ( ( ( ( ) 1. close ) 3. want ) 5. hungry ) 7. glass ) 9. dear some water under aunt bear ( ( ( ( ( ) 2. cold ) 4. mouse ) 6. feel ) 8. here ) 10. thirsty 二、 按要求写词 1. mouse (复数) 2. happy (反义词) 3. cold (反义词) 4. right (同音词) 5. here’s (完整形式) 6. speak (动名词) 7. go (对应词) 8. want ( 近 义 词 组) 9. hungry (对应词) 10. Mr. (对应词) 11. grandpa (对应词) 12. he (宾格) 13. they (宾格) 14. glass (复数) 15. our (单数) 16. wrong (反义词) 三、 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. –Whose jackets are 2. This pair of 3. (shoe) -Do you want -Yes, two (that)? -They’re my (be) beautiful. (some) orange juice? (glass) of orange juice, please. 1 (father). nice how eat where this 4. It’s time (have) a (dance) lesson. 5. The boy (want) 6. -What’s the matter with 7. -Would you like (fly) a kite. (she)? -Her foot (go) (hurt). (skate) with (I)? -Yes, I’d like to. 8. -Whose (rubber) are these? –They’re my 9. This is (Su Hai and Su Yang) bedroom. 10. He (be) very thirsty. He’d like 11. Please (show) 12. -Can I have (sandwich), Mum? - Sure. Here you are. (go) to bed now. 14. Hello, this is Mr Li (speak). (be) she ill? -Yes, she 16. It’s a (mango). -Here 18. -What about (go) 20. Mike often (have) some (want) (climb). (mango) pies for you. (shop)? - Good idea. (have) some 21. Amy (go) (be) some 19. Lily usually 22. (have) a cold. (sun) day today. Let’s 17. -I like (drink) some cola. (I) your new school bag. (some) 13. I’m tired. I want 15. - (brother). (rice) for lunch. (bread) and (go) to bed at ten. (not be) sad. You can play football 23. Tom (pie) for dinner. (good). (can) play table tennis. He isn’t happy. 24. -Here (be) a lot of beautiful flowers for you. –Thank you. 25. I’m hungry. Can I have 26. Miss Li. I 27. – May I (some) cakes? (can) go to school today because I am ill. (speak) to Miss Li? - Yes, this is Miss Li 28. –What are (that) over there? –They are (orange) trees. 29. -I can’t play basketball, Wang Bing. - (not be) sad, Tom. Let (I) (teach) you. 四、英汉互译 2 (speak). 1. (过来吃个冰淇淋), Wang Bing. 2. After school, my sister 3. I can 4. (感觉又饿又渴). (在树上看见一只黑色小猫). (许多快乐的男孩)play football in the playground. 5. Here (两杯热绿茶)for you. 6. Mike, (坐我的小汽车上学). 7. Hi, children. Can you (把你们的新自行车展示给我们看)? 8. Mum, I want (在九点前上床睡觉). (喝一些牛奶)? 9. Dad, can I 10. It’s sunny today. Let’s (在公园里野餐). 11. Mum and Dad, you are tired. Here 12. Would you like (两把椅子给你们).. (在炎热的夏天去游泳)? 五、选择题 ( ) 1. –I don’t have ( ( ( ( orange juice. Can I have A. some; any B. any; some ) 2. -What’s the matter with ? -She a cold. A. her; have B. she; has ) 3. Here an apple and two cakes A. is; for B. are; to ) 4. Hello, Yang Ling. This is Helen A. speaking B. speak ) 5. –I’m very . 3 ? C. any; any C. her; has you. C. is; to . C. speaks -Here’s a for you. A. hot; fan B. thirsty; cake ) 6. I’m tired. I don’t want home. A. to walk to B. to walk home ) 7. This pair of shoes nice. Can I A. is; try on them B. are; try them on ) 8. –What are over there? –They’re A. these; orange B. those; oranges ) 9. –It’s time bed. ( ( ( ( - C. walk home ? C. is; try them on trees C. those; orange , Mum. A. for; Good night B. to; See you ( ) 10.- C. for; Good evening does your sister feel? -She cold. A. What; feel B. How; feels ( ) 11. My jeans B. are; this one ( ) 12. –Do you want A. to drink some ( ) 13. After C. How; feel too short. Can I try on A. are; this pair milk? -Yes, please. the pill, the girl C. taking; drinks after dinner. B. go dance C. goes dancing ( ) 15. -Can you play basketball - No, I can’t. A. good; and C. to drink any some warm water. B. taking; drink ( ) 14. My grandma usually A. go dancing ? I can try. B. well; but C. good; but 六、 句型转换 1. She is ill today. (对划线部分提问) the with with ? C. is; this pair B. drinking some A. take; drink = C. cold; chair ? ? 2. Amy wants to play football. (改为同义句) 4 Amy to play football. 3. Yang Ling has some toys in her bedroom. (改为一般疑问句) Yang Ling toys in her bedroom? 4. My sister is hungry. (改为一般疑问句并做否定回答) sister hungry? No, . 5. We would like some ice creams. (改为一般疑问句) you ice creams? 6. You can’t drink any cold water. (改为祈使句) any cold water. 7. It’s very hot today. (改为感叹句 2 种改法) it is today! hot day today is! 8. I feel ill now. (对划线部分提问) you now? 9. The child likes making snowmen in winter. (对划线部分提问) the child in winter? 10. This jac

doc文档 Unit 7 What's the matter ?(易错题)-2021-2022学年英语四年级下册

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