In the restaurant Oxford 1A Module3 Unit3 Review  Rewarding System : Group1 Do you like me? Group2: Try to get me! : 3 p u o r G Please first divide students into 3 groups. Name the groups with colors. During teaching, please encourage students to speak and give them stars as rewards, once at a time, to the group. Please draw the chart above on the blackboard.  Knowledge Aims 单词 句型 听、说、读本课新单词 (hamburger, pizza, cake, pie); A: Can I help you? B: May I have a/an … please? A: Here you are. B: Thank you. 语法 如何在餐厅点餐 May I …?  Warm up 还记得这首歌 怎 么唱吗?  Presentation hamburge r A: Can I help you? B: Here you are. B: May I have a/an …, please ?A: Thank you.  Presentation pizza A: Can I help you? B: Here you are. B: May I have a/an …, please ?A: Thank you.  Presentation cak e A: Can I help you? B: Here you are. B: May I have a/an …, please ?A: Thank you.  Presentation pie A: Can I help you? B: Here you are. B: May I have a/an …, please ?A: Thank you.  Presentation May I …? ______________. ______________.  Presentation May I …? ______________. ______________.  Let’s practice! What’s this? It’s a/an ….  Let’s practice! What’s this? It’s a/an ….  Let’s practice! What’s this? It’s a/an ….  Practice 将单词补充完整  Let’s play! Which one is missing?  Let’s play! Which one is missing?  Let’s play! Which one is missing?  Look and say! may 表示请求 May I …? 我能够… 吗?  Say and act! 在小吃店 这里的 you 表示你 还是你们呢?为什么 ? A: Can I help you? B: Here you are. B: May I have a/an …, please ? A: Thank you.  Ask and answer!

ppt文档 【环节有趣 寓教于乐】M3U3 In the restaurant 英语复习课件 一年级上册 上海牛津版(试用)

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