六下 Unit3-4 单元阶段复习练习卷 班级_____________ 姓名_____________ 一、用下列单词的适当形式填空。 1. We should have more________ (water). 2. Mike likes ___________(eat) ice cream. 3. Does she often _____ (have) a party at weekends -No, she ____ (do). 4. He is asking Yang Ling how _________ (get) there. 5. My brother had a lot of __________ (apple) juice last 6. Tom, _____ (come) here, please? 7. Sam doesn’t like ___________ (drink) any __________ (drink). 8. She only eats ___________(a few) rice for dinner. 9. We need a _________(health) diet. 10.Do you have any _________(sweet)? 11.There is a zebra________(cross) near you. 12.How can you cross the road ________(safe)? 13.There are many ________(car) an d bikes. 14.________ (follow) the rules and stay safe on the road. 二、单项选择。 ( ( ( ( ( ( )1. I need vegetables. Please give me some ________. A. mangoes B. oranges C. tomatoes )2. My mother often has noodles ____________ breakfast. A. on B. in C.for )3. Can I have _______ apple juice? A.some B.many C.a few )4. Wang Bing has a little _________ every day. A.eggs B .noodles C.fruit )5. _______ Su Hai _______ a toy car? A.Do; have B.Does; has C.Does; have )6. There is ________ water in the bottle. A.a few B.a little C.any ( )7. The child ________ eating ice creams. A. are B. like C. likes ( )8. I'd like two _______ for lunch. A.cola B.hamburgers C.milk ( )9. My brother has ______ apples. A. a few B. an C. a little ( )10. --What’s on the table? ---There is _____ milk and ____cakes on the table. A. little, a few B. a little, a few C. a little, few ( )11. To keep safe, you must______ cars and bikes. A.look for B.look out for C.look after ( )12. You _____ play football on the road. A.mustn’t B.must C.can ( )13. I am waiting ______ the bus. A. on B. to C. for ( )14. How can you cross the road ________? A. safe B. safety C. safely ( )15. You ________ watch TV. You________go to bed now. It’s too late. A. can; must B. can’t; must C. mustn’t; can ( )16. There are_____on A.two bottles of waters B.a little water ( ( ( the table . C.two bottles of water )17. We _______ eat in the classroom. A. mustn't B. must C. can )18. The busy street is not _______. A. safety B. safe C. safely )19. Look! They________the A. take B. taking C. are taking ( )20. A.Do;well _____your B.Is;well English_____ C.Is;good 三、从 I 栏中找出 I 栏的答语。 ( )1. Would you like some cola? ( )2. Is there any water m the bowl? A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, please. ( )3. Can we eat too much sweet food? ( )4. Did you have an egg in the morning? C. No, there isn’t. D. No, we can’t. bus. ? ( )5. Does she have any potatoes? 四 A. B. C. D. E. F. 、 根 据 情 景 E. No, I didn’t. 选 择 恰 当 的 句 子 Here's the red light. We must stop here. How can you cross the road safely? You mustn't talk loudly in the classroom. We must look for a zebra crossing. Please cross the road with me. It's too late. You must go to bed now. ( )(1)看到一位盲人老奶奶想过马路,你会对她说: ( )(2)看到有同学在教室里大声喧哗,你会对他说: ( )(3)已经晚上十点了,你还在看电视,妈妈会说: ( )(4)坐在公交车上,突然停车,你问原因,司机会说: ( ) ( 5 ) 你 想 到 马 路 对 面 ,妈 妈 会 说 : ( 。 )(6)想考考小妹妹对于过马路要注意什么,你可以问: 五、按要求完成句子。 1. I have an egg, bread and milk for breakfast.(对画线部分提问) ______ _______ an egg, bread and milk for breakfast? 2. She is buying some rice now.(用 yesterday) She________ some ________ yesterday. 3. I drank some milk this morning.(一般疑问句 _____________________________________________________. 4. He only drinks a little water every day.(一般疑问句) . 5. Mike has some bread for breakfast(提问) . 6. Does Yang Ling have a healthy diet?(陈述句) . 六、阅读短文,判断正误,用 T / F 表示。 (一) How to keep healthy Here are some things you can do to keep you healthy. Having a good diet is very important. It means eating lots of different kinds of food and lots of fruit and vegetables. They are good for your health. Doing exercise is a way of keeping you healthy too. Exercise makes you fit and helps you relax. So exercise every day from now on. Some things are bad for your health, like smoking and drinking alcohol. You had better give up these things. You should go to see a doctor every year. The doctor can help you find some problems. ( )1. Having a good diet means eating much meat and fish every day. ( )2. Doing exercise is a way to keep you healthy. ( )3. Smoking and drinking alcohol can make you healthy. ( )4. You should go to see a doctor every year. ( )5. We shouldn’t give up drinking alcohol. (二) Most English people have four meals( 餐 , 饭 )a day. They are breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. People usually

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