人教版八年级上册期末复习 查缺补漏冲刺满分 (重点知识+难点易错点) 专题 02 完形填空 15 道 完形填空小技巧 完形填空也是文章类需要注重整体,避免盲人摸象,不读完文章,坚决不做题.真正体 现定形填空的“完”,以下是一些小建议; 1、利用语境及逻辑关系解题 完形填空的文 章结构严谨,层次分明。句子与句子之间、段落与段落之间、上文与下 文之间的逻辑关系很强。 2、利用固定搭 配解题 习惯用法是英 语中某种固定的结构形态,不能随意改动.我们平时应掌舞好习惯用法, 要做好这类题,需要有较大的词汇量,掌握词语搭配知识并具有词语将析的能力,特别 是在特定的语境中能灵活运用的 如:I look(7)__ the drawings. There are many different teddy bears, all with (8)_D.like "Get well soon" or "Let's get well together!" on them A.for B.at C.on D.in 根据题干,look at 看是固定短语,所以答案是 B.(一定要掌握动词与不同介词搭配的意 义。 3.利用上下文复现信息解题 如:But in fact students can have more than healthy bodies and a good time if they play sports.Why? Here are three more (2)____ 根据上句 But in fact students can have more than healthy bodies and a good time if they play sports Why?但事实上,如果学生们参加体育运动,他们可以拥有的不仅仅是健康的身体 和美好的时光。为什么?后面结合语境,应该是有更多理由,所以答案是 C 总之,考生要在“这-填-读”的过程中道循以下方针:抓住首句,跳过空格,通读全文,掌 握大意:理解词义,瞻前顾后,先易后难,逐个突破,重读全文个个审核(非常关键),验 证答案。 实战训练 (2020·江苏鼓楼·八年级期末) Each morning the zebras got together at the watering hole to discuss their day. Zane was the 1 to arrive one day. He had a terrible morning. First, he woke up late and missed out on the good grasses for breakfast. Then he hit his hoof on a rock, and it now had a crack (重 击). He was very 2 . Because he was so late, Zane was the last to come. There wasn’t a lot of 3 . This made Zane feel even angrier. “Go away, you guys,” said Zane. “It’s my 4 “Zane, we just got here, you’re going to have to come on,” complained ( 抱怨) Zane 6 to eat grass.” 5 ,” replied Zane’s friend, Ned. “Oh, he sat back. “Why does Mr. Farrell 7 let his daughters get the best grass and the best place here at the water every day?” Ned had to think about it for a minute. Then he said, “You are 8 . I’m really unhappy about that.” “And Sally has such bad breath (气息). Doesn’t she?” asked Zane. “You said it, and her mane is always tangled (打结的)” added Chris, another friend of Zane’s. Soon, all the zebras were saying 9 words about others and were all as negative (消极 的) as Zane. “Wait a minute, Zane,’’ Felix said. “We were all having a good morning until you came along. Don’t pull us down to your level (水平).” The zebras all 10 and went back to their drinking. Zane was alone there and didn’t know what to do. 1.A.first B.last C.earliest D.laziest 2.A.rude B.sad C.angry D.shy 3.A.water B.fruit C.time D.space 4.A.turn B.pleasure C.treat D.place 5.A.hurry B.rush C.go D.wait 6.A.so B.as C.while D.since 7.A.never B.seldom C.sometimes D.always 8.A.wrong B.sure C.right D.serious 9.A.bad B.honest C.crazy D.sad 10.A.cheered B.agreed C.laughed D.coughed (2020·黑龙江·集贤县教师进修学校八年级期末) follow in order to learn English well. Firstly, it’s a good way reading, so do more reading every day, but There is some 11 12 your English for you to 13 14 try to translate every word when you read an English article. Secondly, do more listening exercises. You should repeat the sentences 15 you hear them. It’s good 16 your pronunciation. Sometimes, we offer(提供) exercises to you to number the pictures in the right order, or find the mistakes in the sentences and then correct 17 . Thirdly, try to speak to foreigners. Don't be afraid of 18 mistakes. Take a deep breath and start a conversation with them. Always remember to enjoy yourself 19 English learning, 20 you will surely be good at it sooner or later. Choose the best choice from A, B, C according to the passage you read. 11.A.advice B.advices C.information 12.A.improve B.to improve C.improving 13.A.with B.in C.by 14.A.no B.not to C.don’t 15.A.about B.before C.when 16.A.to B.with C.for 17.A.it B.them C.her 18.A.make B.making C.makes 19.A.in B.at C.by 20.A.and B.or C.but (2020·浙江椒江·八年级期末) only five years old, his cousin years have passed, now Mark is 21 Mark’s favorite sport is basketball. When he was him how to play it. With his help, Mark learnt fast. Six 22 years old, and he has had a lot of practice. Mark’s cousin likes to play with his right hand but Mark doesn’t. He likes to play with his hand. All of Mark’s friends love to play basketball 24 23 they get out of school. This year, a new boy called Philip came to Mark’s class. One day, the boys asked Philip to play 25 with them after school. Philip said 26 but looked very worried. As they walked to the basketball playground, Mark asked Philip, “Are you all right?” Philip said, “I don’t know 27 to play basketball. I tried once and everybody laughed at me.” “

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