初三英语 下册短语句型 9B Unit 2 Great people 1、中国航空科技项目 的先驱 the pioneer of China’s space technology programme 2、一名为非洲黑人争取权利的斗士 a fighter for the rights of black Africans 3、一名俄罗斯古典音乐的作曲家 a Russian composer of classical music 4、一位发明了 1,000 多项发明的发明家 an inventor who invented 1000 inventions 5、第一批发现美洲的欧洲人之一 One of the first Europeans to discover America 6、作为一位飞行员服役三年 serve as a pilot for three years 7、成功地将两个宇宙飞船在太空实 行首次对接 manage to join two spacecraft together for the first time in space 8、跨出去踏上月球表面 stepped out onto the Moon’s surface. 9、成了第一登上月球的人 became the first man to walk on the Moon. 10、行走了两个半小时 walk for two and a half hours 11、他们采集了月球岩石带回地球作进一 They collected Moon rocks to take back to the Earth for further research. 步研究 12、因为他的出色表现,尼尔.阿姆斯特朗 被授予自由勋章 Because of his excellent service, Neil Armstrong was presented with the Medal of Freedom. 13、一个美国公民能获得的最高奖项 the highest award that a US c itizen can receive 14、当阿波罗 11 号返回时,全世界都在等 待问候他们 When Apollo 11 returned, the whole world was waiting to greet them. 15、他 是全世界的骄傲 He was the pride of the whole world 16、个人一小步,人类一 大步 one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind 17、写一封电子邮件给温蒂 write an e-mail to Wendy / e-mail Wendy 18、阅读网站上的文章 read passages on the webs ite 19、互联网上查找信息 search for information on the Internet/ online 20、发现一个关于太空旅行的网站 find a website about traveling in space 21、在车祸中丧生 died in a traffic accident [来源:学.科.网 Z.X.X.K] die from a traffic accident die of 死于年龄、疾病等内因, die from 死于车祸、地震等外因) 22、许多现代发明在我们的生活中产生了 巨大的影响 23、因为发明了洗衣机,人们不必用 手洗 衣服了 24、这对夫妇结婚多久了?— 一年半了 25、X 光已经在医院里被广泛用来拯救人 Many modern inve ntions have made a great difference in our life. With the invention of the washing machine, people don’t need to wash clothes by hand./learn by heart How long have/has the couple been married? For one and a half years 们的性命。 X-ray machines have been widely used in hospitals to save people’s lives. 26、使旅行更舒适 make the journey more comfortable 27、她发现了镭并推动了 X 光机器的使用。 She discovered radium and pushed for the use of X-ray machines. 28、他很勇敢, 到一个当时人类未知的 地方去。 I t was brave of him to go to a place that was unknown to humans at that time. 29、我认为爱因斯坦(Einstein)是世界上有 史以来最伟大的科学家之一。 I think Einstein is one of the greatest scientists in history/ that have ever lived in the world. 30、嫁给一个法国科学家 marry a French scientist 31、大学毕业后在农学院当老师 work as a teacher in an agriculture school after graduating from college 32 、街上我偶遇了我的一个老朋友。 happen to m eet an old friend of mine 33 、为许多人解决了饥饿问题 solve the problem of hunger for many people 34、与其它普通的植物相比有许多优势 have many advantages over other common plants 35、开发一种新型的单位面积增产 20%杂 交水稻 develop a new type of hybrid rice which produced 20%more rice per unit 36 、开始对杂交水稻的研究 begin research into hybrid rice 37、接到命令缩短航程 receive the order to cut the flight short 38、她因镭的发现而出名 She was f amous for the discovery of radium 附件 1:律师事务所反盗版维权声明 [来源:学。科。网 Z。X。X。K] 附件 2:独家资源交换签约学校名录(放大查看) 学校 名录参 见:h ttp://w ww.zx xk.com/wxt/list. aspx ? ClassID=3060

doc文档 [中学联盟]江苏省高邮市城北中学牛津译林版九年级英语下册短语归纳:Unit2

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[中学联盟]江苏省高邮市城北中学牛津译林版九年级英语下册短语归纳:Unit2 第 1 页 [中学联盟]江苏省高邮市城北中学牛津译林版九年级英语下册短语归纳:Unit2 第 2 页 [中学联盟]江苏省高邮市城北中学牛津译林版九年级英语下册短语归纳:Unit2 第 3 页
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