备战 2023 中考英语阅读理解热点话题分类训练 (中考真题+名校最新模拟真题) 专题 01 碳中和/碳达峰与环境保护 ( 2022· 内蒙 古包 头 · 中 考真 题) More than 1,000 schools across the UK have signed up ( 报名 ) to a project with the aim of helping schools become carbon neutral ( 碳 平 衡 的 ) by 2030. Carbon neutral means cutting down carbon emissions (碳排放) to zero or balancing them out in other ways. Carbon emissions are gases such as carbon dioxide(CO2)that come out into the atmosphere, where they make climate change worse. This has also caused the temperature rise. Emissions are caused by all sorts of human activities, such as burning fossil fuels ( coal, oil and gas ) to make energy, cutting down forests and some types of farming. Becoming carbon neutral includes cutting the amount of carbon emissions a school produces and balancing those that are left by taking some carbon out of the atmosphere. The project also shows how small changes can make a big difference. These might include thinking carefully about energy use, cutting waste, growing food closer to where it's eaten and walking or cycling to school if it is possible. Ways of balancing out the carbon emissions that a school still makes include planting trees and plants that take in CO2 as they grow. Ysgol Bro Dinefwr Secondary School in Wales has promised to run entirely on renewable ( 可 再 生 的 ) energy ( such as wind and solar power ) within the next three years. At Down High School in Northern Ireland, the students are looking after their own bees. So when flowers and crops produce food, that helps. Other schools have projects to cut food waste by weighing it after each meal to know how much is not being eaten. Some put the waste into a system that can turn this waste into useful things. They will be put on the garden to help plants grow. Climate change is seen as a major global challenge. We can see it all around us. So join together, find out ways your school can put efforts to, and talk to a teacher about signing up. 1.Which statement would the author most probably agree with? A.Human activities influence the environment. B.The fight against climate change will not succeed. C.More UK schools should be introduced to the world. D.We could deal with the climate change without changing our behavior. 2.How could the schools reduce carbon emissions? A.By moving to the countryside. B.By cutting waste and planting trees. C.By providing more spaces for students. D.By burning coal instead of gas to make energy. 3.Why does the author give examples of the schools in paragraph 4? A.To praise these schools. B.To show the difficulties in the project. C.To call for more schools to take action. D.To explain the efforts made by the government. 4.What is the best title for the text? A.How to Help Plants Grow B.Schools Sign Up to Help the Planet C.Carbon Emissions in the UK Schools D.Our Planet, a Wonderful Living Place ( 2022· 重 庆 · 中 考 真 题 ) The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics was a great success. China has kept the promise to hold a green Olympics. Many green actions made it possible, like providing environmentally friendly smart beds, using new energy(能源) cars, supporting sporting places with 100% clean energy and reusing rain and snow water. Take making ice as an example. China didn’t use R507, a common material to make ice, because it isn’t friendly enough to the environment. Through 18 months’ hard work, China independently developed the CO₂ direct cooling technology. A net of tubes runs under the ice. High-pressure liquid( 液 态 ) CO₂ goes through them to create heat( 热 ) exchange. The CO₂ evaporates( 蒸发) under the ice surface. The evaporation takes in heat and turns water on the surface into ice. And the CO₂ goes into another circle. This technology helps to make ice better and faster. And above all, it is much greener because there’s no new CO ₂ produced. Among all the 15 ice sporting places in the Winter Olympics, 7 used the CO₂ direct cooling technology to make ice. As a result, much less pollution was caused. Beijing did so much more to save energy. Beijing built the new sporting places with green materials. As for the old ones, Beijing used new glass walls to take the place of traditional walls to let more natural light in. 70% of the waste heat was also reused to keep warm and dry. And a large number of new energy cars were used at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics is the first to truly achieve carbon neutrality( 碳中和), and it has set new standards in green technologies. Some newspapers

doc文档 专题01 碳中和碳达峰与环境保护-备战2023年中考英语阅读理解热点话题分类训练(中考真题+名校最新模拟题)

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