七上单项选择期中复习专项练习 1.It's a schoolbag. __________schoolbag is red. A.a B.The C.the D.A 2.—Where _____ Tom and Kate? —They ___ at home. A.is; are B.are ;is C.are; are D.are;不填 3.There is __________"U" and__________ "F" in the word" UFO". A.a; an B.an; an C.a; a D.an; a 4.Lucy found a key. Is it yours? Call __________ at 88321129. A.she B.her C.he D.him 5.—Is your brother a _______? —Yes. He works in Renmin Hospital and helps lots of people. A.driver B.actor C.policeman D.doctor 6.—It's very______ outside. Please close the window, Jack. —OK, dad. A.cold B.cool C.hot D.warm 7.—Can you __________it again in English, Frank? —Yes, I can. Mr Liu. A.spell B.say C.talk D.tell 8.—What 's your new house like, Cindy? —It's very big, there ______a lot of furniture in it. A.are B.isn't C. is D.aren't C.Who D.What 9.— ______ is four and five? — Nine. A.How old B.How many 10.I have ______ interesting book, and ______ book is on my desk. A.a, an B.an, an C.an, the D.the, the C.hotel D.hospital C.at D.for 11.Zhang Wenhong is a doctor at a ________. A.farm B.theatre 12.This is a photo __________ my classmates. A.in B.of 13.— Let's go and buy some ______ for our new house. — OK. I need a new bed. A.coffee B.pictures C.furniture 14.I'm very tired on weekdays, ________ I get up late on weekends. 1/5 D.clothes A.because B.so C.but D.and 15.— It's time to ________. — OK. Let's go to the dining hall. The food there is nice. A.say goodbye B.play football C.have lunch D.watch TV 16.— They are my friends. _____ names are Alice and Tom. —Let's go and say hi. A.Our B. Your C. His D.Their 17.— Bob, don't stand ______ me, I can't see the words on the blackboard. — Sorry, Amy. A.in front of B.behind C.between D.next to 18.— What have you got? — I have got __________meat. But I haven't got _______ chicken. A.some; some B.some; any C.any; some D.any; any 19.— ______ is your Chinese lesson? — It's at half past three in the afternoon A.What B.When C.Who D.Where 20.There _______ some bread and apples on my desk. A.are B.is C.isn't D.aren't 21.— Kids, it's 10:00. Go back to your room. It's time to ___________. — OK, mum. Good night! A.have breakfast B.have fun C.go to work D.go to bed 22.— Thanksgiving is coming. What are you getting for your aunt? — I am making a card for ___________. A.you B.him C.her D.it 23.— _____________ is it tomorrow? —It's Saturday. I'm going to watch the movie My People My Homeland. A.What time B.What day C.How old D.How far 24.— The Art Festival is coming. Are there __________ students good at drawing in our class? — _________ Mike and Sarah draw very well. A.some; Yes, there are. B.some; No, there aren't. C.any; Yes, there are. D.any; No, there aren't. 25.Kevin is very ____________. He often helps his classmates do cleaning after school. A.funny B.strict C.cute 2/5 D.helpful 26.— What's __________ favorite singer? — Taylor Swift. She __________ all of her CDs and listens to her songs every day. A.Lisa, has got B.Lisa's, has got C.Lisa, hasn't got D.Lisa's, hasn't got 27.The old man went to the ____________ to buy some toys for the little kids. A.shop B.library C.farm D.hotel 28.My father is ____________ doctor, and I think ____________ job is great. A.a, a B.a, the C.an, the D.an, l 29.— What's the weather like in Rui'an in autumn? — It's very nice, not ________ and not ________. A.warm, cold B.hot, cool C.cool, warm D.hot, cold 30.— Let's ____________ shopping this Saturday. — Sorry, I don't like it. What about seeing a movie. My people and my homeland? A.go B.going C.come D.coming 31.— Betty, are these your parents?— ____________ They are Tony's parents. A.Yes, these are. B.No, these aren't. C.Yes, they are. D.No, they aren't. 32.— Who's that man in white? — He is Zhang Wenhong, and he is a great ___________. He works in a hospital in Shanghai. A.actor B.driver C.teacher D.doctor 33.Caroline _______I are in the classroom, ________Bill is not. A.and; and B.and; but C.but; but D.but; and C.to D.at 34.You can ask your father ______ the computer. A.of B.for 35.His name is Jim Green. Jim is his ______ name. A.family B.first C.Chinese D.last C.That; that D.These; this 36.______ is a book and ______are boxes. A.Those; these B.This; these 37.Look, _____ English book is on the desk. _____book is Mary's. A.an, A B.an, The C.a, The D.a, An 38.— Look! A set of keys_____ in the box. —Yes, some pe

doc文档 单项选择期中复习专项练习-2022-2023学年人教版英语七年级上册

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