广州八年级上册名校期中真题训练——单项选择专题训练 (含答案) 训练 1:2020-2021 学年广州市华师附中 ( )1. This room is _________ for our meeting. We need to find a bigger one. A. not large enough B. large not enough C. enough not large D. enough large not ( )2. Without saying _________ he left in a hurry. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. some ( )3. There are______doctors in this hospital. ______of them are women doctors. A. two hundred; Two fifth B. two hundreds; Two fifth C. two hundreds; Two fifths D. two hundred; Two fifths ( )4. Twenty-one _________ by three is seven. A. add B. divided C. multiplied D. minus ( )5. --- Remember this, children. _________ careful you are, _________ mistakes you will make. --- We will, Miss Gao. A. The less; the less B. The little; the few C. The more; the more D. The more; the fewer ( )6. --- Mum, could you buy me a dress like this? --- Certainly, we can buy _________ one than this, but _________ this. A. a worse; as good as B. a better; better than C. a more important; not as good as D. a cheaper; as good as ( )7. --- I’m looking forward to _________ your city soon, Peter. --- Great! You can come _________. I’m always free. A. visit; anytime B. visiting; anytime C. visiting; anywhere D. visit; anywhere ( )8. --- What do you think of planes? ---They’re helpful. They allow people____to places over long____in a short time. A. to get; distances B. to get; time C. getting; times D. getting; distance ( )9. Mrs. Black didn’t buy as _________ bread and milk as Mrs. White did. A. more B. most C. many D. much ( )10. Their classroom is _________ ours. A. third times as big as B. bigger three times than C. as three times big as D. three times bigger than 训练 2:华师附中番禺学校 2020-2021 学年度 ( )1. The TV show was very hot. Three _______ people watched it on the Internet. A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of ( )2. When I imagine ________ in cold winter, I can’t wait to have a holiday. A. go skiing B. to go skiing C. went skiing D. going skiing ( )3. The weather is so hot. Would you like ________ to drink? A. anything cool B. something cool C. cool something D. cool anything ( )4. Next Sunday will be my birthday. I am looking forward to ________ the happy time with my family and my friends. A. spend B. spends C. spending D. spent ( )5. Yesterday, there was a serious traffic accident on the street. The police wanted to ________ what happened. A. find B. find out C. look up D. look for ( )6. China is a big country and ________ people in China now is about 1.3 billion. A. the amount of ( B. an amount of C. a number of D. the number of )7. Tom is a top student in our class. He is always ________ to finish the homework correctly. A. enough careful B. careful enough C. enough carefully D. carefully enough ( )8. My grandpa has nine children. My father is his ________ child. A. nineth B. the nineth C. ninth D. the ninth ( )9. The king ordered his men ________ the farmer at once, but the farmer had to grow beautiful flowers for the palace in the future. A. to kill B. didn’t kill C. not kill D. not to kill ( )10. Tom plays football as ________ as the football players in the school team. A. well B. good C. better D. best 训练 3:祈福英语实验学校 2020-2021 学年度 ( )1. In our class, _________ of the students _________ girls. A. three fifths; are B. three fifth; are C. three fifths; is D. three fifth; is ( )2. --- Would you like _________ to eat? --- No, I want _________ a glass of water. A. anything; nothing but B. something; nothing but C. anything; anything but D. something; anything but ( )3. My old computer didn’t work last week; and this new one ______ 4,000 yuan. A. spent B. took C. cost D. paid ( )4. When and where _________ the car accident _________? A. was; happened B. was; happen C. did; happen D. did; happened ( )5. The Art Show yesterday _________. ( A. seemed to be successful B. seems to success C. seems to be success D. seemed to be success )6. Because of the heavy rain, they stayed at home _______ going to the cinema. A. instead B. instead of C. take place D. take place of ( )7. During the exam, _________ you are, _________ mistakes you will make. ( A. the more careful; the fewer B. more careful; fewer C. the most careful; the fewest D. most careful; fewest )8. Alexander Graham Bell was a great _________. One of his most famous _________ is the telephone. A. invention; inventor B. invention; inventors C. inventor; inv

doc文档 2020-2021学年广东省广州八年级上册英语名校期中真题训练——单项选择专题

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