2021-2022 学年河北省石家庄市桥西区八年级(上)期末英语 试卷 笔试部分 VI.单项选择(共 10 小题, 每小题 1 分,计 10 分) 1.(1 分)Our school is much better than A.them B.theirs C.their 2.(1 分)My father gave me some good A.news B.message 4.(1 分)﹣﹣There B.shortest D.they on how to swim well yesterday.(  ) C.advice 3.(1 分)The Yellow River is the second A.shorter .(  ) D.note river in China.(  ) C.longer D.longest a basketball match next Saturday.Shall we go and watch it? ﹣﹣Sounds great.Let's go.(  ) A.is B.will be C.was D.is going to have 5.(1 分)My classmates A.hope me to win the first prize in the singing competition.(  ) B.promise 6.(1 分)Please don't come in A.unless B.but C.because 9.(1 分)﹣ D.or for the party.(  ) B.put up C.play up 8.(1 分)Health is important to everyone,so we A.can't D.expect I call you.I need to finish the task first.(  ) 7.(1 分)Her sister helped her to A.dress up C.invite B.might D.grow up take it seriously.(  ) C.mustn't D.should can a human being go without sleep? ﹣Five days,I think.(  ) A.How often B.How long C.How many D.How much 10.(1 分)﹣Why not go to the science museum the day after tomorrow,Mum? ﹣It the weather.(  ) A.is similar to B.is good at C.is good with D.is up to VI.完形填空 11 . ( 10 分 ) I love cooking.My favorite cook is Thomas Keller from the US.I often ( 1 ) his videos of cooking food on the Internet. Last Saturday ,after seeing a video of Keller cooking a steak (牛排),an idea(2) me 一 why not make some food by myself? So I went to the supermarket and bought all the things I needed.I followed Keller's video step(3)   step.I defrosted (解冻) the steak to make it ready to cook and then I began to fry (煎) the steak and eggs.After that(4)   excited that I had a quick taste while cooking.Wow!It was really(5)   ! I couldn't(6)   asking my parents to come and have a taste. "Unbelievable!" my mom said.I could tell from my parents' (7)   that they were so proud of me. I don't know whether this successful(8)   was just beginner's luck or a real mark of my talent for cooking.But it certainly made me ( 9 )     in cooking.I'm planning to try(10)   dishes in the near future. (1)A.make B.watch C.take D.record (2)A.think of B.put up C.came to D.turn down (3)A.with B.on C.of D.by (4)A.too B.very C.so D.such (5)A.delicious B.terrible C.sweet D.different (6)A.want B.finish C.help D.wait (7)A.feet B.hands C.legs D.eyes (8)A.meal B.taste C.cook D.video (9)A.successful B.interested C.weak D.popular (10)A.fewer B.less C.more D.worse VI.阅读理解 12.(6 分)There is a family of ants living under the tree in front of my house.One day,when I went home , I found that they were busy carrying earth.It was about to rain.They did it to protect (保护),I thought, "What a pity!The ants will all die in such heavy rain." When the rain stopped ,I went out to see them.To my surprise they were still alive and as happy as ever.The earth at the gate of their home kept the rain out and they were busy again moving the earth away.It was late but they were still working hard.There was no one beside to tell them what to do.But they knew what they should do and they did it. I think people should learn from the ants when we see something that needs to be done,we should do it.Thank the ants.I learned a lot from them. (1)Where did a family of ants live in front of the writer's house?     A.In the tree. B.In front of the tree. C.On the tree. D.Under the tree. (2)Why did the writer feel surprised?     A.The ants were busy carrying earth. B.The ants didn't die. C.The ants were still working hard. D.The earth kept the rain out. (3)What's the best title for the passage?     A.Do What We Need to Do B.Do What Others Tell Us to Do C.Be Happy All the Time D.People should Do Everything 13.(6 分) My plan for a day Tomorrow will be Saturday.I'll get up between six and seven.I'd go downstairs to feed my outdoor pets and take my dogs for a walk before anyone else in the family gets up. I will have breakfast at 8:30.I'll have milk and bread for breakfast because I think they're good for my health.My friends will come to my house and we'll go to a reading club together.There , we will share what we have read over the past week with each other.In my opinion,it is meaningful for us to do the book sharing activity. At 12 : 30 pm , we'll have lunch after the book sharing activity.After that , we plan to attend an English lecture (讲座) At 5 :30 pm ,I'll come back home and have supper with my parents.They will provide

doc文档 河北省石家庄市桥西区2021-2022学年八年级上学期期末英语试卷

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