考点 1【主题语境】人与自我— — 生活与学习 passage 5 2018 年浙江 11 月 B 篇 7.5 分 难度★★ 词义猜测 lifeguard stands, divide,harvest,reformer, combine, concern,average, graduation rates 1.This month millions of American kids can forget about classroom bells and set off for grandparents’ homes, sleepaway camps and lifeguard stands. 导读 2. Rural schooling was divided into summer and winter terms, leaving kids free to help with the farm work in the 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了美国暑假的历 spring planting and fall harvest seasons. 史由来以及人们对当代美国学制的看法。 对比美国和中国学制,可以发现两国学制有很 3. In the 1840s, however, educational reformers like Horace Mann moved to combine the two calendars out of 多相同之处,比如两国都是 7 岁开始读小学, 初中都是三年制,教育都是小学—初中—高中 concern that rural schooling was not enough and that overusing of young minds could lead to nervous disorders. —大学—硕士—博士一步步往上走。 4. Some experts say its pleasant but lazy summer break, which took hold in the early 20th century, is one of the 但是两国也有很大不同: reasons math skills and graduation rates of U.S. high schoolers ranked well below average in two international 1.美国小学是五年制,而中国是六年制; education reports published in 2007. 2.美国高中时四年制,而中国是三年制; 3. 美国的本科教育阶段,设有“社区学院”这一 句子解析 特殊学习方式,社区学院学制为 2 年,完成获 得副学士(Associate)学位,其课程分为两类, 1.This month millions of American kids can forget about classroom bells and set off for grandparents’ homes, sleep一类是面向就业的,相当于国内的高职或者技 Passage 5 2018 年浙江 11 月 B 篇 7.5 分 词数 away camps and lifeguard stands. But summer vacation hasn’t always工教育,一类是面向升学的,其课程就是大学 been a birthright of U.S. schoolchildren. 261 建议阅读时间 7.5 分钟 本科的大一和大二课程,修完转学去四年制大 翻译:本月,数以百万计的美国孩子可以忘记教室的钟声,出发去祖父母的家、去过夜的露营以及去救生员 站台。但暑假并不总是美国学生与生俱来的权利。 学,读完大三大四,获得本科学位。而中国是 学生考上大专,毕业后可以参加专升本考试。 2. Before the Civil War, schools operated on one of two calendars ( 日 历 ), neither of which included a summer vacation. Rural schooling was divided into summer and winter terms, leaving kids free to help with the farm work in the spring planting and fall harvest seasons. Urban students, meanwhile, regularly had as many as 48 weeks of study a year, with one break per quarter. 翻译:在内战(美国南北内战)前,学校制定了两个日历,这两个日历都不包括暑假。农村学校分为夏季和 冬季两个学期,让孩子们在春耕和秋收时帮助农活。与此同时,城市学生每年有多达 48 周的学习时间,每 季度休息一次。 3. In the 1840s, however, educational reformers like Horace Mann moved to combine the two calendars out of concern that rural schooling was not enough and that overusing of young minds could lead to nervous disorders. Summer appeared as the obvious time for a break: it offered a rest for teachers, fit in the farming calendar and reduced doctors’ concern that packing students into hot classrooms would promote the spread of disease. 翻译:然而,在 19 世纪 40 年代,像霍勒斯·曼(Horace Mann)这样的教育改革家开始将这两个日历结合起 来,因为他们担心农村教育不够和年轻人过度用脑可能导致神经紊乱。夏季似乎是一个明显的休息时间:它 为教师提供了一个休息的时间,符合农事日历,减少了医生们对把学生塞进热教室会促进疾病传播的担忧。 4. But people’s opinion about the modern U.S. school year, which averages 180 days, is still divided. Some experts say its pleasant but lazy summer break, which took hold in the early 20th century, is one of the reasons math skills and graduation rates of U.S. high schoolers ranked well below average in two international education reports published in 2007. Others insist that with children under increasing pressure to devote their downtime to internships ( 实习) or study, there’s still room for an institution that protects the lazy days of childhood. 翻译:但人们对美国的现代学年(平均 180 天)的看法仍存在分歧。在 2007 年出版的两份国际教育报告中 显示美国高中的数学水平和毕业率远低于平均水平,一些专家认为其中一个原因是在 20 世纪初轻松懒散的 暑假。 而另一些人坚持认为,随着孩子们面临越来越大的压力,他们不得不把自己的休息时间花在实习或学习上, 仍然有空间建立一个机构来保护孩子们童年懒惰的日子。 自主预习 课前预习 区 自主学习教材 自我思考问题 自行查阅资料 I.写出下列词汇的汉语释义 (1)第一组形容词(adj.): 1.educational _______ 4. complex_______ 2.obvious______ 3. concrete____ 5. mysterious______ (2)第二组动词(v.): 1.operate ___________ 4. promote________ 2. combine________ 3. appear_____ 5.average_______ 6. divide____ 7. rank______ (3)第三组名词(n.): 1.lifeguard________ 3. birthright_______ 2.stand________ 4. term________ 5. quarter________ 7. concern________ 8. calendar________ 6. reformer________ 9. break________ 10. institution________ 参考答案: (1)第一组形容词(adj.): 1. educational 教育的,有关教育的 2.obvious 明显的,显然的 4. complex 复杂的,难懂的 3. concrete 确实的,具体的 5. mysterious 神秘的,奇怪的 (2)第二组动词(v.): 1.operate 运转,操作 4. promote 促进,推动;促销 2. combine(使)结合,组合 3.appear 显得,看来,似乎 5.average 平均为 6. divide 分开,分散,分割 7. rank 把…分等级 (3)第三组名词(n.): 1.lifeguard 救生员 2.stand 货摊,售货亭 3. birthright 与生俱来的权利 4. term 学期;术语;期限 5. quarter 四等份之一;季度 6. reformer 改革者,改良者 7. concern 担心,忧虑 8. calendar 日历,挂历 9. break 间歇,休息;间断,暂停 10. institution(大学、银行等规模大的)机构 主题阅读 ① This month millio

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