高三英语培优外刊阅读 班级:____________学号:____________姓名:____________ 日本将核废水倾倒海洋引发众怒 【背景介绍】福岛核事故 10 年之后,福岛第一核电站内储存废水的水缸将在 2022 年 满溢,日本未来将“不得不”把核电站中含有放射性物质的核废水直接排入太平洋,该决定 受到了中、韩等亚洲邻国的谴责,也引起了全世界的高度关注。近日,《纽约时报》对这 一事件进行了报道。面对外界的指责,日本政府作何解释?日本国内民众的反应如何? Japan's Plan for Fukushima Wastewater Meets a Wall of Mistrust in Asia By Ben Dooley and Makiko Inoue In late 2019, the Japanese government convened diplomats from 22 countries for a briefing on its handling of more than a million tons of wastewater from Fukushima's crippled nuclear reactors. Storage space was rapidly running out and they were considering several solutions. Among them was removing the most harmful radioactive material from the water and then gradually releasing it into the ocean. On Tuesday, when Japan officially announced that it would put the plan into action, the knives came out. Japan has dismissed criticism of its plan as unscientific, saying that the treated water is well within safety standards, and pointing out that such releases into oceans are routine around the world. While the envoys in the 2019 meeting may have kept their thoughts to themselves, it is no secret that many countries have qualms about Japan's handling of the nuclear disaster. International advocacy groups, like Greenpeace, have also criticized the government's decision, arguing that it is a cost-saving measure that ignores the potential environmental harms. Even at home, the idea of pouring water, treated or not, from the crippled plant into the ocean is unpopular. Ultimately, Japan is in a battle to alter perceptions, whether of the trustworthiness of its own government or of the risk posed by the treated water. 【词汇过关】 请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。 1.mistrust [ˌmɪsˈtrʌst] n. _____________________________ 2.convene [kənˈviːn] v. _____________________________ 3.briefing [ˈbriːfɪŋ] n. _____________________________ 4.crippled [ˈkrɪpld] adj. _____________________________ 5.treated adj. _____________________________ 6.routine [ruːˈtiːn] adj. _____________________________ 7.envoy [ˈenvɔɪ] n. _____________________________ 8.alter [ˈɒltə] vt. _____________________________ 9.perception [pəˈsepʃn] n. _____________________________ 10.trustworthiness [ˈtrʌstˌwɜːðinəs] n. _____________________________ 11.pose [pəʊz] v. _____________________________ 【词块学习】 请从文章中找到下面中文相对应的文词块。 1.撞墙,碰壁_____________________________ 2.某物用完了、耗尽了_____________________________ 3.将 A 从 B 里面清除出来_____________________________ 4.放射性物质_____________________________ 5.将 A 释放、排放到 B 里面去_____________________________ 6.将某事付诸行动_____________________________ 7.在情况变糟时_____________________________ 8.没有把想法表达出来,闷在心里_____________________________ 9.某事情并非秘密,是大家都知道的_____________________________ 10.因某事而感到不安_____________________________ 【长难句学习】 请选出下列句子各画线部分的语法名称,并翻译句子。 1.On Tuesday, (1)when Japan officially announced (2)that it would put the plan into action, (3)the knives came out. A.时间状语 B.主句 C.宾语从句 (1)_______________(2)______________(3)_____________ 翻译:________________________________________________________________________ 2.(1)International advocacy groups, like Greenpeace, (2)have also criticized the government's decision, (3)arguing that it is a cost-saving measure (4)that ignores the potential environmental harms. A.主句 B.定语从句 C.谓语动词 D.非谓语 (1)_______________(2)______________(3)_____________(4)_____________ 翻译:________________________________________________________________________ 拓展练习 阅读理解 Japan's government announced Tuesday, April 13, 2021 that it would start releasing treated radioactive water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean in two years. It's a move that's fiercely opposed by fishermen, residents and Japan's neighbors. 15 April, the first meeting of the China-ROK dialogue and cooperation mechanism of maritime affairs was held. The two countries urged Japan to fully consult with international institutions and neighboring countries, and cautiously handle the issue on the basis of participation by relevant countries and international institutions. This is the common position of the two sides. To protect the health of their own people and international marine environment, China and the ROK, as Japan's close neighbors and stakeholders, expressed grave concerns and strong dissatisfaction. This is perfectly natural and justified. Assessment report of the IAEA experts says that the treated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant contains other radionuclides apart from tritium. According to Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), th

doc文档 日本核废水话题 学案 2022届高三英语培优外刊阅读

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