高三英语培优外刊阅读 班级:____________学号:____________姓名:____________ 隔离在家,对孩子心理健康影响不容忽视 【背景介绍】新冠疫情改变了不少人的生活方式,许多孩子无法上学,无法与同龄人 玩耍,长时间只与父母共处。不少家长对自己孩子的心理健康非常担忧。疫情之下,青少 年的成长受到哪些影响?这一代人能否安然度过疫情? Young people’s mental health must be a priority this lockdown By Camilla Cavendish In pre-Covid times, some parents wondered if their kids had enough grit. We bought books about growth mindsets and worried about “cocooning”. What a luxury that now seems, with schools closed yet again. University courses are being imbibed from the bedroom and the mental health toll on teenagers in particular is straining the capacity of psychiatrists. Lockdowns are a psychological experiment on millions of people. This is especially crippling for the youngsters whose teenage years are supposed to be a social rite of passage. Right now, meetings with friends, sports fixtures, holiday jobs and even driving tests are off limits. There is no escape from parents. Children have lost a year of their childhoods; school-leavers are unemployed. Two-thirds of parents say their children’s behaviour has changed since the start of the pandemic, and half that their biggest worry is the mental wellbeing of their children. In a new book, Mending The Mind, Oliver Kamm argues that depression is still poorly understood by western societies which are so wary of “therapy culture” that they have imposed an “indifference culture”. Mr Kamm’s own experience of depression leaves him warning us not to learn the wrong lessons of the pandemic. He urges foregoing a stiff upper lip and acknowledging depression as an illness instead. I remain hopeful that this generation will pull through. My children have not whined as much as me, and taught themselves new skills. I have never worried less about them becoming “snowflakes”. We will all be changed by this crisis and, hopefully, emerge from it more sensitive as to what it means to be human. 【词汇过关】 请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。 1.priority [praɪˈɒrəti] n. ______________________________ 2.grit [ɡrɪt] n. _________________________________ 3.cocoon [kəˈkuːn] n. ___________________ & v. _____________________ 4.imbibe [ɪmˈbaɪb] v. ______________________________ 5.strain [streɪn] v. ______________________________ 6.psychiatrist [saɪˈkaɪətrɪst] n. _____________________________ 7.crippling [ˈkrɪpəlɪŋ] adj. _____________________________ 8.mend [mend] vt. _____________________________ 9.whine [waɪn] v. _____________________________ 10.snowflake [ˈsnəʊfleɪk] n. _____________________________ 【词块学习】 请从文章中找到下面中文相对应的文词块。 1.长时间对某人/物造成的不良影响_____________________________ 2.人生大事及其庆祝仪式_____________________________ 3.体育活动_____________________________ 4.不被允许的_____________________________ 5.坚定沉着,处变不惊_____________________________ 6.渡过难关_____________________________ 【长难句学习】 请选出下列句子各画线部分的语法名称,并翻译句子。 1.In a new book, (1)Mending The Mind, Oliver Kamm argues (2)that depression is still poorly understood by western societies (3)which are so wary of “therapy culture” (4) that they have imposed an “indifference culture”. A.主句 B.定语从句 C.状语从句 D.宾语从句 (1)_______________(2)______________(3)_____________(4)_____________ 翻译:________________________________________________________________________ 2.(1)I remain hopeful (2)that this generation will pull through. A.主句 B.宾语从句 (1)_______________(2)______________ 翻译:________________________________________________________________________ 拓展练习 阅读理解 Hands up, who’s rubbish at drawing? Ha! Bet you’re not as bad as me. Like most during lockdown, I missed being in familiar green city spaces. A quick snap on my phone never quite captured the moment. So excitingly, I found “green sketching” sessions near my home. This type of art, “green sketching”, was inspired by environmental scientist Dr Ali Foxon. Ali thought that spreading the joy of sketching could be the key to making people care about nature instead of just wordy reports. She launched her movement, Boggy Doodles, in 2016. The day we were there the forest was glorious. We spent the last hour trying to capture a forest scene I made a real effort to catch the dark and brighter areas of the trunks, their textures. I used an eraser to create the white shape of a silver tree in the distance. Mine looked more like a winter scene. But when the five of us brought our work together at the end, I wasn’t too ashamed: mine was only just the worst. At the prospect of a new lock down, I can’t be the only one to feel sad. Sketching calms a busy, anxious mind and trains the brain to notice “little things” that spark

doc文档 疫情心理健康话题 学案 2022届高三英语培优外刊阅读

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