8 年级下册单元同步写作讲义 Unit 9 一.佳句欣赏与模仿 1. Let's go somewhere different today! 【somewhere 为副词, 意为“到某处, 在 某 处 ” , 与 修 饰 词 连 用 时 , 修 饰 词 要 置 于 somewhere 之 后 】 模 仿 造 句 : 我 想 去 一 个 令 人 放 松 的 地 方 度 假 。 2. This is because the island is so close to the equator. 【be close to 意为“距 … … 近 的 ” 模 仿 造 句 : 此 , 人 民 处 电 为 close 影 院 离 我 形 容 词 】 家 很 近 。 3. Whether you like Indian food, Western food or Japanese food, you'll find it all in Singapore! 【whether 意为“是否;不管…… (还是) ;或者…… (或者) ”, 常与 or 连 用 , 引 导 让 步 状 语 从 句 】 模仿造句:不管你喜欢熊猫、猴子还是老虎, 你都会在这家动物园看到它们。 4. One great thing about Singapore is that the temperature is almost the same all year round. 【One great thing…is that…意为“……的一大优点”, 其中 that 引导表语从句】 模仿造句:这个博物馆的一大优点是参观者不需要买票。 二.单元写作话题集锦: 1. 续写下面的信件,向朋友介绍某一博物馆。 Dear Selina, How are you going ? From your last letter, I know that you are a shoe collector. So I'd like to introduce a nice shoe museum to you. Yours, Allen 2. 上海是座繁华的城市。假如你去过几次, 参观晋江娱乐中心 (Jinjiang Entertainment Center) 、东方明珠电视塔 (the Oriental Bright Pearl TV Tower) 、黄浦江 (the Huangpu River) 以及上海国际会议中心 (Shanghai International Conference Center) 以及在上海最繁华的南京路 (Nanjing Road) 购物等旅行经 历给你留下了深刻印象。请用英语写一篇短文来分享一下你的游历。 提示词: have been to; fall in love with; have fun; such as;would like to;guide 要求: 1. 语句通顺, 可适当发挥; 2. 80〜100 词。 Have you ever been to Shanghai? I think it's 3. 假设你是悉尼大学一名华裔学生,名叫 Jason Wu。你从 China Daily 上看到该 报正在开展主题为“Change for a Better China”的讨论活动。你打算结合自己所 居住的小镇的变化,给报社写一封英文信参与讨论。内容提示见下表: 要求:1.英文信须包括表格中所有提示内容,要求语句通顺、意思连贯; 2.表格中“感想建议”一栏须用 2~3 句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥; 3.词数在 90 个左右,信的首尾已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:Australia's Nicest Towns 澳洲最美小镇;clean energy 清洁能源 Dear Editor, Yours sincerely, Jason Wu 4. 史密斯先生一家要外出度假, 下面表格中的内容是他们的度假安排。请根据 他们的计划给 Lido 旅行社 (travel agency) 写一份电子邮件, 咨询有关事宜。要 求 : 1.文章要包含表格中的相关信息; 2. 80 词左右, 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入词数; 3. 结 构 完 整 , 语 句 通 顺 , 书 写 工 整 。 Dear Lido Travel, My family and I want to go on a trip this winter vacation. Bob Smith 5. 请 根 据 以 下 提 示 写 一 篇 文 章 , 描 述 你 的 家 乡 或 者 你 去 过 的 地 方 。 要 求 : 示 : 数 80 左 右 ; 文 中 不 能 出 现 真 实 的 个 人 信 息 。 2. 提 词 1. 1. Have 2. If 4. One you you. 3. great ever . . You thing tried/seen/been. . . ? you will/can. should. . about. . . is. . . . . , 8 年级下册单元同步写作讲义 Unit 9 参考答案 . 一.佳句欣赏与模仿 (1). I want to go somewhere relaxing on vacation. (2). The People's Cinema is close to my home. (3). Whether you like pandas, monkeys or tigers, you'll see them all in this zoo. (4). One great thing about this museum is that visitors do not have to buy tickets. 二.单元写作话题集锦: 1. Dear Selina, How are you going ? From your last letter, I know that you are a shoe collector. So I'd like to introduce a nice shoe museum to you. Marikina Shoe Museum is in the City of Marikina, the Philippines. It is one of the biggest museums about shoes in the world. The museum is open from 8 :00 a.m. to 5 : 00 p.m. every day. On the first floor, you can see a lot of shoes. Imelda Marcos, the former first lady of the Philippines, liked collecting shoes. Here you can see the big collection of hers. You can also see shoes from some other famous people and plenty of traditional shoes from all over the world. On the second floor, they have the information about the history of shoes and something about shoe making. I have been to that museum a couple of times. It is really a fantastic place. You should come and visit it. Yours, Allen 2. Have you ever been to Shanghai? I think it's really a beautiful city. I fell in love with it when I first traveled there. There are some beautiful places to visit, such as the Huangpu River, the Oriental Bright Pearl TV Tower and Shanghai International Conference Center. One place we shouldn't miss is the Jinjiang Entertainment Center. Last May Day, I played many kinds of games there. I had a good time. It was exciting to hang along Nanjing Road. It's the busiest street in Shanghai. Whenever I get there, there are always lots of people. Last time, I bought two T-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the coming summer. Of course, I tried all kinds of nice food. Though I have been there for many times, I would love to go there again if I have a chance. 3. I am a student of Sydney University. I am living in a small town called Hartwell with a population of around 5,000.It is one of the “Australia's Nicest Towns”. But things were very different in the past. The local people used to burn wood to keep their houses warm in winter. That caused serious air pollution and a lot

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